Hot damn, DZ! You're an OC ReMixer now. I'm <3ing this arrangement.
Nice work!
PS edit:
[01:51:55] <Fox_E> Tell him I like it too. D=
[01:52:20] <Fox_E> ...It's very ~blue~.
I'm seeding it right now. I'll probably have to cap it when I play games, though, and I don't let the computer run while I sleep. Good collection, I might add.
No, I'm talking parameters of an effect, IE in FL4 you go to Edit Event > and then a list of editable parameters pertaining to the VST pops up. That one there is only the overall level. :/
I skimmed the thread a bit to see if this question was addressed and I didn't see it.
In FL4 I can use the event editor from this menu but in FL5 it's not there anymore. Are they hiding it or do I need to reinstall my plugins and such?
Wow. Impressed. Such beautiful textures used. The way it combined gave me the creepyish feeling I got when I first played Diablo those many years ago... Desolation and suffering, I suppose. Only better than the D1 soundtrack in many regards.
Great work.
Wow. Very good. Starts off with a sort of FM synthy thing going on, and builds up to that gasp, then breaks out into a great groovable wonderfulness. I was bobbing my head to the beat, thoroughly enjoying it. I think the vocals off to the right channel were a good touch, adding to the atmoshperical gothicness.
Overall, a good ReMix.
(Hey, look, my first post here. About time, I say...)