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Posts posted by ZealPath

  1. As someone who has ran around a map with the sole objective of blowing up myself and someone else with the equalizer taunt to get the Spray of Defeat achievement (among countless other examples), I can't help but agree with that :lol:.

    But actually I think I'd have a lot of fun with custom achievements, I didn't even realize there could be such a thing but I've only been playing TF2 for a couple months-ish.

  2. Re-played Portal and got all of the radios yesterday. Excellent update idea, as it added a new puzzle element to every level, and caused some new and bizarre thought processes to be used in levels that were old hat at this point.

    New ending was subtle but worth seeing, if you've just been reading about this check it out, I doubt you'll want to put it down until you've fully unlocked the achievement!

  3. After reading up on all this both here and elsewhere, I don't think I have a choice but to go buy half life and half life 2 and all the extra episodes.

    I have never played them for more than 10 minutes.

    But I played portal, and it was awesome. If there is a 2nd portal, and a tie in? I gotta get on top of that. Too much intrigue to ignore now.

    Orange box man! Shoulda went with that originally! (I know it was mentioned but it really is just that good, HL2 and it's episodes are great, TF2 is simply awesome and Portal well, you know that already!)

    So cool that Portal 2 is official now, I mean, I don't think there was too much doubt in anyone's mind that this was coming eventually, but that doesn't make this less exciting.

  4. Cool, I noticed Steam updated Portal last night and was distracted so I forgot to check the (cryptic) update notes. I will definitely be taking a look at this, and if it ties into HL Ep 3 in any way, so much more the awesome.

    Always been a huge portal fan, but once you have (almost) all of the achievements it is what it is, nice to have something new to try.

  5. I meant to post about this last week myself, and was actually kind of surprised there wasn't a thread yet. Basically, if you liked Get Equipped, you'll like this. If you haven't checked out Get Equipped, you should, and after doing do, check this out.

    Basically The Megas are awesome and you should check them out!

    As for which track made the transition to acoustic best, I'm actually going to say Promise of Redemption (Bubbleman), was never my favorite on the original album but this rendition just feels right.

  6. Wow, great mix that I totally missed for some reason, I guess that's the beauty of OCR though, it's the gift that keeps on giving if you dig through the vaults (and haven't... already heard everything, which is rather hard to do anyway).

    I have to say that like the writeup mentioned this almost sounds like J-Pop but in English obviously, under the circumstances it works perfectly though. Besaid was one of my favorite tracks from the game, just so incredibly peaceful, and yet for some reason I never really considered how it might sound in this context (answer: awesome).

  7. I found it interesting that they basically decided to do both of the things a lot of people predicted could happen. How the alternate non-crash timeline will tie into the "present" timeline seems to be the primary question of the season.

    So part of the smoke monster is out of the bag, which is huge for anyone who's been watching from the beginning! We still don't REALLY know who this guy is though (Jacob's nemesis is hardly a conclusive answer since we don't really know who that is either, only that they exist).

    Now just for fun, to take some of what GT said and put my spin on it:

    10.) Spring of Life in the Temple. This answers the question of how young Benjamin Linus was revived from the gunshot. Also I'm glad they finally revealed the Temple after it's first mention in the end of Season 3. Perhaps the "Magic Box", Benjamin Linus mentioned in mid-season 3 is this spring or perhaps something else in the Temple. Also Sayid was brought back to life with this... though he almost died. What is so important about Sayid that if was dead that everyone would be in danger? And... how does a Spring of Life get so dirty anyways?

    Since you mentioned this, I couldn't help but think it's interesting that if the spring in the temple revived young Ben, it is now reviving the person who shot him in Sayid.

    12.) Richard is referred to have had "chains" by Jacob's Nemesis / New Locke... what?

    My brother loves the theory that Richard was a member of the crew of the Black Rock, maybe a prisoner (we saw the chained prisoners in the ship in that one episode). That's the first thing that came to my mind when that line was said, but it could mean a lot of things.

