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The Derrit

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Posts posted by The Derrit

  1. I don't know if anyone mentioned this, but my brother and I agreed that we'd really like to see some kind of create-a-custom-character feature in Smash 4. That way, you could have something akin to putting in whatever character you want into the game without having to use a ROM-hack or something.

    I feel that custom movesets like those that Sakurai announced could be super cool, and I would hope that they would take this concept to the next level by making entire characters customizable.

    What does everyone think about this?

    No. just.. no

    custom movesets are kind of neat but custom characters have never been fun in any fighting game other than wrestling games, and that's only because in wrestling games all the moves essentially do similar things anyways - they just look kind of different.

    not to mention nobody wants 'super butt man' fighting nintendo characters

  2. why the fuck are you censoring your swears jesus christ

    i told some person who was doing that to stop and they sent me a PM being like I GUESS PEOPLE CAN'T EXPRESS THEMSELVES HERE I'M LEAVING

    i don't think he ever came back to ocr

    not sure how to feel about it

  3. That's a pretty good move. Now if Nintendo can knock off $100 and sell Wii U without the gamepad, they might be able to get back in the game too.

    The difference being that's impossible.

    Like seriously stop doing this everyone knows it's just to get people mad. You're not subtle.

  4. Chumps.

    Like seriously who didn't see this coming? 'Guys, Kinect is really important to the system we can't sell it to you without it.' *Xbox loses terribly because nobody wants to spend 100 dollars on Kinect* 'Great news! We can sell it to you without Kinect now!'

    They already knew people didn't want it. There's a lesson in not listening to your customers.

  5. Just as a sort of PSA before you grab Child of Light on Wii U, you can get it for 20% off at Green Man Gaming:

    Start your journey now by pre-purchasing your copy at GMG with this 20% voucher:


    This voucher is valid on Child of Light and a huge range of other titles until 4pm UTC May 2nd

    Not that the Wii U version won't be exactly the same, but this one is 20% off

    do you have a link to this? Child of Light is one of the first download only games I've taken a real interest in

  6. I could not be more pissed off right now. So I made a point not to spoil myself and avoided ads and trailers. When I went into the theater, I was spoiled right away by a featurette about Falcon that precedes the feature film. Yeah, cuz it's not like the film goes out of its way to gradually reveal aspects of Falcon's character (or even the Falcon name) or anything. That was bad enough, but it got worse: a promo for the S.H.I.E.L.D. tv show also played before the film, talking about the rift within the organization (again, not a major plot point in the movie, right?) To top it off, a guy behind me blurted out every major plot point seconds before it happened on screen. Why do I bother going to the cineplex?

    So more on topic: movie was kinda boring. I was expecting more time-displacement moments from Cap to lighten things up or make him more interesting. What I got was pretty much another lead-in movie, kind of like The First Avenger.

    EDIT: What amused me is that The Winter Soldier's role in the movie is pretty much the same as Tron's role in Tron Legacy -- to provide an excuse for the film's title to exist.

    i don't always post about how much i hate spoilers in movies, but when i do, i make sure to have a bunch of unannounced spoilers in there


  7. Definitely better than Avengers.

    A smart movie with themes that are relevant to what's happening in the world today. Great action and acting, and really develops the characters without compromising who they are. This is the best MCU movie yet.

    This is what I was waiting to see. 10/10 will watch.

  8. Square Enix sure makes it easy for me to be negative about their products. I don't know what is wrong with reviewers these days.

    So, as a remaster, this product falls hard by not reaching 60 fps, easily noticeable when panning around in cities. Most visual effects fall below 10 fps or worse.

    There is no option to skip scenes!

    Some of the new music, while hit and miss, adds some fresh feel to the game. The textures are, for the most part, sharp and crisp.

    While not a huge fan of X or X-2, I did play through both games.

    As a "remastered" game, and not a game on its own, I give it a 4/10, mostly because of Square Enix failing to take advantage of the hardware properly.

    remind yourself to never be a game reviewer. thanks

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