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Posts posted by Flexstyle

  1. Man, this project is on a freakin' rocketship of a pace, compared to some other OCR projects. Also, as someone who has quite possibly put the most effort into this project aside from Emunator and a couple other people, please believe my sincerity when I say this: This project will come out on the day that it does, and it will not be a day late or early. Until then, just hang tight, and shut up if you're here to complain.

    Hype welcome, complaints not.


  2. Meanwhile, I think the problem the game companies have with game rips is that if they let us download it at will, anyone could make games that reuse them, which would somehow hurt the companies. Flexstyle, do you have a better idea as to why?

    Nah, it's not so much that as it's just the same as any other piece of recorded music. Right now, federal law prevents the unauthorized distribution of copyrighted works, and posting a zip of a game soundtrack, even if there's no "official" album, is definitely unauthorized distribution of copyrighted works. The music is certainly under copyright law, even though the initial distribution media is a bit different.

  3. I'd appreciate it if nobody leaked any 100% finished tracks before the album releases. Sorry about that.

    Some great news coming in the next day or two though... hang tight everybody :-)

    This. I know I did release a track through my podcast, but (a) it was a bonus track, rather than a "true" album track, and (B) I ran the idea past Emu before I did it.


    Well, I must say, this is quite a pleasant listen. I do indeed like the way you've gotten CVPiano to sound (can be difficult sometimes, I agree), and the arrangement flows very nicely.

    There's a rogue timing issue at about 0:20-ish; you'll hear it if you listen, I think.

    I will agree with the comments about repetitiveness in the section between about 2:00 and 2:30. My remedy would be to spruce up the piano part, do a bit more arranging with the source in that section. Put some flourishes in there, so that we know this isn't just copy-pasted from earlier in the song. Judges tend to dislike repetitiveness quite a lot.

    Overall, the piano playing is perhaps a bit rigid, although I'm not sure how much luck you'll have with that issue with CVP. Some of the timings are still just a bit too locked into the piano roll, if that makes sense, and I'd tweak the velocities a bit too. Put a bit more emotion in there if possible.

    I have no quibbles with the mix, at all, as it does a lovely job of avoiding distractions from the arrangement.

    Overall, it's quite nice, but I'd fix just a couple minor things before I submitted it, if I were you.



    Honestly, I really dig this. I'm a huge fan of this style of music, especially when paired with house (a la the new Electro-Swing stuff, Caravan Palace and the like). Just a couple of minor criticisms:

    - The finger sweeping noise (when you're changing chords) gets just a bit distracting at times.

    - Some of the longer notes with the clarinet (I assume) need a bit more articulation, if they're going to be held that long. They get just a wee bit stale after more than a half-note or so, I'd say.

    - A couple of the transitions, such as around 1:44 and 2:32 lack some energy. The beat stays very much the same throughout the entire track, and while that's not a bad thing per se, you could stand to add a few percussion fills and maybe a bit more excitement as the track progresses--just give the listener something to build upon.

    The mix sounds pretty decent to me, assuming you want the percussion to be so low in the mix. As an aesthetic choice, I think it works decently well. The train wind noise from the source tune is just a wee bit harsh, perhaps, but that's my only real nitpick.

    It's pretty good, really. I enjoyed myself thoroughly while listening, and I bet a bunch of other listeners will as well--the arrangement is pretty clever, and definitely has that "foot-tapping" quality to it. A bit more polish would really send you in the right direction, I think.


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