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Posts posted by Velocifero


    Starla, Arek the Absolute, Overcoat, Velocifero, and I are visible SO MANY TIMES! I'm freaking out over here! Such an awesome video!!! Thanks for linking us Flik! :) This was probably the best part of the show.

    LOL @ 1:40 that was my Fester's Quest he snatched! :lmassoff: Which was later signed by the AVGN.

  2. One of my new biggest fears now is that something will come up and I can't get off for next year. fear.gif I'm going to build up more leave so I can stay for the entire thing.

    -Having Post-Mag Depression...sucks balls man. Worst thing ever.

    For real. I was really down this morning at work for some reason. Felt better halfway through the day but man, must be remnants of the 'fest.

    They looked awesome though! And actually, Jade, Velocifero, and I were chatting with Dale North Saturday night, and he suggested that at some point, MAG should do a black tie affair one night with dinner in one of the panel/ball rooms for anyone interested. I think this is a fantastic idea.

    Yea he mentioned he and Mustin were toying with the idea. I was very flattered he shared those thoughts with us. He's got a lot of respect for OCR I can tell.

  3. Another highlight for me was right when we were all saying goodbye, looking back on that I could friggin cry. XD But the man djp sang a Teen Agent riff and said that stuff gets stuck in your head, and I was blown away. :-P I'm still not sure if that really happened or if I dreamed it.

    It hit me after I dropped Ababoss off at the airport. I saw these two sisters (or friends) hugging goodbye. It make me think of how far apart most of are and how rare it is for us to get together. The forum and facebook help but it's not the same of course. sad.gif

  4. Yea, I read this earlier. It is just so unbelievable how some people can seriously do this shit.

    I got the ladies' backs if I am around and shit goes down. This is for damn sure.

    Sounds like it coulda been a lot worse...But even still it's fucked up. But with more and more people going each year, bad shit is bound to only increase. Let's hope this or something worse doesn't happen again.

    Just came in here to post that I had an awesome time jamming on bass with melody, DrumUltimA, Harmony, bustatunez, Danny B, Shnabubula, ktriton and any others who I sincerely apologize to, because I either didn't recognize you or have not met you before. That whole night was awesome and totally surpassed my expectations for jamspace.

    That's why I need to buy more OCR stuff to wear so people who might not recognize you but recognize the shirt. If I see the logo, I'll just walk up to someone and ask if they're on the forum or a remixer etc.

  5. The highlight of my MAGFest was playing Naruto GNT with a deaf/mute girl who typed stuff on her phone to trash talk me.


    You're kidding...
    I'm definitely going through Post-Mag Depression... *sobs* :-( I'm so grateful I got to go to this! Missed the panels on Thursday because of the insane badge line...but next year I'll make sure to come on Wednesday and leave on Monday!!

    It was a pleasure being with so many of you. 4 days is really not enough time to be with all of you. I will post my videos and pictures really soon. I love you guys... I mean it. It's incredibly important that I do Mag every year so I will work hard towards that goal!

    For now, it's back to the Wild ARMs project... I need Stevo around as soon as possible please. ;-)

    I was surprised how bummed out I was at the end. I knew met most of you guys at least once or twice before, but many of you were met for the first time.

    I think it was because everyone was so nice and that I'm sharing a part of my life I haven't shared with other friends. You guys are awesome.

  6. TMNT for NES. Like there was ever a question here. ;-)
    I was standing next to a guy who had all the Zelda CDi games for him to sign.
    Mad Gear might have some copies of Shaq-Fu or Superman64 up for sale. KF

    I actually liked the first TMNT back in the day. I dont have those others but I do have a couple copies of some Simpsons games.

  7. I, too, love his movie reviews. You can tell that's his main passion. Seeing him go to where the movies were actually shot, for example, when he does the side by side shots of the Rocky movie, is pretty cool.

    I am jealous of his collection of video games/systems he has accumulated over the years of doing the AVGN. I wish I had something like that.

    Musta been easy for him since he lives in Philly :)!!. It was cool and sent his message home.

  8. I love how he goes into the history of everything, so you know where it all comes from. This movie of his seems to be his current masterpiece. Taking a bit of everything he's been doing and making something out of it.

    After watching all the AVGN videos, i've been watching his movie review videos. He's got a lot and they're all entertaining and informative.

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