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  1. I just saw a segment of the parade and the rick roll happened to be in the part i saw, i was starting to laugh while texting my freind about the rickroll, and had to explain to my dad the whole rickrolling phenomenon lol.
  2. apparently from what i have seen the Zelda movie purplecowadoom is talking about is not the same thing that was seen on IGN. A fan movie is being made http://www.legendofzeldaseries.com/main.php?page=fanmovie.html
  3. I listen to OC ReMixes pretty frequently mainly because most of my music is OCR due to the fact that the music is free and i don't have to pay for it and it's good music =P
  4. Another good radio station is http://www.kohina.com/ They have alot of music from the old 8 bit computers as well as the nes, snes, and genesis.
  5. first game that really got me into video game music was donkey kong country
  6. woohoo, finished, that was easy
  7. Thanks for the help. Had no idea there was sheet music up on the site.
  8. Where can I find the Clockwork Vampire sheet music?
  9. I've heard about this game coming out earlier this morning. Never heard of it so i looked it up and it looks good. Would love to play it but don't have a wii.
  10. eag86

    Halo 3

    Master Chief is in actuality duke nukem: http://www.godmodeonline.com/d/20070924.html
  11. yea, it's fixed now. able to download with no problem
  12. Lines of code at top look like this: Warning: XSLTProcessor::transformToXml() [function.XSLTProcessor-transformToXml]: runtime error: file /home/ocremix/public_html/includes/xslt/include_lastfm.xsl line 11 element param in /home/ocremix/public_html/includes/config.php on line 329 Warning: XSLTProcessor::transformToXml() [function.XSLTProcessor-transformToXml]: unregistered variable autostart in /home/ocremix/public_html/includes/config.php on line 329 Warning: XSLTProcessor::transformToXml() [function.XSLTProcessor-transformToXml]: xmlXPathCompiledEval: evaluation failed in /home/ocremix/public_html/includes/config.php on line 329
  13. The download links were showing up before and I never had a problem. Today when i click on a song title i get like lines of code at the top of the screen or something like that and there are no download links under the download tab. Nothing shows up under reviews tab or chiptunes tab either.
  14. I'm having problems with download link's not showing up. Is anyone else having this problem? Is there something wrong with the site?
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