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Posts posted by Tenucha

  1. I enjoy no weapons and combo-ing the crap out of someone using the levels design to my advance :)

    Favourite fighter being Luigi followed my Falco and Zelda/Sheik.

    Unfortuantly my friend whom I used to play all the time with on the N64 (he used Kirby) is still without this title and hates how much Kirby has changed (and has since moved to Pichu)... So I do alot of 3P lvl 10 CPU matches... boo...

  2. I don't know if anyone has seen this yet but I figured "optimus prime getting his ass kicked" fit into this thread. ale-59+foot-gundam-robot-kicks-optimus-primes-ass-279774.php

    I'm not making any claims as to whether a gundam could take prime, but this is pretty cool and the nerdiest thing I've seen in awhile...

    (Basking in the greatness that is Transformers)

    Ya I noticed the heros got there asses kicked quite a bit in this movie

    Finally saw Transformers (in DLP....drool). God it was total fucking win!!! Even my fiancee, who has never seen anything about Transformers liked it! I actually like how the humans have more involvement in this than the previous. I'm hoping there is a sequel.

    Thats what I'm saying!

    I only seen Beast Wars and no other realy other Transformers title.

    I saw the movie and really didn't understand the humor and felt a 'lil cheated over the lack of battles... and when there were they were so in your face all you see is a mess of gear and tires flying. :sad:

  3. I think it sounds good... I didn't notice a big change between the last version and this one except the addition of voices.

    Ya Slippy's infamous line needs to be somewhere in there... we know he's a looser so we dont need "Ahh I was hit!" Just replace that line with "Do a barrel roll" haha

    I kinda liked the distortion on the last version... maybe add a slight distortion to the currant voices?

    And Andross is indeed to hard to understand but thats mostly 'cus he wasn't exactly crystal clear in the N64 to begin with :P

    I'd say change up the vocals in the midway section... they seem kinda spaced out and random (I'm also really really sleepy and only heard this version once). I think overall I'm wishing this had more of a breakbeat in the song but that wouldn't be very trance.

    I do agree that there needs to be a bit more of an "ending"

    Sounds good, I'd try to submit it and see what the judges have to say after your next version

  4. Good remix... I do agree there should be more... and that the should be in requests.

    I felt like one of the few who was not disgusted at Luigi's Mansion... as appeared to be the case due to the play style.

  5. You should totally call this "Barrel Roll" hehe

    I actually dont think the vocals sound bad at all... especially since you distorted them... It gives it a feel that isn't very distracting from the rest of the mix.

    Who all was in that beginning part? I know I heard Fox...

    I still say it sounds great but I wonder if its "developed" enough for being approved as an OCReMix. They could say it seems repetitive... and without bass on my speakers its really hard to properly tell you what I think of this mix without having to download it, put it on a CD and listen to it elsewhere :P

    EDIT: I wonder how voices would sound throughout the song and not just the beginning... kinda make it feel like you are progressing in the stage... use different quotes, obviously... but just as a continuity thing

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