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Everything posted by Palpable

  1. There were a lot of things working for this track. The way it handled the source melody was inspired, and the balance and placement of instruments was nice. Good sound choices. My biggest problem was the level of repetition: in the drums, the melody in the 4 on the floor section. When a song starts to wear during the first listen, it's typically a sign that there should have been more change-ups. I'm not sure it's that big a deal and overall I still liked the song a fair bit. I think it's good enough. YES
  2. Ladies and gentlemen, the comedic stylings of Mr. William Harby! Say what you will about his stand-up, but I think a Europe-homage like this song is pretty much tailor made for Will. This had some really sweet moments, and the guitars and synths didn't step on each other much; there was good interplay there. Drums were flabby and could have used more definition even maintaining that level of reverb, but overall any shortcomings are more than made up for. YES
  3. Ooh, really liking this arrangement. Lots of nicely sequenced traditional instrumentation and a unique sound that nonetheless fits the source music. The bass and to a lesser extent drums needed to come up, and that really took some of the potential energy away here. I was torn whether that was enough to ask you to resubmit, but I guess I'm ok with this since the low end isn't that large a focus. I think with a balanced soundscape this would be awesome; as is, it's good enough. YES
  4. Personally I try to desecrate the source as much as possible in my remixes, so that the original can never be heard the same way by the listener again.
  5. Guess it looks like with fixes, this would have six Y. Let's see what Peter can do for us, I e-mailed him.
  6. Pinged him and told him we need it soon or we'll vote as is.
  7. Definitely liked the approach here, and it's pleasantly surprising hearing something like this from Brandon. Not much to pick at, really, the song is good. It felt a little bit empty and some additional verb would have been welcome. The opening thuds were the slightest bit distorted, but I'm not seeing that as a big issue. YEAH
  8. Until they come out with Street Fighter x Tekken X Tekken x Street Fighter.
  9. Yeah this could have been the write-up. This song is seven levels of awesome. I'll leave people to guess what those seven levels are!
  10. You're wrong. We only know that the universe without Fry, the Professor, and Bender goes on. (And even then, the universe could be considerably worse without them - when Fry "saves the universe" from the brains the first time, it's just from being enslaved by them, but the universe would still go on). Anyway, the universe with Fry, the Professor, and Bender goes forward differently BECAUSE of them. Fry may need to save save the universe as a result of their own actions, directly or no. Why did I type this
  11. Happy birthday Jay. Have a good 26th!
  12. I stand corrected, Uncle Pennybags. Your album will have a fee.
  13. No, like all our previous projects, they'll be free to download.
  14. I will probably wait for the next minor release so they can fix any initial bugs (they even mentioned in the forums there will probably be bugs), but very excited to see this out so soon! I picked up Newtone and Pitcher when they had that deal going on and I'm anxious to try them out in a more stable environment.
  15. Sorry, I wasn't a fan of this mix. The two themes didn't complement each other well, and the transitions between the two felt awkward to me. The mixing was very unpolished and it sounded like you were using heavy compression to make up it. The instruments aren't sitting that well in the soundscape together, and the leads are often too overpowering. When the breakbeats entered the picture, the drums lost their clarity. I'd have liked to see you use more EQ to cut away the unnecessary parts of the instruments and balance it better. But given that the arrangement never quite gelled for me either, I think this needs some major rethinking before I would pass it. NO
  16. Yep, an improvement, but still doesn't have the mixing smoothness that it would need to be over the bar. The drums and bass are still sitting in a very weird place, way out front. I mean, sometimes drums are ok to have out front like that, the bass shouldn't be there. I really think you should find a similar song (maybe some Nine Inch Nails?) and do some A-B comparisons to get the instrument shapes and levels correct. The arrangement doesn't need to change as far as I'm concerned - it's good enough to meet the bar. If you can get the production where it needs to be, you're there. NO (resubmit)
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