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Everything posted by chanq

  1. @djpretzel I'm happy you like it and thank you for the kind words! I'm incredibly humbled. It's funny, OCR was one of the earliest sites that inspired me to get into web design. Thank you and the team for all your hard work over the years! This site is a true gem.
  2. Hey, it's me again! I've fiinally wrapped up the project with a nice bow on top. It's hard to stop yourself from editing and editing into infinity. One day you just have to let go. The entire project has been documented into a (slightly) interactive case study, made in a design tool called Figma. It's basically a fancy powerpoint pres, but I figured it got the point across better this way. In other words, you can scroll and click around, particularly when you get to the page designs. If you're unsure what you can click, just click anywhere and blue boxes will highlight the interactive areas. I've never delivered a project in this fashion before, so let me know if you thought it was worthwhile or pointless :D There are 12 pages, all pretty densely packed with stuff, so make sure you stay hydrated if you plan to read the whole thing: Open the case study → When you're finished, I'd love to hear your feedback! Thanks again to everyone who took part in the survey and helped out in other ways!
  3. Hey guys! Sorry, it's not that it's closed, but I've maxed out on responses for the free plan of the survey service I'm using. If you're still keen on having your say, below are the questions. Feel free to reply to this thread or DM me your answers if you want them to be private 1. How often do you visit ocremix.org? a. Regularly b. Occasionally c. Rarely 2. How would you describe yourself as a user on ocremix.org? Choose as many as you want a. Listener/Fan b. ReMixer c. Admin/Staff 3. What makes you visit ocremix.org? Choose as many as you want a. The music b. The community c. VGM related news and info 4. How often do you listen to music from OC ReMix? a. Regularly b. Occasionally c. Rarely 5. How do you prefer to listen to music from OC ReMix? a. ocremix.org b. YouTube c. SoundCloud d. MP3 library e. Other (please describe) 6. Why do you prefer this method? 7. Do you feel that the listening experience can be improved? Optional question 8. Do you feel that the experience on ocremix.org can be improved? Optional question 9. Is there anything that you wish OC ReMix offered as a service? Optional question --- Thanks for your interest, everybody! I've been using the many responses to inform a set of designs that I will soon share with you all to get some feedback. Stay tuned!
  4. Hi again! Despite how empty this thread looks, I've gotten so many great responses from you guys! I just wanted to reach out to say thanks to everyone who has participated! It has been super helpful and I look forward to sharing some progress in the near future, either here or a new thread.
  5. Intro Hi there! I'm a digital product designer (sometimes known as a UX/UI designer) and I'm currently doing a personal design challenge: redesign a website from scratch. I've chosen ocremix.org for this challenge as it has been close to my heart since I was little and I'm already familiar with the site and its mission. BUT... I can't do this all on my own. Any decent design needs to be informed by its users and their needs. This is where you (yes, you) come into the picture. Below is a quick overview and then a few questions about how you use OC ReMix. Cool? Cool Overview What is this? Redesign a website (ocremix.org in this case) with complete creative freedom, unrestricted by budget and technical constraints. This is a pure exercise of design. How exactly? Gather data on how and why users interact with the website and other potential channels. Use this data to define a brief and/or list of goals to work against during the project. Produce a set of mockups that provide a solution for the goals outlined in the brief. Why though? Learning about my own process as a designer to better understand my strengths and areas for improvement. Survey Please follow this link to answer the survey. No personal data will be collected and none of the questions can be used to identify you. Go to the survey → Thanks for your time! If there's interest, I can keep this thread updated with my progress. Disclaimer: I'm not affiliated with OverClocked ReMix in any way. Any outcome of this project is strictly personal and should not be viewed as representative of OCR.
  6. I think Brandon's masterpiece soundtrack in JJ2 has gotten way less attention than it deserves. Mazedude's Jackrabbit Transformer is the only remix so far, which saddens me, because there are countless great songs in this game. I'd really like to see my favorite song remixed, . Of course, any other track would kick butt as well, like , , , or .If you enjoy other Alex Brandon sountracks, like Tyrian or Deus Ex, and have not heard the JJ2 one, I recommend you click the hell out of all the links above. Pick and choose, remixers, pick and choose. Thanks a lot!
  7. I know I've already posted a thread about this, but yet again here's my suggestion for OCR album art: I use it for all my OC ReMixes and it works perfectly in both iTunes and on my iPod. 400x400 pixels.
  8. Album art for OC ReMixes. Works great in iTunes and iPods, try it out! http://chanq.deviantart.com/art/OverClocked-Remix-Album-Art-104983716
  9. Man, you've just GOT to keep working on this one! I already love it and can't wait til you've come up with an ending. Nice work!
  10. Happy birthday! Have a good one, k?
  11. Too bad there wasn't more of what you had going on between 00:44 and 01:13. It kicked ass. Huge ones.
  12. Haha, that's what I'm talking about . I couldn't have wished for a better reply. I knew this track was far from perfect and you gave me some really valuable advice on how to improve it. I think I'll learn a lot from this. And thanks for the kind words!
  13. For those of you who might have been confused by the title, the music is not made in Apple's Garageband software. It's indicating that I tried to simulate a garage band jamming the Wind Scene tune. I'm posting this because I'm out of inspiration. Any help with feedback or ideas on how to develop this song will be greatly appreciated. Now knock yourselves out.
  14. Okay, you convinced me. The new system definitely is more convenient The new look still is not of my liking, but that's just a matter of taste. I liked it when it was small and simple.
  15. I can't say I like the new look too much... OK, so the system images are cool, but I think the rows are too big (I know that's cuz of the images). All the info within them is messy so it's a bit difficult to find what I'm looking for. There are a few other things I dislike about the list but they're nothing major. I think the old style was more convenient, more suitable for the rest of the site and definitely more slick. Sorry, but heck, that's just what I think.
  16. I just downloaded the awesome Jazz Jackrabbit 2 OST and I got it like this. But I wanna listen to them on my iriver..! Can anyone please help me?
  17. I wish Reuben Kee an afterlife of happiness. My condolences.
  18. I can't call this a "real" chiptune, because it's all put together by a NES refill demo and Another Soundscape's GayBoy refill. It took a couple of hours to finish but here it is! Check it out!
  19. I'm sure you don't need any more help now but I always convert my songs to mp3 with iTunes. It's easy and really fast.
  20. Thank you...! You remixed my favourite tune from this game. And it's drum n bass! You're a wonderful person.
  21. Now that's one tasty mix! When the leads come in it kinda sounds like something from Jazz Jackrabbit 2.
  22. Thanks for the advice. I've tried to listen to them as much as possible but I don't know wether there was an improvement or a deterioration. The song has been "mixed" and reorganized but it's still far from finished. I'm not gonna submit the link now because it's late and I'm tired. Maybe tomorrow morning..
  23. Sounds cool! But unfortunatley I haven't heard the soundtrack..
  24. Hey! I've been working on this for a couple of weeks, but now I don't know what to do.. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated. As you can tell I suck at mixing/mastering Of course there are more problems; that's why I'm posting this thread. But hey, I started working with Reason, like, six months ago so I guess I can't expect too much from myself. grenade_mm8.mp3 - 2.47MB Hope you like it! EDIT: I changed more than I thought I would in this version. I added more bass lines, made a decent intro, extended the song quite a bit and of course, I tried to mix it well. Personally, I think it turned out quite good. Maybe not OCR good, but better than before at least.. grenademan_mm8.mp3 - 4.02MB
  25. Wow... This is great. I'm jealous.. Is everything made in Reason?
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