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Posts posted by Tenucha

  1. haha!

    The game sounds really funny... It sounds like its built around the very thing that's getting it all this negative backlash.

    Princess have always been hot and skinny and constantly captured and abducted.

    Now it's "Capture the Flag" but instead of a Flag it's a princess you gotta pork up thus making it harder for the other team to get to her?


    Would I ever play it?

    Prolly no...

  2. Can you draw or Photoshop? Some album art/insert art might be nice.

    And Wingless, yes. Multiple trax are GO.

    I can both draw and Photoshop, depending on how much time I have :)


    He's got some great remixes, some of my favs so I would be happy to contribute if there's still time

    ... especially when I'm not gifted musically :-/

    Will this album be released to the public as well? o_0 (legit question, I think)

  3. as a fan and a Spike cosplayer...

    I am intrigued and hopeful.

    I did enjoy Speed Racer... it'll be odd to see an American adaptation of Cowboy Bebop... I wonder how the story would play out in the series...

    I have absolutely no faith in the Cowboy Bebop movie conversion out of default. Same to all the others.

    If all the rumors pan out to be true, 2009 is going to be the year of the nerds in the movies.

    Akira, AstroBoy, Star Trek, Castlevania, Cowboy Bebop, Escape from New York, Goonies 2, Prince of Persia, X-men, etc etc.

    At least one or two of them should be noteworthy, playing by the sheer number of them.

    There's another X-men?! Augh... or are ou refering to the Wolverine spinoff?

  4. I jut got back from the movie.

    It was amazing and I feel it's prehaps the best comic franchise movie out (with Iron Man close behind it).

    Outside of the hype or Ledgers death (RIP), the film was well cut, well paced and the music was very well used and everything about it just build you up into a tension over what was going to happen.

    The villians (I havn't read the rest of this topic so I dunno how far we are going with "spoilers") were excellent and I find myself talking more on the 2nd villian then the primary (Who was excellently played by Heath Ledger... you could forget it's Ledger playing the part).

    My only grip is Christian Bale's voice as Batman, which was my one complaint the Batman Begins as well.

    I understand him using it to protect his identity and to help with the fear effect on his villains but... it just sounds bad at points.

    I'm very interested in seeing how or when or if there will be a Batman film to follow this one.

    I'm honest, I want more.

    Batman has always been my favourite superhero.

    And I just have a good chuckle when I realized the current movies that are playing, there are about 3 that are comic adaptations

    and I couldn't help but do a photo manip in the hype of the film last night and unable to catch a midnight showing


    You want authenticity to the source material' date=' try the original [i']Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. It's not perfect, but nothing is.


  5. My top picks for anime off the top of my head include:

    Samurai Champloo

    Cowboy Bebop

    BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad

    Afro Samurai

    Record of Lodoss War

    Nerima Daikon Brothers



  6. Some newer dubs suck every bit as much as older dubs.

    Case in point: One Piece.

    Weren't they fixing that or something?

    Dubs have come along way and there are quite a number of good ones...

    But there are still alot more coming out that sounds like an attempt from years ago

  7. Alright you guys... this isn't exactly a video game remix or anything of the sort BUT...

    Hoping there is some interest...

    Mindless Self Indulgence have just announced a remix contest for the song "On It" from there upcoming album, "IF" (due out later this month).

    Follow This Link to access MSI's MySpace Blog. Click on the blood splatter icon at the bottom to torrent three vocal "stems" from the song.

    The files are lossless WAVs and contain primary vocals and vocal effects for the song, however, there's no backing music.

    Here's where you come in...download this and create your own backing tracks/remix!

    The winner 's remix will appear on MSI's next album following IF.

    You guys don't even have to like MSI to do this since you're basically coming up with a whole new song...

    You guys are all good about changing up game music into other genres... slowing down, speeding up... beach party, rave, metal, hip hop...

    I know this is a music community and a remix community as well...

    So I was hoping some of you might find some interest in this.

