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Everything posted by Evfan42

  1. http://www.supload.com/listen?s=LUII4KIJZAG7 so I added another part to it, I know the changes arn't the greatest right now but, what do you guys think of the other part that I added also I shortened it. and changed up the lead a little bit
  2. to elaborate a little more on my previous post, I am using reason, and the keyboard is just there being used as something I can easily put notes into a song while its playing.
  3. http://www.musicuploader.org/MUSIC/3059331202197952.mp3 I've been working on this song for a little while now, I did the lead on a keyboard I have connected to my computer I was obviously going for a techno dance style on this one. any suggestions? michael
  4. Actually I cannot play the guitar very well, but if you need any help with percussion i have 7 years of experience there. you can e-mail me at evfan42@gmail.com michael
  5. also later, in your final or close to it, you should find something for the guitar that doesn't so... FLslayer-ish, if you want to go all out get and record an actual guitar, but it does sound good, just too midi like. michael
  6. well, thats sorta what I was thinking while I was making it. im exactly sure where I wanna go with this, its pretty repetative because I was thinking of doing vocals (well not me cause im no good at singing) on top of this.
  7. hey Geoffrey, I could help you out with the percussion section, i've been a percussionist for about 6 years now, if you want some help you can e-mail me at evfan42@gmail.com Michael
  8. http://www.musicuploader.org/MUSIC/1717771202012086.mp3 something i've been playing with
  9. This is an Excellent song, and the chanting fits well with the rest of the theme of the song. Nice job adding it there
  10. yeah, I know, but what I think what im going to do is record myself playing the drums, cause that is my instrument, but I want to do that after everything is set.
  11. so when is the next version coming?
  12. this is the other one I've been working on, the beginning isn't too great, Im still making it, but tell me what you think. of the rest. http://www.sharebigfile.com/file/107891/Doom-E1M1-WIP-mp3.html il prolly re-do the beggining like I have many times
  13. thanks for the input, Ill try a little different next time, just wanted to see how it sounded, it just my first
  14. http://www.sharebigfile.com/file/106067/Ill-be-back-in-the-sequel-mp3.html alright, this is my first remix, tell me what you think
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