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Posts posted by q-pa

  1. Also, this little bit at the end sounds promising.
    In closing, some parting thoughts that expand on some comments we made in the last blog:

    Speed is something that is not given; but rather earned through dedication. Speed is not found by simply pushing a boost button, but by building momentum. It is the reward for skill in the face of difficult challenges – this kind of speed is the most exhilarating, not only because it is fast, but because of the pure perfection such speed exemplifies. This is the truth of the original Sonic games – and this is the truth of Project Needlemouse.


  2. Well, according to wikipedia, Avatar needs only $2 million more to become the highest grossing film of all time. Go Cameron.

    I still have trouble believing this--if it wasn't for the extra cost associated with 3D/IMAX tickets.

    It's definitely a big movie, but I remember how "Titanic" ruled the theaters and public consciousness in first few months of 1998, clear into the Spring. A parade of films ("The Wedding Singer," "Spice World"...) rose and fell from the weekly #2 slot, but never broke #1 because of it.

    I dunno, I hear a greater percentage of "Avatar"'s sales come from international than "Titanic" did.

  3. Wow.

    Right there in Brisbane, Australia, where I spent my Junior year of college abroad (and first got interested in DJing). It's seriously the best city I've ever been to and this makes it all the more awesome!

    I still remember the Asian-style arcade they had downtown, with the sit-down cabinets. They need more of those stateside too

    Edit: Cerax: do it. I personally will be there every week.

  4. Another two takes on these songs:

    Orgy covering Blue Monday

    That one I wouldn't call unexpected. New industrial band covering an old industrial-ish band.

    What is unexpected...?

    Gene Simmons covering "When You Wish Upon a Star"

    Edit: also, Northern Rose is a symphonic metal band that has several unexpected covers, like "Broken Wings," "Kiss from a Rose," "In the Air Tonight," and, my personal favorite, this ;-)

  5. You shouldn't be paying more than $15 for any classic console games except _maybe_ Earthbound, Final Fantasy III, and Chrono Trigger, and even then they'd better come in the original box for that kind of money.

    Also: MegaMan X2 and X3. My local used game place has those for $50, cartridge-only :shock:

  6. Best:

    Hanging out with (in no particular order) the new (Jenner, AeroZ, monobrow...) returning (Vilecat) & the old (everybody else!)

    New Year's Eve. We did Bond OUR way!

    (in my case, pregaming champagne in coffee cups in the room then running downstairs for midnight)

    Shael + DJP + "Music of My Groin" = EPIC!!

    Rocking out with Vilecat & Stevo to the Friday bands

    OCR panel--even though I was on my laptop for half of it preparing for that night

    Just going crazy on Saturday night--because there was nowhere else for me to go

    Watching Nekofrog and Larry go at it on SSF2HDR super late on Saturday. T-Hawk vs. Chun-Li. Then again. And again. And again....

    Watching Jose's "Chop Sucky" videos in the room. There's just something about those that was made to be watched in groups...

    A_Rival: OMG. That guy, Aimee & DJ could seriously give MC Lars a run for his money!

    Remembering all the cool things I did by reading your posts




    Stressing the fuck out over DJ prep

    Missing John St. John, the OCAD recording, AND all the Saturday concerts due to DJ prep

    Not spending more time in JamSpace

    Missing the DoD win and everything else after Sunday

    Realizing all the cool things I missed by reading your posts

    But really guys, it's ALL OF YOU that make MAGFest such a look-forward-to event every year. It's your energy and enthusiasm that keeps me going until the next meetup.

    And now...


    Here are the best ones:





  7. Thank you for all the ego-stroking, guys. That set definitely did NOT go like I wanted, but so glad to hear you dug it and were dancing up a storm (I couldn't see much from the stage myself).

    In other news I got just over an hour of sleep last night after I got home and before work, no nap today like i wanted, and let the record show that you're all *still* keeping me from bed with your reminiscing & recapping! This is love, man...

    And Global-Trance: PLEASE do come. Set up a PayPal donation site if you have to :-o


    is a video of part of Zen's chiptune set.

    And you should probably change the thread title.

  8. After leaving Alexandria at 1:30 AM after the concerts & cosplay contest, and driving all night--partially through a snowstorm--I am indeed back in PGH and still alive.

    As hard as it was to leave like that, there is something to be said for compressing all the goodbyes into an hour or so, as compared to seeing everything slowly wind down in empty rooms... :sad:

    But things were definitely awesome. More to follow as I digest everything--and maybe after a nap. :-P

    :nicework: to all!

  9. Oh, man, I'm really torn here; a local friend of mine is throwing a new year's eve bash with a bunch of old friends that I haven't seen in several years, including one female friend from highschool who... well, lemme put it this way: starla actually has the second best ass I've seen.

    So I'm debating whether I want to come to MAGfest tomorrow or hit the new years bash and then head up new years day.

    As long as there are picts ;-)

  10. I find it funny how every single movie it was similar to I haven't seen. Dances with Wolves: haven't seen. The New World: haven't seen. FernGully & Pocahontas: haven't seen (I got out of early childhood just before Disney went to shit and the copycats came in and ruined 2D animation for everybody).

    That being said I could sense it was a similar story to those, but that didn't bother me too much. And I'm wondering why, since I've attacked other movies for having a weak plot... I suppose it's like Geoffrey Taucer said: the plot, by design, is secondary to everything else. And I'm happy it wasn't Michael Bay-ish.

    I liked it a lot, thought the 3D did give me a headache (hint: keep your head straight). My biggest problems plot-wise were [minor-spoilers] the ending post-climax and how the characters turned into stereotypes of themselves for the final battle.[/minor-spoilers] I think it would have served the movie better if it had a co-writer, as opposed to Cameron writing it solo.

    Also: Segourney Weaver was badass :razz:--especially for a scientist--though I don't understand why she went out there as an Na'vi too.

    Was it just me... Or did the animation quality vary throughout the film?

    And was I the only one who saw the floating mountains and thought "Ooh! Zeal!"

  11. Hey now, coffee is a gift from heaven to make me more capable at everyday tasks.

    Especially hot coffee, if you know what I'm sayin' :-P

    BTW, I'm visiting New York City now and will be in town until the afternoon of the 31st. Anyone up for some cool things?

  12. There are PLENTY of games on the Wii worth grabbing(or at the least interesting), and I'm not even counting all the stuff on WiiWare/Virtual Console.

    There's also the awesome homebrew scene :wink: :wink:

    But seriously, I understand their points; good games are few and far between. And looking at the catalog of titles together on a store shelf is kind of a downer...

    Still I love my Wii and am proud to own one. I'm actually still working on several leftover GameCube games, principally Eternal Darkness and Ikaruga.

  13. TheCoop_NiceBirthday.jpg

    You've done so much for the art form, for the industry, for the community, and for me--and half the people I know.

    The composers, the players, the bedroom artists, the public at large... everybody. Truly it's hard to even fathom it all.

    Now we're starting to get jobs in the industry... We're all growing up so fast!



    Edit: Finally found *that* image

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