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Everything posted by Overflow

  1. So, basically, Blu-ray was better, but HD-DVD was cheaper because it didn't put as much info on? Both used the same kind of disks, right? I mean, Blu-ray wasn't using some special kind of physical disk; they used normal dvds?
  2. I've searched, but I haven't been able to find a video of an expert G&W fighter. I would like to see it. If anyone finds one, could you post the video please? Thanks in advance!
  3. You know, that's the best explanation of blu-ray I have ever heard. No, seriously. I'm not joking. All of the 'official' explanations made no sense, and all my friends described it very strangely. So, how then is HD-DVD different from blu-ray?
  4. Combos, in my experience, are hard to pull off and annoying to be caught in. They're near impossible against skilled players because even a second's gap will give them an escape and counter-attack opportunity. I've been playing for a long time, but I just can't seem to get all that much better. I can only do like a 3 hit combo, max.
  5. I've seen a few good anime movies, like the myazaki movies(Spirited away, princess mononoke, etc), Steamboy and Royal Space Force. The last is pretty old, but has a great theme. As far as series go, a friend gave me Gundam Seed Destiny, which I thought was pretty good, except the end was really rushed. I saw several pokemon episodes when I was younger, but I know people probably don't even count pokemon as a proper anime, lol.
  6. Well, yeah, I would'nt keep using it if I lost every time, I'm just wondering if that's the way it works or not. I mean, what about all those poor people who just got a wii, the game, and broke the nunchuke? lol
  7. Oh, HUGE question: In wifi play, how do the controllers work? For example, if you play a random stranger match, and you play with only the remote, will it set you up with someone using a gamecube controller? 'Cause that would be so unfair, considering all the crazy melee players out there. I think that you should be able to search for a game USING a certain controller type, like classic against classic, etc. Does anyone know what it really is? If it's just random, then I'll only play online with a gamecube controller(That way I'll have a slight chance of winning).
  8. G&W was the most fun to play as, too, IMO. It's more fun to hit someone with food(I refuse to open the bacon/sausage can of worms again) and a chair than to simply punch and kick.
  9. in Mario Fusion, how many levels has the guy actually made? It looks like each world should have about 9, but it seems he only made one level per world. How long has he been working on it?
  10. Does G&Ws up B jump umbrella inflict damage on people, like peach's? G&W was always my favorite because of the old G&W games, even though I only have the gallery games, lol. I can't wait till march 9!
  11. Does anyone know what changes there will be in the US brawl from the japanese? Also, can the two play wifi? As far as the tournament thing goes, I've only heard of one official melee tournament. I guess there's lots, eh? Has anyone ever won one? BTW, off topic: How do you upload a custom avatar?
  12. Off topic from the whole items thing, but in Brawl are characters like ganondorf and wolf clones, or do they change their movesets? Also, what's the deal with custom stages? are they saved to the wii, SD card or game memory?
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