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Eino Keskitalo

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Posts posted by Eino Keskitalo

  1. I think the story is not silly at all, actually. It definitely fits Sonic. Having a story in mind is probably a good device to make intresting structures for a piece of music. I don't think I've ever tried that.

    Into the mMiddle part. At least the first note of the wailing background synth clashes with the melody. From 00:36, the bass and synth still seem to be playing in different keys, although now the synth sounds more fitting to the idea of the part. Try to change the notes in the bassline to match the synth, something like a half an octave lower. Often when I've had similar trouble with the bassline or two lines not going well together, I've found I've had to transpose it quite a lot to find the right range.

    01:04 it gets more cacophonic. Good things I find that the sound of the background synth fits very well. The synth and the bass start playing together instead of separately, it's an effective change in intensity. Again, I'd try to match the synth and the bass by transposing the bass.

    Rhythmically speaking, I really like how the section ends from 01:18 onwards. It conveys the sense of urgency and time running out nicely, and then there's a sense of relief as we get out of the water.

    The final part is now much better mixed than previously. The lead sounds pretty nice. The section is begging for a bassline. Also what I said about the hihat before still stands. I realize there's some sort of a open hihat sound there but it's so quiet and different from the closed hihat sound it doesn't keep it from sounding kind of stuttering.


  2. Oookay, progress, good. Structurally, I think your idea with the intro, then a more serious part, then to the original source is very good. The serious part sounds suspenseful. Waiting for bad stuff to happen.

    The main problem with the middle part is that it is now pretty dissonant. First thing I noticed was that the new stuff added is probably in a different key than the synth in the previous version, which you've left unchanged, I think. They should match somehow, while avoiding losing the connection between the parts. Some dissonance can be good (well I personally often like dissonant stuff), and helps to create an intense atmosphere. This part just needs more work.

    I don't really get the beginning of the middle part with the added melody, those loud "di-dings" and the background wail - it doesn't mesh tonally. (Soundwise the instruments do sound ok together.)

    Another gripe is that in the final part the main synth is way too loud compared to the backing. What I liked are the added sound effects, the 8-bit splash at the end of the intro is quite perfect.


  3. What a fun source. The approach you have is very uplifting, so this really has potential.

    The backing guitar at the start needs more crunch to it. In the next part it's in the same frequency range with the lead, messing it up. You should definitely tweak the sounds to make the guitars and the sequenced backings to fit together better. You definitely can play, but this needs more work. The later section does sound clearer, where you don't have the distorted rhythm guitar playing in the background. But the lead(s) are still way noisy and full of high frequencies, and sound separate from the rest of the track. When there are two guitars playing, it's difficult to tell them from each other, and they sound entangled.


  4. I like this piece a lot. It's got a great mood to it. It's also not just a single unchanging mood from start to finish, I like the chord change around 2:00, and the modulation towards the end is very effective. I think Roz is correct in thinking that the drums make it feel more repetitive than it is. Perhaps experiment with different approaches - you can enhance the different sections of the tune greatly by varying your beat and percussion in them. The rhythm track is definitely where you should focus, the piece stands to gain the most from that area.

    I kinda like how minimalistic the percussion is right now. You could try to do a similarly subtle percussion track, but with a lot more variance. Also you could experiment by doing really huge, booming and loud beats for it. :) The right rhythm track might be somewhere in between or a combination of different stuff. There certainly are a lot of possibilities.

    Another (minor) thing that came to mind was that you could perhaps try to start with the ambience, let it play a bit before the first melody comes in. Probably just a few seconds, not like 30 seconds or anything. Might be worth trying if it fits.


  5. Great round everyone! I had wonderful time. Again thanks to Rexy for running the competition and kudos to Bundeslang for picking up the task. After just two participations I can echo the sentiment from Nutritious, this competition is a great place to grow. And also have some fun. I got a lot of great feedback and constructive criticism from you guys in your votes. I got quite a confidence boost actually. :) Also a few pointers where I could improve. Thank you!


  6. I think there's a definite improvement on the sound quality. If I'm hearing correctly, the guitars sound less muddy. I didn't have a problem with them before, and now they sound very good to me.

    Drums feel better as well, especially kick and snare. Some other drum sounds don't sound great. The china/ride-bell (?) on the left is especially lo-fi - I actually like that sound itself, but it doesn't fit very well to the rest of the track. I feel the hi-hat is too loud and hogs up too much attention, but on the other hand it might be right for the genre. I think I've been similarly irked by the hi-hat in some commercial heavy rock/metal songs before. Can someone else confirm if it's too loud? I do like the way you use pedal hi-hat in the "weird noise" part. Lastly, when the crash cymbal hits happen in close proximity to each other, it's very obvious it's the same sample playing again. Another similar sounding crash sample might work.

    The guitar on the outro sounds fairly quiet.

    I didn't mention before that I like the intro quite a bit. The whole structure and pacing of the piece is very good. What a fine arrangement. I really enjoyed listening again.

    hope this was of help,


  7. I'm glad to see some Star Control action.

    I'm not sure if this offers a lot of variety from the original - sound quality and the dry 90's tracker feel certainly make me feel like this doesn't deviate enough. It certainly captures the Umgah spirit, though! Nice Mycon cameo too.

