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Theory of N

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Posts posted by Theory of N

  1. Yeah, I'd have to disagree with you on the "finish a track before starting the next" approach. I'll typically have 3-4 tracks going at any given time at different stages of development. Not only does it ensure that you're continually productive (as opposed to "Well, track's done! Time for a break!" which turns into a week-long (or longer) hiatus), it also REALLY helps prevent ear fatigue. Binging on the same track can have negative effects on your music and changing things up can help against that.

    Let your emotions flow through your music, and once you do.....then anything is possible.

    Unfortunately, that's not always possible. What you're talking about is basically inspiration based on emotion. It's entirely possible that a person has absolutely nothing significant enough to draw inspiration on.

    The best advice I've ever been given was from my college Music Composition professor: "The art of music is 10% inspiration and 90% craft". While emotion is by far one of the greatest sources of inspiration, it's possible to capture a particular emotion without ever having experienced it through understanding of what musical elements or sounds evoke that emotion. Inspiration and emotion are secondary to understanding the craft of writing music. Especially if you write professionally with deadlines. You can't just wait for inspiration to strike :P

  2. Hey, no need to have sour grapes on missing out on being a part of the album! We'll get you involved somehow in the next one for some Theory of N awesomeness. But let's not let disappoint on not being on the FF6 album as an artist cloud your judgement about the hard work involved in putting everything together, you're an important part of this community.

    I apologize. You're right, the jealousy that stemmed from my exclusion of this project quickly turned to rage and I took it out on all of you who spent thousands of dollars and many months slaving away on this brilliant work of art. My emotions clouded my judgement with billowing, dark clouds that flooded the streets of my moral character. But I can see clearly now. The rain is gone. You guys put together one hell of a final product and I commend you for it.

  3. I kind of like this. My biggest beef is the lack of source. There isn't much that really resembles the source until a minute in and then not a significant resemblance until around 1:18 though I'm a fan of the more liberal arrangements and since this is clearly unfinished, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

    That synth that comes in at 0:55 doesn't really feel like it fits to me. It doesn't really gel with the rest of the soundscape you've got going on to my ears. Other than that, I'd say it sounds like you're maxing out the sound and your brick wall limiter is making the would-be loud parts quieter than the rest of the mix. Some compression or level adjustments might help with that.

    Definitely an interesting concept. Can't wait to hear it finished :)

  4. I think probably the best part about this game in my eyes was the fact that it doesn't give a fuck. It explored subjects that most developers would absolutely cringe at including into their game because of potential backlash; Most prominently, the racism aspect. I think it's awesome seeing developers taking a huge risk like that and seeing it become so successful.

  5. Wow, im trying to get something started up for the starlights festival song and im curious as to why you didn't make this a claimable track. this is a really cool song once you shorten the chord progression.

    Going super coldplay with this mix. Hopefully it'll be acceptable, though.

    The Starlight's Flower? That's probably the most mixable of the ones down there. I omitted it because it's really just a chord progression with the same motif repeated over it. There's not much material at all. If you can mix it, go for it and send me a wip :D

  6. I think he was saying he couldn't get behind a "Any Genre besides X because X sucks" project as opposed to a "we want to do an X-genre themed album" project.

    Yes. Restricting a project to a single genre is unifying and makes for a consistent album. Having a project completely open to anything EXCEPT for a particular genre because you don't like it is a different story.

    Let's get off of this topic now, shall we? I think I summed up everything that needed to be said about it in regards to this project in my last post.

  7. Hate on me if you wish but i do not believe the people who created this game would ever have considered that type of music for any of those soundtracks. This was one of the golden games of the SNES and a first for Mario EVER. This set the stage for Mario 64 and beyond. If you do not believe you're going to be judged on as high of standards as VOTL and the other two upcoming FF albums i'm sorry you're mistaken. I want this album to be as great as the game i loved so much.

    Taking on this as an OCR album means you've got significant standards to uphold. I am no fan of dubstep as my post made clear and i personally don't feel like it belongs in this album. Feel free to prove me wrong by doing something flat out Awesome.

    You are correct in assuming that the original composers probably did not have dubstep in mind when composing for this game. That also goes for most other genres. Your point falls flat when you compare this to VotL in which there were quite a few liberal genre adaptations.

    The great thing about OCR is that we're not confined by genre. We're all about keeping the music alive in one form or another. If you enjoy mixes that are more conservative and what you believe to be more the idea of the original composer, awesome. There are plenty of remixes like that and there will be some on this album as well. But personally, I find the more liberal arrangements the most appealing because it seems more of a collaboration between the original composer and the remixer; the highest amount of creativity possible by taking an original composition and making it your own.

    You're not the only one who thinks the way you do so your opinion is not invalid. However, my goal for this project is to

    1) Pay tribute to Yoko Shimomura's incredible work by exposing the source material to those unaware and prolonging its life through reinterpretation and

    2) Showcase the incredible variety of talent OCR has to offer.

    I believe restricting any genre or form of music would be counterproductive to both points.

    By no means is the quality of this project going to drop because you don't like one track on a 30+ track album. If you want to restrict musical creativity because of genre bias on your own projects, feel free to do so but I personally couldn't get behind anyone who ran something with that kind of attitude.

  8. Actually I'm pretty sure that's a different recording of the theme. If you A/B it:

    It sounds way higher fidelity and some of the sounds like the EP aren't exactly the same. Not sure if Jake remade it but I wouldn't be surprised.

    That was what made me doubt it was the same thing at first. But I used to listen to a better recording of it ALL the time in my car. So I searched a bit more and found this one:

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