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Eino Keskitalo

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Posts posted by Eino Keskitalo

  1. This is a bit late, but thanks everyone for a good round and the feedback in the votes. Either some of you are very kind or you really thought better of my submission than I did. ;) Justin64help, I'd be interested if you did go into more detail, even.. or perhaps especially if it were blunt. :) Though it's probably a bit late now. re: live, Binweasel, I do cheat, I record in bits, this time I could keep the guitar arpeggio together for about two bars each pass. I probably should do a mix based on what I actually *can* play.


  2. Very very nice stuff, especially for "early work", I'm envious. I like how rhythmical the first track was before the beat even came in. The track was pleasant and happy. Very nice analog synth embellishment figure thingies.. don't know what to call them. :) Sound like fountains of light. *mumblemumble*

    The solo piano piece was pleasant and happy-sad. Sounded good. Very nice interlude-type of feel. Can imagine a vocalist, say, pixietricks singing over this. ;)

    The Jazz.. I'm not feeling as much. The swing feels awkward. Awkward can be good if taken advantage of, but it's not working like that here. The reverbed snare is fairly unjazzy in my humble opinion. The piano is pretty good. Writing in general isn't bad here, but the feel and sound don't click.


  3. Nice groove!

    The timing of the strings in the intro isn't 100% pleasant at all spots. Some notes could be played a little earlier I think. I also agree somewhat on the randomness of the notes chosen; I once again think that what you are going for is good, but you need to compose to it more carefully.

    I like the transition from the second part into the third around 1:13, the change in the groove is very nice, the third part which starts here has a nice driving feel to it.

    The drumbeat is well written, it carries the groove well. Some of the fills don't work so well, they seem to lose the groove. Perhaps try to simplify them. I like the simple, very effective bass.

    The change to the swing feel around 02:12 is a very nice idea. Some of the fills need to be more carefully programmed, as there is this "stuttering" feel that sounds like the drummer loses the time. I sounds to me that only the drums change to the swing feel, perhaps some other instruments could also change a bit?

    The ending feels a little long, could be shortened. Bit unsure about that, because the overall flow of the piece could be improved. While I like the part between the intro and third part, it feels quite similar to the next part, just not in full motion. Rhythm-wise, making the hi-hat part play eight notes instead of sixteenths would distinguish the parts from each other. The drummer is also blasting away at the snare a bit too much. That needs to be simplified.

    In general I like the soundscape you have, but it sounds quite muddy. I unfortunately don't have any advice on that personally. I'd only look into it after perfecting the arrangement, though. :)


  4. I think having the intro works. It's a bit rough now; it sounds like it starts from few seconds after the beginning, if you know what I mean. Fade it in a little more carefully, and probably start with filters less bright at the start. I think if it sounds like it's opening up at the start the impression would be good.

    It sounds more repetitive than I though it would without the drums, so there's some work to be done there. I agree with Rozovian about the piano, it's kind of stiff rhythmically although it otherwise sounds good. Try to break down the chords, not playing all the same notes at the same beat, and vary the rhythm a little. Also you could vary it from part to another, maybe drop it off for a while and the bring it back.

    Continuing to enjoy the mood. :)


  5. I thought I'd post this for some WIP feedback. I made this for PRC130. I had an idea of including a bit from 600 AD theme from Chrono Trigger, and recorded it in the same go, but didn't include it in the compo version, as I was unsure if it was ok to use another source (and was apparently too lazy to check).

    In any case, here's the link:


    Here's the submitted compo version:

    Eino Keskitalo - Remebering Rosa.mp3

    The WIP version is not mixed/mastered, the compo version is (with a friend). The final version would hopefully have (at least) the sound quality of the compo version. :)

    I might not pick this up for a while, as I'm thinking the annoying, infuriating little clicks/noises I've got there require extensive rerecording.

