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Theory of N

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Everything posted by Theory of N

  1. Yeah, go for it. Sorry, I'm down in Arkansas where a huge ice storm hit. Power's out for over 200,000 Entergy customers and they said some will take up to 7 days to restore power. So yeah...I'm pretty much boned as far as any kind of music goes. Or leaving the house. Or being warm.
  2. All of this. Unexpected final round, sick for a week, family in for the holidays. Just all around bad timing to start this back up. I second this extension proposal.
  3. Lol, seriously? What great timing...someone else take this first then.
  4. Unless Mr. Nuts has any objections, I will claim the name Team Floaty Lizard-Bee before it's taken.
  5. lol, I highly doubt it. I've never read it. It was the most recent popular book I could think of. It's by John Greene and is in no way associated with Shakespeare or your paraphrase. It was a troll comment meant to make you go "How retarded ARE you?" but I guess it doesn't really work when you haven't heard of Looking For Alaska or John Greene and my joke died a long time ago.
  6. because that quote is from looking for alaska and looking for alaska was obviously written by shakespeare also im dumb
  7. Well, a last minute emergency financial crisis popped up so...I guess I won't be making it this year
  8. It's about time OCR turned 13. Now she's legal. ...right?
  9. Coastal Fishery, Noble Liberty, Note Delivery, Vocal Trickery, Global Mystery, Goat Rotisserie, Faux Vasectomy, Yodel Misery, Oat Distillery, Social Inquiry, Boat Artillery, Postal History...
  10. All of my stuff is made entirely using free samples and plugins.
  11. Same thing except I saw beard art and got really excited.
  12. I AM SO IN. I got a book with a kick ass picture of Jackie Chan on it last year. Still don't know who sent that.
  13. Even better, make your daughter a big penis in the character creator. Because we all know what the character creator was intended for.
  14. A radio advertisement for my school a while back used Rainbow Road from Mario kart 64.
  15. Have her play Super Smash Bros. Chicks in that game kick ass. Also, I love the whole "Watch the video below about the push to stop Canadian kids from watching video games with adult content" at the end.
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