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Posts posted by q-pa

  1. Also, if possible, I'd like a place to crash nearer to Baltimore than home. If nothing is available, or someone else has greater need of it, I'll go ahead and drive every day.

    Maybe we could start a new hotel room if no one else has space?

    What are the known rooming arrangements anyway...?

    Also, Sunday BBQ FTW. Had a blast at the last one in May.

  2. NEWS FLASH: Things finally in order; I will be attending! :-D

    Are rooms set yet? I'm still looking for a place to crash Saturday night and preferably Friday too if I come down then. As usual, I have my sleeping bag and just need some floor space.

    I'm considering doing a Serge cosplay (from Chrono Cross) but haven't started buying supplies yet. We shall see...

  3. So how does Coney Island on August 2nd sound to everyone? Rumor has it that someone is trying to buy out Coney Island to build a casino/hotel, so this may be the last summer Coney Island is running.

    I've been looking for an excuse to come to NYC 1 more time this summer... Sweet!

    You can put me up as tentative for that date.

    The best part about Coney Island IMO are the open-air arcades. DDR machines galore and once I even saw a Sonic The Fighters there!

    Are we going to do the Coney Island Aquarium? It's nice, but I'm not sure if it'll be worth our time.

  4. Well, those idiots are lame. Granted, I liked the little changes in music because they made for good gags, but I understand with Yahtzee's growing popularity he has to try to be a bit more self-sufficient, especially if he's selling merchandise of his work and all. There are less risks involved for him this way and I fully support it. Even if this means we have to sacrifice a couple of good gags now and then, it's hardly affecting us otherwise, so people who are complaining should just bugger off.
    Well, I would be able to tolerate it I suppose if the "theme song" or whatever it is wasn't such generic crap.

    I swear, if I here one more Internet series or podcast with a personality-less, instrumental rock intro...

    Do you think one or more music companies took him up on his offer to request he stop using their songs, or is he just getting "self-sufficient"?

  5. It is all wild speculation based on the release date of the DS and PSP as well as competition from other rivals. Both the DS and PSP, though they still have a lot of life in them, are getting old by console standards. By console standards, they should be thinking about their next iteration. However, they are both doing well so it is doubtful.

    It's like comparing apples and oranges. Remember the original Gameboy/Gameboy Pocket generation lasted 9 years, 1989-1998.

    In any case, watching the chronotrigger.jp trailer today, you could forgive me for thinking this was 1995 and not 2008. I saw/heard absolutely noting to distinguish it from the original except for a slicker clock-pendulum intro. They even reused the 1995 character art and illustrations!


    As to next iterations, I suspect that Sony in it's next iteration will try to regain some ground against Apple. It is a favorite tactic of theirs.
    I assume you mean the iPhone as a gaming platform?
  6. So, who here played Chrono Trigger for the first time in a gaming generation that was later than the one it was released in, and what did you think of it? I played it shortly after it came out and loved it and can still enjoy playing it today. But part of the enjoyment could be coming from the nostalgia of it. But if someone played it for the first time during the PS1 era, (or even better, the PS2 or 3 era) and loved it, wouldn't that be a good measure of whether it's being overrated or not?

    So did anyone here play Chrono Trigger for the first time during the PS2 generation?

    I didn't play it until 2003, on *ahem* emulator, but I loved it immensely.

    It really is the perfect RPG, with nary one annoyance I can speak of. Characters, story, battles, progression... all great and polished to a sheen.

    At the time I compared it to Final Fantasy's little sibling: Not as serious or heavy, doesn't quite have love down yet, but boy does it know how to have a good time...

    I have a love for retro games in general, mind you, but that was my first time experiencing it so my view in untainted.

  7. Well, I mean, I do understand why they don't do it -- part of it being that we let them get away with it since we've allowed ourselves to be convinced that these games are holy mystical treasures locked away in a secret vault rather than a few megs of data which can be plopped onto a compilation disc at any time.

    That's the Disney strategy. :? Make it rare--or at least appear to make it rare--and then look like gods when you rerelease it.

    Only bad thing about this: I guess that means no CT on the Virtual Console...

  8. Theyll have that new version of windows out soon anyway, right? From what I read vista was just the ME of this generation, kinda a throwaway step.

    Kind of turned into that, yeah.

    you can still get windows 95 with no difficulty i dont think xp will be a problem

    Hell, I once found a bunch of Windows 95 CDs in a dumpster outside of an office building that was cleaning house.

    (The dumpster was one of those large open ones out on the street, BTW)

  9. i bought sonic heroes for pc for 2.50. still haven't played it.

    Haha, me too!

    My holy grail would be to find the original Castlevania for less than $20. Most of the time it goes for at least $100, even for a loose cart...

    I see it for under $20 regularly, at least around here. Even the generally more-expensive Castlevania III is under $20.

    --Or do you mean the Japanese version?

  10. I just got back from my semi-local used video game store and was surprised to discover some of the best deals for classic games I've ever seen. This one is kind of in a remote out-of-the-way location so all the good stuff seems to end up there. But this... this was like the stars aligning!

    I picked up, among other things:

    Super Mario All-Stars for $15

    Metroid (yellow label) for $14

    Final Fantasy III (VI) for $25 and...

    :!: Super Metroid for $18

    Even though I've played all of these games before (albeit not on a console...), I couldn't let these slip away.

    So I was thinking, what are some of the best deals on video games you've taken advantage of? Have you ever experienced that feeling of not only finding that long-lost gem but at a reasonable price?

  11. So does anyone else find those ads they're tacking onto the end of his reviews silly? Once or twice he put on some self-made thing (there was one with him dubbing over the Painkiller intro, quite a good laugh), but now ads? Is it him selling out, or does Escapist think this is a great idea for some good revenue?

    At least they're at the end of the review, though. I'll watch the first 5 seconds to see if it's not something he made then close it and move on.

    At least they're not as annoying as the stuff they shove at you at the end of Ask a Ninja videos.

    Seriously, what kind of Ninja endorses Verizon and Intel? :|

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