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Eino Keskitalo

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Posts posted by Eino Keskitalo

  1. Yeah! This project has gone far, and can go even further. Awesome work everyone!

    Computer woes.. I can relate. A fan started screaming in my laptop. I wasn't able to fix it, and when I was moving my stuff to my spare machine, it overheated and is now gone for good. Thankfully, I think I have backups for most of the stuff.


  2. Cool to see this one coming out! Great work everyone (..or should I wait until I hear it? ehehe), especially Brad for getting it done and out! Really looking forward to this one, I really enjoyed playing the game - I didn't finish it as it was a borrowed Gameboy, but anyways. The music was fantastic, the game wouldn't have been nearly as atmospheric without such a great, fitting soundtrack.. so yeah. This should be good. Now I know what I'll be doing on the Finnish independence day. :)!!


  3. Awesome to see this released! I will listen, and I will also try out the game some time. I heard a lot about it back in the day but haven't played it yet. MASSIVE props for making a project out of such an obscure game.. I always enjoy seeing the less known games get ReMixed.

    One thought, now that this is out.. I wonder if there would be interest in the ScummVM community to make it possible to get these ReMixes to play in-game? That would be cool - a ReMix pack for the game itself!


  4. Yay, the anniversary round! I'll have to try to participate.. I don't have internet at home at the moment though, so hopefully I remember and can get online on time. On the other hand, less distractions. =)

    Good idea/theme for the round, the requests! I think I'll try to do Traffic Department 2192.. lot of transcribing to do!

    Thanks for organizing again this year, Bundeslang. Those were some cool statistics, too!


  5. I was probably inspired by Axes Denied and the Precursors project to find out more about video game music covers and remixes. I read somewhere that OCR is full of elitist bastards and I actually stayed away from the place for a while. :roll:

    At the same time I wondered why so many of the mixes I downloaded from VGMix were so substandard. This is much more my kind of place. I guess I'm an elitist bastard myself!


  6. Very nice track, not a super favourite but well executed regardless. Rozo has his own style, clarity and synths being the central features. His sound is recognizable.

    The drums in this one are very Kikuta-like in my opinion! My nitpick for this piece is that the strings sometimes feel like they drag a little bit behind. They could have perhaps been shifted a little bit forwards to compensate for the attack.


  7. My friends had consoles, at home we had a PC without a soundcard. I had heard some great NES and C64 tunes before I really recognized them as a separate and important part of the game goodness.. I believe I enjoyed musics that were good, but can't really name a favourite soundtrack. So I guess mine are 16-bit games:

    Street Fighter II, Final Fantasy Mystic Quest and FF4 on SNES. I think Mystic Quest was the point where the penny dropped and I really started paying proper attention to VGM.

    Star Control 2 and Pinball Fantasies on PC - not least because of that they both played MOD music on the PC speaker.. (!!!) (Actually, some great beeper melodies:


    Shining Force II on the Megadrive/Genesis deserves a mention as well.

    I'd like to think I was a fan of Castle of Illusion, Wonder Boy III and Sonic the Hedgehog soundtracks on the Sega Master System, but probably not (great as they are). I was a fan of the games themselves, though.

    edit: How did I forget Link to the Past?! I like how the beginning of the game has just the rain atmosphere, it kind of makes you pay attention to the soundtrack more. Link's Awakening on Game Boy was great too.

    editedit: Hehe, except that it does have music except for a very brief bit in the beginning. Well, nice rain effect anyhow.


  8. Thanks for the comments, EBison and SoulinEther. It's very satisfying to hear that some of those things worked for you. Good ideas, too! I certainly like the idea of adding more textural detail, and also the idea of giving that 2nd half lead figure a bit more space. Cool to hear you liked it so much, SoulinEther. :-o

    I haven't yet worked on the piece, but from my last listening I felt the overall sound was flimsier than I'd like - and that seems to line up nicely with all the comments I've received. I have a lot to learn when it comes to production, so I'll be spending a lot of time trying to beef this one up. Any hints what I could do would be greatly appreciated!


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