    My little contribution since I haven't been too active anyway

  8. Looks right to me, almost natural really, in a freakish sorta way. Brings to my mind the Mario of the SMB Super Show, with a rougher stereotypical Brooklyn accent, verses the stereotypical Italian accent of N64 Mario.

    Actually, this is one of the better examples of cartoon-to-reality renders I've seen.


    From http://comunicadoresdeplantao.blogspot.com/2008/03/real-face-do-mrio.html

    I agree it's both really cool and really freaky.

    I say Nintendo sticks with what they got.

    This is a really good render either way

  9. So I'm guessing none of you followed the ARG? If you have, well, I wouldn't drink any slushies anytime soon after seeing this movie.

    Jesus Christ it was intense though. I loved the rats part. And the creature was a crab thing right?

    Which? The main creature or the little ones?

    What's the code for a spoiler box?

    So I guess I am one of the only people on the face of the planet who was disappointed by the movie... I mean, I didn't even get into the hype and it was STILL bad.

    The plot was ridiculously cheesy, the dialog was absurd, the monster itself looked nice if I could have seen it for more than 4 seconds at a time...I might have forgiven all if it wasn't for one fact that just kept bugging me.

    Why the hell did they keep the camera? And more importantly, how on earth did it stay functioning during the 6-7 hours the movie spans? I mean, it gets abused like some red-headed stepchild and it STILL continues working.

    And the picture quality never gets worse or anything - just some "bad" transitions when it hits the ground. Repeatedly. From around 6 feet in the air.

    And the batteries also survive the extreme heat and cold of the environments, not to mention the electric pulses going around...did you see the lights? Those things were freaking out like all hell...but not the camera. Good thing Panasonics come with electromagnetic shielding now, otherwise Cloverfield might never have been made.

    And the tape somehow survives the massive explosions so the government could find it. And the tape isn't affected by the pulses, either.

    And the microphone never gives out, distorts, or loses quality ever until the end. Even amid crazy dust storms or extremely windy environments.

    And my list of WTF could go on and on, but, meh.

    Despite all of my bitching, which most of you will undoubtedly think it is, the movie did keep my interest for some of the time and the battles were, for the most part, well done.

    I will give it this: it could have been worse. Oh yes, it could have been worse.

    There was a plot?

    You took an hour and 30min thrill ride and totally looked way to far into it.

    I remember the picture quality dimming a few times.

    ANd they kept the camera 'cus the guy, Hud, stated right in the film that "people are going to want to know what happened"

    Your not the only one who disliked it, some guy to my left took off not even half way through the film... my mom also did not like it.... Mostly because, as she put it, if you put the camera in the hands of anybody else, they wouldn't ever be as bad as the guy in the movie.

    Am I the only one who doesn't care about the monsters origins and all the "who, what, when how" stuff?!

  10. Oh yeah, and the overture at the end (Roar!), was an epic orchestral score. I'm trying to find it everywhere to no avail.

    BTW, if anyone who stayed for through the credits was wondering what that voice clip at the very end said, it's revealed here:


    I felt totally opposite to what you felt :)!!

    But thank you for the link! I was wondering what that was!

    I'm hoping for no sequals.

    Please let there be a movie out this year that will not see a sequel later in its marketing life

  11. I thought it looked like a hairless bat without wings.

    The beginning was very drawn out, I understand they were trying to establish characters and situations and so on but it lasted way long considering it was supposed to be happening is if it were real.

    Over the course of the movie I foudn the characters, moreso the cameraman, annoying.

    The movie was very much a thrill ride roller coaster with a few moments throughout there were predictable but other moment that were presently non-predictable.

    Dunno if I'd see it again but I did enjoy it.

    The guy sitting next to see split hal way through the film and the guy to my left pointed out at the end that this was no movie to watch hungover haha.

    Speaking of, anyone else feel the end theme "Roar!" was one of the most disturbingly stupid orchestrated movie theme ever?

