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Eino Keskitalo

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Posts posted by Eino Keskitalo

  1. Very nice rocking track.. I like a the atmospheric guitar bits in the middle a lot. One crit that I can think of is that the bassline sounds a little jumpy, you have rests (muting) in the line, whereas by letting the notes sound fully would maybe give the track a more "rolling", forwards rhythmic feel. Hope that makes sense!

    The overall soundscape is pretty good, but it sounds like there's a lot of extra distortion that's just 'there' in the high area. My speakers are not that great, so I'd need someone to confirm that but that's what I'm hearing, atm. If it's there, clean up the EQ so it doesn't emphasis the fuzz so much (by knocking some of the highs down a little bit).

    I get the feeling that it's *very full* of guitars, which is great but it's somehow a little too much.. tiring to the ears, so I think what I'm hearing is what you are saying.

    edit: I also agree with Gario that this track is fine with just the guitars.


  2. Aww sucks, I missed the voting deadline. Great round in any case! Thanks for all the feedback too! I thought it was all spot-on, both complimentary and critical. :)

    [snip getting too many points comment after reading the scoring rules about this round, whoops]

    edit#2: And congrats Diotrans! A well-deserved win. Have fun picking the song! :)


  3. Thanks for the comments HL and Bundeslang. The bass was the last thing I added and it actually started making sense to me at that point. The source is great, I was only able to tackle a little bit of it. :)

    I thought the bonus track was very good! There was only one thing I thought was sub-par, the bright piano sound that played a brief lead in the later half, but other than that the track was very solid and I enjoyed it. A lot of material and continuous variation, not just in details but in the form, tempo, feel.. very inspiring!


  4. The chord progression you have going is quite interesting when combined with the very recognizable melody from Frog's theme. I also thought the mixture of different instruments/tones worked pretty well. Again, the soundscape was pleasant to listen to.

    The crits:

    While the chord progression itself is long and varied, it (and the instruments that carry it) play throughout the piece, unchanging. This gives the whole piece quite a static feel. Also, it plays alone for almost the first one and a half minutes. This isn't enough to keep interest.

    I was expecting the beat to come in as early as 00:13, and when it does much later on, it's just a simple bass drum line. I think there's a lot you could and should be doing with beats and percussion in this piece.

    When a new instrument comes in 01:22, I find it quite hard to make sense of it rhythmically, possibly because there's no beat to anchor it down.

    Again, pretty good for one of the first works. I'd say work on the beats and progression of this one.

    if there is one thing I SHOULD understand here (among some other places) it is that nobody is going to take credit here.

    I don't quite get what you mean with this. Of course people take credit for their work.


  5. Well, I enjoyed listening to this. It's rough, it's a beginner's work, but from what you had you put together a piece that sounds quite pleasant to me. Putting the sharper acoustic guitar sound to the softer synth sounds did have a nice contrast.

    Arrangement-wise, there's a lot of repetition. Or putting it in another way, the piece sounds like a static background music piece, rather than a listening-music piece that progresses.

    Not bad as a start, keep working!


  6. This is a cool project for me in a roundabout way - I've never played the game, but I remember it being mentioned a lot back in the mid-90s. The soundtrack's kind of interesting.. it sounded like it's all in the same tempo and key. I wonder how it plays in the game, I can imagine the music just playing continuously..


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