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Eino Keskitalo

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Posts posted by Eino Keskitalo

  1. There indeed is a strange "creepy" quality to this track. At first I didn't like this at all, but now I have to listen to it a couple of times again. The weird "signature sound" helps. Sounds like the original has a lot of potential. Despite the aged sounds, the beat and bass sound pretty good in this one. I don't like the strings much, they sound like a blanket that's been thrown over the track.


  2. Filters are a bit overdone.. happily only a bit! I can still hear the old-skool synth sounds. That first low-bit scream is just right. Wonderful melodies. Drum writing is tripping over itself, not the most purposeful drumming in all. Somewhat overdone, not serving the flow of the song as well as it should. Overall structure could flow a bit better, it feels just a tad long now. Thel squarewave(?) basses / countermelodies / glitchy stuff are very cool.

    But seriously dude, get ready yourself..


  3. The drums don't really work so well in this. The piece is very stiff rhythmically. I wish it more relaxed and varied in that respect. The lead is great, good sound and used well, and the backing sounds pretty good for the most part - the rhythmic stiffness extends there in parts, and it's a bit buried. Pretty fun ending!

    EDIT: It took me a while to spot that fake guitar. I think it sounds actually pretty good, mostly, it's like a thick swab of electricity. There are bits where I feel it's trying to sound like a guitar, those higher notes in the riff, and there it's pretty bad. But happily that mostly falls under my radar.


  4. Thunder Blade was great in the arcades. Damn it was amazing. Can't remember any music, though. :)

    This piece doesn't quite gel.. I like the sounds a lot, but they seem to work against each other at some points. I like the material, it has a lot of energy. Powerful bass lines, and that first soaring melody. Great stuff! But the piece feels a bit long, there's a lot of ideas but they're not used to their full potential. I feel the notes clash a bit here and there, with bass especially in some parts, which makes the piece sound like "close.. but not quite.."

    I like it, but I get the feeling it could have been great. Keeping it in any case.


  5. I thought this track was actually fairly cool. A bit more variation on the lead sound in the first part wouldn't have hurted, and some drum sounds (is that a clap..) are quite weak. The beat and bass are interesting however, there are some very nice atmospheric pads in the background, there is variation in the structure, a nice, subdued solo towards the end..

    It definitely sounds as old as it is. The fadeout is more like a cop-out, and the piece feels like it was just composed from the start to finish without huge concern for the overall structure. But I enjoyed listening and will do so again!


  6. Interesting to hear your style evolve in a more perhaps house-y direction in this one. It works well. I wasn't bothered by the snare myself. Instead I thought that the instrument that first comes in at 0:30 was a bit loud, or perhaps just somewhat dry/exposed upfront. Minor quibble, but it stuck out.


  7. Everybody has been pretty spot-on so far with the criticism. The tuning bothered me the first time I listened to this, but on this listen right now, after a very long time, I don't even notice it. Timing I have no problem with. The reverb is so big though, I don't buy the "intimate cafe setting" scenario. It sounds more like a school performance in a gym, you know. It's a downer on an otherwise fine track. But listening past that, it's very enjoyable.

    I really like the instrumentation and their collective sound, even while it is not super hifi. I like the double bass solo tremendously. The violincello has some lovely little supportive figures during the solo. Hmm.. is this a virtual quartet, or did you restrict yourself like that?

    I didn't keep this when it was posted, but now I definitely will!


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