  12. Agreed.

    I haven't watched the video yet, but I honestly hope for less vocalizations, as they have been nothing but ass whenever they've used them in the last two albums

    (I can almost imagine them trying One-Winged Angel... *shudder*).

    I liked the female vocals used in Otherworld on the second album... however I hate Blue Blast... total crap!!

    And technically they already did One-Winged Angel... in Advent Children

    To agree with l33t 1, It is pretty good... I really dig it.

    Looking forward to this 3rd album! Hope I dont get suckered into a Maya Records bootleg like I did for Skies Above.... Grrr!!

  13. Tenucha dates back sometime around or before 2002.

    There was an online total conversion mod for Quake III called "Bid For Power". It was built around Dragonball Z and included characters and locations from the anime

    (in the games early form... closer to completion the group got in trouble with copyright infringement between FUNimation and Toei Animation despite the group not charging a $ amount for playing the game or anything).

    By that time I never really had my own handle. My e-mail address was "Funkymonkey84" (one of my favourite video game characters is Funky Kong) and I didn't want to use that as my first fourm handle.

    So I racked my brain up and down until I came up with "Tenucha" which is the combined Japanese spellings for the Dragonball charracters Tien (Tenshinhan) and Yamcha (Yamucha), my two favourite fighters.

    Someone from the community actually made a playable baised on this "Fusion"

    I didn't use it for years and forgot I even had the name... instead using the handle "ToshiMustgrind" (which is my character I draw). I rediscovered the name, I still really like the name so I started using it again.

    I'm an artist and I do graphic illustrations and so on, I have characters and developing stories and so on...

    Ya, it's got history lol

    My now ex said that the name Tenucha is pretty close to another word which was still cool... I dont remember what it was. She's half Japanese half Chinese.

    Well, mine is a bit more complicated than just a videogame name.

    Radical Dreamer is basically based on my personal belief that dreams have a deeper meaning than a simple "brain defrag" after effect. I settled on this name because of the videogame connotation, and the similarity to my belief that one should try to make life more dream like. It also draws to my spiritual side of things and the fact that I am at odds with mainstream ideas most of the time. In fact, way before I knew of Radical Dreamer, I sometimes called my philosophy the Radical Dream. At some point, I should write down the main ideas of the Radical Dream philosophy, but since I don't believe in imposing my ideas, it seems idiotic to write down "rules" to a philosophy that believes in being flexible.

    Other names I have used included:

    Ryushinigami (basically dragon god of death), Part of my "japanese" phase. I also picked it because dragons are cool (duh), and I was obsessed by my own mortality. I have also had a close relationship with death ever since I had to face my own life maybe coming to an end. (At this point, death feels like an old comforting presence waiting for me to be ready to leave this world.)

    Seimei no Ookami. (Wolf of ???). When I underwent a "vision quest" type of ritual, the animal that appeared to guide me was either a wolf or a tiger. In this case, I was refering to a specific vision, and I think Seimei means something similar to light or life, at this point I don't remember.

    Kage no Ookami. Changed it during a depressive self-destructive phase. Means "Shadow Wolf."

    Arashi no Tora (Tiger of the storm). Still in my Japanese phase, basically this was due to a very specific winter storm where the icy snow pushed by the wind felt like something was clawing at my face. The wind sounded like a roaring tiger, and when I came home that night, my eyebrow piercing ripped out when I removed my shirt, as the skin was frozen around it. Looked like I had claw mark over my left eye until it healed.

    Thats very cool.

    I'm a bit more of a spiritual kinda guy also so I find your name origin very cool and intriguing.

    Most people who are interested on my beliefs end up saying I'm false or whatever (generally means that they have a connection with a church or something) so since then I dont really impose it on anyone since they wouldn't buy into it

  14. Current favourite series of mine are

    BECK: Mongolian Chop Squad

    Nerima Daikon Brothers

    Ghost Stories

    Hellsing Ultimate

    All time favourites include, but are not limited to

    Cowboy Bebop

    Samurai Champloo

    Record of Lodoss War

    Armitage the Third


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