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Eino Keskitalo

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Posts posted by Eino Keskitalo

  1. I've got to admit I like the Mega Drive sound.. :)


    This has a happy energetic vibe for certain. It's quite fun.


    There's some repetitiveness at this point. The structure seems to start with (intro)+ABCABC and the second ABC feels like a close repeat of the first ones. Maybe you could vary the bassline more in the second ABC - it keeps the same(ish) throughout. It feels like the intro goes on a touch long, you could cut to the B part at 0:30 - you've been playing the A part riff since 0:08 in the intro so it kind of counts as A part repetition (if you get what I mean), and 0:30-0:37 didn't seem to have anything new.


    In the C part, the melody seems to have a note clashing with the harmony at 0:52 (and subsequently).


    My daughter (4yo) commented that this is a nice song.

  2. I'm digging the non-live version too. The atmosphere created by the various violin parts is quite excellent. The drums sound a bit basic, I feel a lot more care could've gone into them, both in mixing and sequencing. The snare especially seems to stick out of the mix as rather plain and unprocessed (and a bit loud). I like how it gets layered with another sample around 2:50 though & filtered later on.


    I'm wishing the percussion track was subtler, since the repetition is quite noticeable while the drums stick out of the mix hogging a bit too much of the attention. The violin is of course the highlight and I'm enjoying it very much.


    The lengthy structure is holding my attention quite well. I'd say the "cut and rewind" at 3:22-3:26 wasn't working 100% for me, there was some feeling of repetition rather than pure tension building. Even with that, I'm pretty much kept into the song all the way through.


    Both versions have their merits; the studio version is the cleaner more accurate take - in the live version I'm a fan of the wilder industrial sounds from the electric violin.

  3. I dig the violin sound & approach on electric violin, definitely. Yeah, it does sound out of tune. The drums, while quite fast and energetic in that way, kind of sit in the center, kind of dry and plain and lack punch. I do like the relentless feel of the fast drum patterns & the fast playing. The arrangement feels a bit repetitive, maybe in part because the violin is constantly playing throughout. I thought it looped at 1:08, though happily this was not the case. I do like the variations, and for instance the doubling in the higher octave sounds very nice.

  4. *sigh* more work.. grumble.. when you ask for a mod review, you might get what you asked for! ;) Seriously, thank you!


    I've worked on the drums a bit and I do feel it's for the better, I didn't change the overall tone too much but did some sample changes/layering and EQ'ing to make it less high frequency-ey. Structure-wise I added a little coda to give it a bit more length since it does feel like it runs a little short. I just haven't been able to extend it without problems. I still need to see what fun stuff I can do about the expressiveness of the leads. There's no synth parameters per se to tweak, since it's technically all sample-based tracker instruments, but certainly there's a lot that can be done.


    On the melody at 1:09 - 1:22, on the second iteration, try keeping the first 8 notes the same as the first iteration. I've had an issue before where people have a harder time figuring out the source tune connection because I changed it too much too early. I think what happened here is that you varied too much of the melody in the second iteration when in a call/response melody, you typically have a sense of familiarity when the second iteration comes. If you listen to Hydrocity Zone again at 0:37 - 0:42, you can tell that the first and second iterations start with the same first half.

    The rest of the track sounds improved!


    I'm experimenting with this (and also still less jumpy contour for the melody in that part). It works quite well, it's certainly smoother, but also the jumpy and less predictable melody seems more exciting, having kind of an uncautious and untimid quality if that makes sense.

  5. There's too many good ones to mention... ! Here's a bunch of the most impactful OCRs for me: infinite natalie, Wicked n' Floating, Halls of Abandonment. I don't know if these are suitable for your show. Just be sure to include some Shnabubula and AeroZ. :)


    As for shameless self-promotion, here's a track by me and Jorito from last autumn's Shovel Knight ReMix competition on the OCR forums. We just put the finishing touches on it, submitted it to OCR for evaluation (so not on the site yet, hope it goes well in the evaluation) and put it out on Youtube and Soundcloud. It was nice to get nods of approval from the original composers on Twitter. (: Links: Youtube , MP3, lossless FLAC


    The station is certainly playing some nice VGM right now.

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