    I like the dirty/flanging synth sounds you have in the 6/4 section. The low-quality drum samples might work better alongside some better quality samples, using the bad drums as spice. I in general like the idea and use of sound effects (you do some pretty nice stuff manipulating them), but it doesn't carry the whole piece yet. I'd love to hear you work on this more, as there definitely is potential!


  8. Glad to see you've taken this up again.

    It's fun and lighthearted, and the drums part sounds quite playful, it's a good idea. I'm not completely convinced by it yet, it doesn't sound ready. The part sounds quite free form, I feel like it lose how to follow it at some point.. You should probably give a bit more "anchor points" if you know what I mean? I'm having a real hard time figuring out what it is that doesn't work for me in there, I usually like at least a certain degree of free form stuff like that. :)

    The drums have a machine-like feel, you should try to experiment with different velocities in drums hits in a part. It's pretty promising though, I like the interplay feel that is between the synth and the drums. The idea really fits the source well.

    By the time you get to the source part, the synth sound is getting to my ears. See if you can make it less bright for that part, for variety - it's stealing the focus from the lead.

    The beat is lacking a hihat hit after the snare, which creates a "stop-go" feel, like there were little pauses in the momentum of the piece. The effect is quite neat when you add the crash later on (the expectation it creates is fulfilled), but I'm not sure if it serves a purpose earlier. It's a very interesting effect in any case.


  9. Good arranging, lots and lots of energy. I really enjoy listening to this! I checked out the demo of MM9 yesterday. Good stuff. :) So this was great to hear now. You really do that fast section in Concrete Man justice. Hair-rising stuff.

    Improving the drum sound would do a lot for this piece. I agree also that the guitar isn't as pristine sounding as it could be, but I'm not as much bothered by that. Getting better drum instruments would be money well spent. Good stuff, looking forwards to hearing more!


  10. Sounding very good, especially the sections that are not as aggressive, very beautiful! I like the louder stuff too, nice xylophone doubling there. Piano, too. Those parts have trouble with the strings sounding rather mechanical, non-natural. I feel a similar problem with the snare and xylophone there. It's not ruining it, but if you could work on that getting it sound more natural and dynamic, it would be great. The concluding part doesn't have that problem as much. As an arrangement I don't think it's too aggressive, I think it's a sound/sample-use problem. Trying to slow it down just a bit *might* be better with the samples you have, but I'm not an expert there..

    I liked this a lot, keep working on it!


  11. Wow, a second place! I'm honoured. :) Thanks to all the voters, it was very nice to read all of your comments. Congratulations to Hylian Lemon, you made a fine piece of music that deserved the win! I'm curious what music you will pick for us. This was a nice experience for me, so I'm definitely planning to participate again. Also thanks to setokaibarocket - yours was a fun entry! By the way, you would have overtaken me if you had voted - I have to assume you'd have chosen Dream Drifting for the first place. :) Finally a lot of thanks to Rexy for organizing.. hmm, why did this turn into an awards speech?



  12. Cool project. Got a nice chiplead sound going on. I like Ripples of Time the most so far, I'll say more about that a bit later.

    Last-minute Essence of Lime comments:

    Enjoyable track overall, my second favourite from these four.

    Keyboard strings sound a little - just a little - exposed right in the beginning (the very first chord). They sound fine later on. The brass sounds very nice in the intro, which amends the situation. I was thinking you could fade the first chord in from maybe 66% to 100%.. that might divert the attention to the brass. Or it might not work at all. In any case, it's not a big tweak!

    There's a lot going on, so a little extra breathing space before the final part (begins at 02:52) would in my opinion do the whole good. I was thinking maybe a bar's worth of drums only, that sort of thing.

    Other than those two quite minor things, the track is sold and enjoyable. Good work so far!


  13. Oh man, I liked this before, now it's starting to reach absolutely fantastic.. It's such a joy to listen to already. A lot of improvements since I last heard it! I read my previous reply, and the bass is certainly not overpowering in the mix anymore. I really like how it sounds and how it "crawls".. the whole piece has this constant slow forward motion to it. I think the arrangement sounds pretty complete.

    Drums sound as fine as I recall they sounded before, with more variation, which is appreciated. Very nice rhythmical hooks. The organ now sounds like it's right where it should be in the mix.

    I agree with Rozo about the long sustained synth notes.. some tremolo might be great. Some synth lead sounds don't feel like they gel in the mix 100% yet, namely the first one. It sounds a bit too "clean" to my ears. I'd love it if you could make them sound a bit "dirtier", like if they were played thorugh an miked amp/speaker instead of straight to digital "tape". There's such a nice sense of room with the drums and organ, that there is a bit of contrast between different sounds. Most synths, such as the one that sounds like a theremin, sound pretty good already. The one I named specifically is ok too, just not quite there yet. Overall there's a nice, consistent palette of synth sounds. I like the decorative details stuff.

    Keep it up! I'm keeping this wip already, and can't wait for further incremental improvements!


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