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Eino Keskitalo

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Posts posted by Eino Keskitalo

  1. Ah yes, I've been meaning to compliment the art. I haven't looked at it thoroughly, but what I've seen (the site, the banners & the image in the first post) it's good, consistent and helps to create an atmosphere for the whole project. The use of colours is very tasteful. I very much like the pic in the first post (although the girl seems a bit she's like contemplating having a bite of the pan flute..). Good work there!

    Okay, I think I'll try to do a track-by-track reviewing tour of the project. Note that I have no familiarity with the originals at all. Anyway, here we go with the first two tracks.

    Disc 1, track 1: The Unholy Wars

    Hard rock/heavy isn't generally my genre. I can sure recognize this as a good track it is, but it doesn't appeal to me much. All these relentlessly wailing leads.. gah!

    There's a few spots that I particularly do like production-wise: 02:12 has this sort of a "ghost guitar" filling up a pause without crowding it, very nice. Also I always notice the sound in the background around 02:23 - it's very cool. I like the breakbeatish snare roll stuff that begins around 03:20 too.

    Disc 1, track 2: Crisis Healing Salve

    The track begins with a strong wind lead with a harpsichord kittering around it. The rhythmical complexity, especially when the double bass comes in, took a bit of listening to sink in (felt crowded on the first listen), but it's really rather intriguing.

    The double bass writing has some off notes 00:30 and 00:33-00:34 that really throw me off. Rest of the part is good.

    Somewhere along the line strings have blended in, and next the strings dissolve, with a pleasant surprise, into beautiful guitar tones (esp. the clean guitar). On the first listen, this was where I really started appreciating the track. The strings in the background don't mesh perfectly with the guitar (it even sounds they're slightly differently tuned), but that's nothing serious. I love that chord at 01:27. The oboe figure sounds unnecessary - I think it would have made a better impact with just space in that spot.

    The rumbling bass (synth?) that starts at 01:30 I really like. Especially when it drops off at 01:40 - goosebumb time! Here the string writing works fantastically with the guitars, it's really beautiful.

    Like with the oboe bit before, the string figure that starts at 02:13 feels extraneous. Either the bass goes off the key (badly), or the bass going the way it does combined with the string figure is to blame - but that's another "brown moment".

    I like the random sounding start of the guitar solo. When the strings come in again 02:42, it's really quite grand. Here it irks me somewhat (but not too much) that the strings and guitar seem to be playing in completely different rooms. They have quite a different ambience.

    In the (beautiful!) quieter part that begins around 03:00, there is no such problem. The sound that begins at 03:09 is.. evocative, and again 03:29.. mourning. The accompanying wind lead is beautiful as well.

    At it's best - and that's the most of the track - a fantastic track and a coop that combines respective strengths of the two ReMixers. I have to stress that the brown moments really, really bother me; I hate having to endure them to hear the greatness of the rest of the track.


  2. Altar Perception was criminally good.. just amazing. There are a lot of really good tracks on this, but this was just.. I had to post this right away. Ridiculously well done guys.

    Somehow i have a feeling you'd potentially bring in "Middle-Aselia Biology" into the conversation with this. Let me stick up for it in advance and say that the crystal bell riff dissonating at times was present in the source material as well, so I thought it seemed natural to go with the flow.

    Nah, no problems there I think.


  3. Hmm, which tracks in particular? There are a few intentionally "bad" notes in 'Simplified Design', and 'New Technology' has some rough spots, but I can't think of any others.

    I'll get back on that in detail later. (And I kind of hope I'm not just crazy here.)

    Disc three was very solid, with lots of goodies. One more to go!


  4. Y'know, it's usually good idea to post here and get your feedback *before* submitting. :> The judging process may take months; WIP boards aren't usually lightning fast but the turnaround is quite a bit quicker anyway.

    I quickly listened through this earlier - it sounded quite good, like a spy-film music treatment. I need to listen again for more thoughts.


  5. Listened to the disc 2 last evening, and I genuinely liked even bigger portions than with disc 1. =) However, scattered among the tracks of the first half of the release, there's a large amount of note/chord choices that just sound wrong to me. Off-key, dissonant-in-a-bad-way, that sort of stuff. So many, that I am wondering if I've been just hearing things..

    Disc 3 is sounding pretty good so far!


  6. I put a little hat on my dragon to try to make him norm

    But now I’m walking with a dragon in a hat and the people laugh more

    I've only read the lyrics so far (listening to SoS right now), but I think they are great! By the time I got to the quoted part, I couldn't keep a laugh bursting out. Through my nose. That hurt. I can just see the poor protagonist and the dragon.. I love it how you humorously depict a struggle that's both internal and external. It's tongue in cheek, but it's also very real, I can relate to that. I enjoyed just reading the lyrics, so I have great expectations about hearing the song itself!


  7. re: intro. The timing of the piano is a little off. I double-checked, and curiously it sounds fine on laptop speakers, but quite offensive on headphones. It's a nitpick, yes, but it's also the first thing one hears when pressing play. It wasn't the greatest first impression.

    That out of the way, let me reiterate that this is one fiiiiiiine track.


  8. Yeah, the piano slurs the intro pretty badly. But thankfully, it's just a few seconds. What follows is tight. Plenty good. I like the alternation between busier, lead-filled sections and more mellow, laid-back ones. This doesn't quite blow through the roof for me (yet, more listens might open it up more), but it's near, and it's very enjoyable, and it's making me groove..


  9. Yeah, this is definitely extremely funky. Some good listening.

    Hmmm.. Frankly, it feels like the track takes a while to get going, it should slam you in the face with some brass riff or something right at the start. It's like a collection of parts between some extremely effective, catchy riff-part.. but that section, the a-section that goes through the roof is not yet there.

    I also definitely expected the "better" sounds to kick in at 00:13 already. Between that and 00:41 could be lifted and put around the track to serve as lo-fi breaks.

    Good stuff but not golden yet. Great sounds!


  10. As a short demo, a simple arrangement for two tracks of guitar, this works. It has a consistent mood. I quite like the two final parts, the first with the different lead, and then the picking. The tone of the rhythm guitar is rather bassy/muddy. Need to leave room for the bass. :)


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