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Everything posted by Z3120

  1. Like Gollgagh said, battery life is conserved even more by only having to read off the memory stick. You could do an experiment yourself to see but your charges to waste. Also, custom firmware and being able to underclock your PSP depending on what tasks you're doing helps too. Chrono Cross ran pretty nice for me at 75 mhz, and I easily got a good 10 hours on my battery running my videos and PSX Eboots at no higher than 100 mhz in XMB.
  2. @Takero: That's really unfortunate. Perhaps you might want to check craigslist or something for some local repair services. There's one where I live who's very affordable (and cheap) and can answer questions anything PSP-related you might have. Best of luck. @Malaki-LEGEND.sys: You might like DJ Max Portable 2 though song-wise I hear a whole bunch of people prefer the first and I would agree too but I love too much. It's a Korea rhythm game similar to beatmania IIDX and DDR except with fingers, but the menus and interface are all English so it's very easy to get into. Plus, there's no region protection for PSP games so it's easy to import and play unlike the PS2.@Culturekoi: I would recommend such sites like qj.net where you can post asking for local people around you with pandora batteries to help you.
  3. Started playing the piano recently, and I regret not being able to pursue the piano or violin much earlier because if I did, my hands wouldn't be in the shape they're in right now... However, I did begin the clarinet when I was in elementary but chose not to chase it after a year because of some financial issues. I really did yearn to play the piano though because two of my closest friends had pianos in their houses yet I never really had any motivation to play the piano until I practically got a free piano (only 61 keys, but still, it's free), and my passion and interest for classical music (well, anime and video game music) was at an all-time high. Whoops for the rant
  4. Well, some senior pranks you don't want to do would be throwing practically loads, if not almost all of the books from the library onto the hallways in the school building. It sucks to those who had to clean up... Another prank I remembered was in quite a few classrooms there were chairs bolted to the top of the ceiling. The most memorable prank (I believe there's videos of this posted) was when there was a courtyard turned into a fishing pond. It was on a pretty massive scale.
  5. Amen. Let the undeniable truth be spoken
  6. The only time when you need to update your firmware is when you're unable to play certain games if you're using an old one. There's this one specific game I'm trying to play, but I'm confused on how to make a pandora because I don't got a spare memory stick. Compared to the PS2 homebrew, it's a cakewalk compare to the stuff I gotta know on the PSP, lol.
  7. Thanks for the link. Thought I lost it when I couldn't even google it.
  8. Because the fan translation is 100% complete for it, and the beta-testers are testing it And plus, it's not everyone knows most of the characters in Namco X Capcom (I think). lol. Like the only one (who happens to be Korean) who has the Grand Master ranking (or whatever the highest rank in DJ Max Portable 2 is) is insane...
  9. I knew I forgot something. Beatmania IIDX is incredibly fun. I still suck at DJ Max Portable 2 though.
  10. I love the PS2 Tales of Games (not the U.S. ones). Kingdom Hearts 2: Final Mix+ and Final Fantasy 12 International Zodiac Job System are awesome deals for Director Cuts imo.
  11. A college student has lived a sheltered life with very few friends to confer to. Usually alone with no role model or parental figure to help guide his actions and determine a goal throughout life, he one day watches a show, and along with it, music so beautiful and awe inspiring that it has managed to enchant both his heart and mind to look for change and a future. Seeking to learn a new instrument (piano), he begins his journey into a new world he never knew filled with new friends, a society on the beginning of change, a new found love in the appreciation and joys of music and a brighter path to the future forged before him. He will walk forth a thorny path growing like branches on a tree to a dream he never thought was possible. Pretty much sums up a few people I know.
  12. The square pegs cover the screws, correct. You can use your finger nails and pretty much pick remove those pegs out to reveal the screws. The reason why the number of screws is different is because sometimes each PS2 version has a minor appearance change both internally and external, some minor while other changes can be drastic. So comparing a fat PS2 with another fat PS2 can be quite different; hence, why the switch in the black slim PS2 would be located differently than the silver slim PS2.
  13. Standard Philip screwdriver. Similar to the ones you can use to unscrew a car light and PC casings I believe. Edit: If you're an avid PS2 game fan, I recommend setting up a hard disk drive (HDD) to play PS2 games from and use your slim PS2 to play games you're unable to play on the HDD. Given the game compatibility rate is about 85% when playing from the HDD, I say it's pretty generous given you don't have to tax your PS2's laser so much. You're ensured a much longer lasting laser for an extra few years compared to running your laser dry (worn, whatever the analogy). Although, that's extra money. About 70 considering an IDE HDD is required along with a Network adapter excluding the need for a fat PS2 if you don't have an old one. Just throwing it out there.
  14. Nope, manga was out before the anime actually. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/manga.php?id=6641 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haruhi_Suzumiya_(franchise)
  15. It's probably the piano Martin played on that I hated then. I'm not exactly musically literate, but I could have at least used a better word than grace for Time Scar. Like that song needed grace (well, for the 2nd half it didn't =D). I suppose note value it is. And I doubt they'll do it but I suggested Hideyuki Fukasawa to them. Hopefully if and when he gains more recognition in the U.S., he might get an arrangement played at VGL.
  16. Try playing a beatmania IIDX or a Pop n' Music controller. Not only are the controllers to these games expensive to replace considering import costs, but they have a ton buttons. But many buttons doesn't make a controller complicated so I don't know where I was going with this.
  17. Have you tried to lower the screen resolution? Some websites can't display above 720p well. So I've had to downsize to avoid display problems sadly.
  18. I thought their One Winged Angel lacked another guitar and a few cellos. Otherwise, the orchestra did well for their size. I was still disappointed though. I didn't like how Martin Leung played Chrono Cross' Time Scar. I suppose I was expecting more grace and note value for such a song. I don't know. Also, where was the love for John Debney @SF? Love his Lair OST and his other works. Oh well, can't blame people for not having a PS3 (expensive). By the way, anyone heard me yelling when Debney and left?
  19. After NBA live 03, I've been sick with the Live series and prefer the 2K series. Even though the 2K games could be much better, at least they're incredibly less glitchy and more balanced than the last few Live games except maybe the most recent. Haven't played Live 08.
  20. The location of the switch may be different considering the picture is of a black slim PS2, but I managed my silver slim PS2 fine with this method. Here you go. Can't believe this link is still up after all these years.
  21. Yeah, they did it again. They ended with the Castlevania arrangement. Speaking of VGL@SF, I was a bit disappointed at the turnout. You guys wouldn't believe how tempted I was to shout encore for the Castlevania song, but I didn't think I have a chance and enough people to start a decent wave with
  22. Thanks so much for the response. Guess I'll go in an hour
  23. Actually, yeah, the manga is probably based on the movie considering it was out a few months ago. My bad but I'll still classify it as such because it's some inspirational stuff and nice insights You wouldn't believe how long I've been looking for a name of that... That is a quite surprisingly good show but definitely not everyone's cup of tea. (I wonder why I didn't mention it) The animation of Monster reminds me of Yugo the Negotiator. You could say the same for Code Geass I suppose.
  24. Are there any events before the concert starts? I remember hearing there might be GDC or something, but I can't access the VGL website right now.
  25. Well actually, isn't it possible to hide cocaine in stamps too? I remember hearing something from some prison documentaries. And if this prosecuting actually does go this far, scary to fathom what crazy possibilities there might be.
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