    Meanwhile, I'd like your opinions on the track! Especially your thoughts about the arrangement. Which version works better? Is the 600AD bit necessary? Are the pauses too numerous? It sort of fake-ends almost as many times as Return of the King, especially the 600AD version. Is it bad? Do the noises bother you?

    Source for Theme of Love:


    And 600 A.D:



  6. Don't know, drums are rather prominent in the mix already in my opinion. Tell you what - make two different quick mixes with different instruments at different levels, set them aside for a while and listen to them later, to see which one you like better and why.

    And keep in mind, mixing is usually done after composing/arranging/sequencing/recording/etc. :) So don't use too much time at it at this stage.


  7. Great stuff, not much else to say. :) But I have to say the upwards three note figure that plays first at 2:45 and repeats later on doesn't sound good to me, it clashes with the bass notes or something. Similar figure just before the modulation sounds fine to me.

    edit: Crap, should've been more careful while listening. More that sort of stuff that sounded wrong to me: 0:42-0:43 the guitar on the right side (last note); 02:36-02:37 - two last notes/chords on guitars/synth. Can anybody else check these out?


  8. Dude, don't worry if your software you are already successfully using to create music is "professional" enough. I tried to switch from trackers to Cubase a few years ago with such false motivation, and I felt that was a part of why I didn't make a lot of music on a computer for years. I didn't really have the motivation to properly learn Cubase, but thought I should have it. I sort of lost the joy, and the result was just unnecessary, stupid guilt from imagined external reasons. And now I'm already 25. Hehe. Sorry about the rant, but I hope that helps somehow. Happily around the same time I got active with playing in a band and songwriting so it wasn't a total loss for me.

    Just have fun and experiment. Learn as you go. Push yourself if it works for you, but don't worry. Worrying equals death.


  9. It's quiet, but it's there. It sounds fuller now. I like the.. are those 32th notes? I'm thinking it could afford to be louder, but on the other hand the bass drum (which doesn't distort anymore) has a lot presence and the main synth is almost in the bassline territory. It's a mixing decision in any case. Did you change the hi-hat too? Because it's not bothering me now. :)

    Re: original music - my advice would be to not try to achieve anything, but just to have fun.


  10. "Funk/progressive/retro.." now that sounds good to me! And the track doesn't disappoint.

    Tempo and rhythms, no problems with those. I like the drum/bass arrangement. It's busy, it's not your standard rock groove, but it's not "look what I can do!" either. :) The guitars are more straightforward, they keep it solid and not that "difficult" to listen to. But yet the rhythm backing gives a lot of interesting stuff to listen to. Great there imho.

    At the first listen the sound bothered me a bit. The mix feels sort of hollow and the instruments, I felt, were too separate from each other. On the second listen I've gotten used to it and it conveys a sense of space. Which is appropriate for the source.

    On the first listen I also was going to comment that the playing didn't sound 100% fluid and relaxed (something like 95% anyway), but now I have a hard time pointing out where exactly those 5% are.. Maybe it's that it's got a "recorded in bits" feel rather than "live" feel - I'm really just nitpicking. Good, versatile playing, great sounds, nothing to complain about.

    I really, really, like this. I hope to see you finish it up soon. :)


  11. Intro is better now, good! New industrial sounds sound *great* to me. They overpower the strings instruments in their first section, but it didn't sound bad. I like the percussion taking the lead. It gives character to the whole mix. I'm thinking upping the industry percussion in some later section could be good, sort of balancing the arrangement.

    I don't have the qualms about percussion sample quality anymore. Good work! Did you change the piano? It feels like it sounds better than last time. Outro is nicer without the strings.

    I like this! The basswork deserves a mention too, good lines. Just checked the source, great work changing the feel of the track!


  12. I just finished my first playthrough and.. I love this game. The later levels get pretty intensive, I often played on the edge of my seat and got startled by any sudden action after a quiet break. The story also got a good grip on me. I don't think I got the worst ending, even. Yay! Looking forward to playing it again. I missed a lot of secrets. And apparently I'm a rampaging homicidal maniac.