  8. Loved the Ocarina of Rhyme, checking this out now!

    Edit: Pretty good overall, although the first track was terrible imo, that's the only one I can say I didn't like. A lot of the other ones manage to integrate the FFVII tunes with the beats and flows quite well. The manipulation of the FFVII tunes is done better than I've come to expect from a lot of mashup albums.

    I still don't know if you can really rap over One-Winged Angel, but the result was a lot better than I was expecting, though not one of my favorites. The Sailing from Junon, Costa Del Sol, and Mideel tracks had the best "feel" imo.

  9. Well I can't lie, when I first read this idea, I thought wow, what a stupid idea, the singing will totally clash with the growling, this is going to suck.

    Instead, the singing of Phantom merges surprisingly well with the growling of Genesis, and makes for a bizarrely cool effect. It's almost like each song gains all of the features of the other, and loses very little in the process, it's truly a strange idea but also a very interesting experiment.

    Seriously, very cool.

  10. This is REALLY smooth, yet very upbeat, reminds me a lot of Castlevania: Sonata of the Damned, no huge surprise of course with the same man behind it! I basically saw Joshua Morse and was like, ok, this is going to own, and bam, it does just that.

    This is my favorite style of remix, and I haven't even heard the source, speaking of which, anywhere I can hear that? I do love comparing mixes to the source, not that there's anything that could make me dislike this mix.

    I really hope most people don't let the fact that this is from a game they've never heard of stop them from checking this out, this is smooth goodness to the max, and what a great story to go with it!

  11. Add me to the "never played Xenogears but like the music" list. I actually want to play it but haven't gotten around to it yet. I'd listened to bits of it's soundtrack even before Humans + Gears came out, but once that album came out, I knew I had to fully understand it to appreciate the album. I may not appreciate the emotion or story impact of the music yet, but it's better than nothing.

    I did the same thing with Summoning of Spirits although I haven't yet listened to all of the sources from that.

    For the most part, a lot of the games whose music I have listened to but not played is actually brought about by OCR. I'll see a mix get posted, get curious, check out the source, then check out the mix. For me, one of my favorite things to do with any mix is of course compare it to the source, which is usually easy but when I haven't played the game, requires a little research.

    It's been a good habit, cause without it I never would have discovered a number of gems that are now some of my favorite OCR tracks.

    Another thing I did was listen to about half of the FFX soundtrack before I got a PS2 (which was years after it came out) cause I just couldn't help myself and wanted to get psyched for it even though it would be a while before I played it. I suppose the same can be said for some of FFXIII's tracks now.

  12. This is pretty awesome, it's kinda like Metroid meets Braid, with the stylized 8-bit like music making for the perfect old-school feel.

    Played the demo and am definitely sold that I would enjoy the full game, always nice when developers realize that a game doesn't have to be cutting edge, just fun, and in some cases, stylized. Anyone who grew up with NES platformers and likes puzzles and collecting is going to dig this.

    After the recent Steam holiday sales (ie. Braid for $2.50), paying $15 for this seems a little high but, I imagine I will be grabbing it soon.

  13. Good lord, had to listen to the original Rainbow Road theme to purge the image of that... other one :lol: .

    Kinda forgot about this album, but I'm glad it's getting closer! Battle Mode sounds good, not the first track I would have thought of but that's what keeps things interesting.

    ..but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to Rainbow Road (snes version) the most.

  14. Wow, as a huge fan of both Bad Dudes and OCR this is one hell of an awesome project theme.

    Could maybe take the Mega Man part a step further and do an X (or Zero) vs Sigma type thing, then again there may not be room on a shortish album like this. At the risk of opening a huge can of worms there are obviously a ton of FF heroes and villains that could be chosen, and perhaps Chrono/Lavos.

    Is it just coincidence that this is being announced around the same time as Survivor:Heroes vs Villains? :lol:

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