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Posts posted by Velocifero

  1. It's a surprise that they modeled their commercial after one so generic. If Burger King can get away with selling a meatier Double Cheeseburger than McDonalds' McDouble (formerly known as the Double Cheeseburger), then whatever who cares, this is stupid.

    Actually the McDouble ($.99) and Double Cheeseburger ($1.19) are two different items. The McDouble has one piece of cheese while the DC has two like normal. I know, it's lame.

  2. Someone here is going to say it, but in a much worse way. I'll take the bullet so you don't have to.

    Here goes.

    These are old. Yes, there is a chance that some of us haven't seem them before. But they are old videos, and most of us have. I get that you're trying to fit in and add something to the community, and that's great, but posting ancient videos of old jokes isn't going to work. Original content, like a thread about the theoretical number of extra lives you can get in a video game... that stuff gets you awesome points. You have some artwork that people would lie, post that. You got a brand new video that you're really sure no one has seen before, go for it.

    There. At least you've been spared the wrath of a few of our more "edgier" members that would have chewed you out for less.

    A simple "Repost." would have been plenty to say here instead.

  3. The weather forecast is not looking good for Sunday - 95 degrees. BUH. x_x

    Andy and I may not be coming after all, I'm afraid. It's a long drive for us from Philly, and we just got back from a 10 day vacation - so it doesn't seem like the best time when we take the miserable heat into account.

    That doesn't make me feel as bad now. But of course when I move to Arlington, I already had plans for the 4th. I would totally go otherwise, since I'm so damn close. Dang it.

  4. The review on IMDB :grin: (5.1/10 btw)

    "I went to see the Midnight showing of The Last Airbender tonight. I am a huge fan of the series and had been awaiting this movie for months. I understood that this was to be a children's movie, but the series was for children as well and I loved that. What could go wrong? This movie was a cinematic abomination. The entire movie, which covers the first "Book" of the series is rushed together and jumps around in a totally nonsensical manner. There is absolutely NO time spent on characterization. None of the characters had any depth at all and may as well have been cardboard cutouts. Major plot points are summarized through narration or montage and the film would leave any person not familiar with the story absolutely dumbfounded. With all of my heart I discourage you from seeing this movie. Go see Karate Kid. Go see Killers. Go see (I cannot believe I am saying this) Eclipse. Just stay away from this movie"

  5. I personally don't visit VGMix often, but DoD was really important to me. Every month I had a bunch of new remix to listen about, some of those really good even if under OCRs standards.

    I'm happy that DoD isn't dead and there are http://dod.bossies.org/ and http://dod.redheadedblacksheep.net to keep things going forward, but I would like to know that everything will turn back to normal in future :)

    Yeah same, I check that every month.

  6. Thanks for the info, Kyle. That's good to know.

    Well, the least that can happen now, if the site is indeed defunct and the new slim-n'-trim virt isn't going to bring it back, I hope he doesn't forget his holiday promise last year about the torrent or zip or whatever of all the archived songs. I miss them songs ;_;

    He has all of them archived then huh? I started downloading some of their better stuff in 2006 but wasn't able to finish for obvious reasons. I would love to finish what I started.

  7. If I'm free, I'll give it a shot.

    I think we'd potentially be up for it, but we also want to do another Philly meetup at our place. We're hoping that our apartment complex will have its pool ready sometime during the summer so we can have a BBQ and then chill out in (or around) the pool afterwards. So, hopefully we can time that so it's not too close to this one.

    Depending on my schedule, I'd be down for going to your guys' place again.

  8. This album is amazing ,but it would have been better if they at least do an instumental version for each vocal track the vocals really did piss me off I myself am not a fan of vocal music bu who knows if they had thought of adding this option things may have been alot better and they won't lose anything except time and I think its worth it.

    Oh yes and if only proticity had joined this I think that things would have turned out much better.Dont get me wrong I really appreciate all the hard work they have done and I thank them all it really took a long time to finish but it was worth it ^^.

    Wow way to crap on the singers of those songs. Music is music man, and this site is as open-minded to music genres as it gets. Maybe this site isn't your thing if your mentality is going to be like that.

    No bLiNd tracks? :( The tracks sound fantastic. I've always loved this soundtrack, probably more than the first DKC.

  9. I don't get it. Is this cool? Can't you just

    1.) download ACID

    2.) download accapellas

    3.) put them together in ACID

    4.) put drum beat under


    Yeah this and the zelda one I just looked at were ok...The songs definitely don't flow as well or sound as professionally done as Norwegian Recycling mashups. I think why is the choice of hip-hop songs. Overall they seem annoying to me. This is coming from someone who has almost 900 hip-hop songs in his ipod. Mostly old school.

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