    Great soundtrack too. Not in my favourite style, but lots of good pieces in any case. That one piece does remind me of that Rush song, though. I mean a lot. Tor is a great piece. Listening to Robotaki's WIP right now.


  13. Long-due Ripples of Time feedback. For some strange reason YouTube isn't working for me right now, so no comment on source use/variation etc.

    I like this a lot, especially the part with the rhythm/time signature change towards the end. Wonderful! It even has a modulation that really works. :) (I often hate those.) Like Roz, though, I feel that given how much, hmm, "epicness" this track seems to promise, it doesn't quite blow it through the roof. It either needs something that would really tear the sky above it into little shreds, or you could dial it into the other direction, make it an understated piece with less big sounds, less reverb and strings that sound like a smaller section. I'm thinking this arrangement could be really effective and emotive with more intimate instrumentation.

    I don't like the bass during the first half, those continuous notes with the simple instrument don't server the piece as well as a bassline can. Later on it's not continuous notes anymore, which is much more effective and nice. I'm thinking the bass could be used to evoke water-like movement, like waves or the tide or even drops, a flow.. Could be really fitting, and I think you have a knack for telling a story with the music, so right now you're underutilizing the bass. :)


  14. Good stuff, I enjoyed it. As always, I'm impressed by your use of tempo changes. I also dig the time signature changes.

    I agree with Spakku that the intro should be quieter. The next part with the industrial percussion loop (probably not technically a loop) is begging for some higher-quality samples thrown in, it's pretty lofi, which is fine in itself, but could use additional something with more presence. I feel the sound quality could be improved throughout the track, but that point especially caught my ear.


  15. Sounds pretty good, I like the track - can't check out the source but sounds like it's pretty nice.

    Arrangement is a bit 'boxy', it changes every four bars exactly - well not exactly, but what I mean is it seems like it's made out of four bar boxes. It could use some more sort of "lead-ins" to introduce instruments. This is apparent in the beginning, later on you have some nice fills which are much like what I mean. So I guess you're going to work on those anyway. Some "boxyness" can of course be a good thing and make an effective arrangement. Just reporting my observation. :P

    Another thing I noticed the synth that comes in at 00:47 doesn't sound so good when the lowest note is played, it sounds like the low pass filter is a bit too tight or that specific note is suddenly lofi-ed.

    Looking forward to updates, I like this!


  16. Heh, thx dude. That middle part is giving me the most trouble..looks like you can't learn creativity to compose music. =/

    I think it's possible, it just involves a lot of work, trying out a lot of stuff without too much discrimination first and then looking at it later (possible a lot later) so you can see what really works out and what doesn't. Or so I think. :) I've just listened some tracks of mine that I did about ten years ago, it's pretty fun, you really can tell now what worked and what was lacking. I don't think you necessarily have to wait quite that long to tell. :P

    After 1:04, the bass ends, at least the one that went on previously.

    Yeah, I considered the new synth to be a bass, but I notice it's not really in the bass territory. I guess. Anyway, that was what I was referring to.

    Lately I tried to solve the hihat problem and make the drums a bit more varied. Think I added too much kick to it when the source tune comes in..I'll have to lower it a little. And about the bass, I have no idea what would go well in that section. =/

    Yeah, the kick is too loud, it even distorts. The new fast bass drum bits sound a bit overpowering now, that might be just because it's loud. Nice fill at 1:52! The hihat problem doesn't bother me as much now, although the open hi-hat sound kind of lack "click". Maybe you can mix in a quiet closed hi-hat hit. That might work.

    Bass is often a pretty simple part, it's main purpose is to tie the rhythm together with the harmony and melody. It can be sparse (and often should, rather than busy), so you could start by having the bass play the same as the main synth octave lower, but not all the notes, just pick the ones that feel like carry the tune / are enough. I think.


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