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Everything posted by Overflow

  1. I would have lol'd so hard if it was weaver who did Auto. (I thought it was Otto, but whatever.)
  2. I've got a couple album designs I was going to try my hand at, I'll see if I can get you a sketch of the designs. In the meantime, I thought it would be cool if you were to take those OCRemix album arts and, instead of a white background, make the background a screenshot or artwork of the game (Like Metroid, for instance) with the title of the game in there somewhere. The hard part would be keeping the transparent headphone in the background, but it would look cool.
  3. Heh heh, sounds like fun. I'd help, but I'm lousy when it comes to game design. i tried my hand at game maker, but I was never really able to figure out jumping and gravity. I might be able to help with the story a bit, but not for the next couple of weeks; I'm REALLY bogged down with tons of stuff right now.
  4. Dude, you should. Do you mean OCRemix albums, or albums for anyone?
  5. That actually makes a lot of sense. Maybe they could supply "blanks" as you say, and they could be specially designed to copy, organize and arrange your music/movies etc. for example, having special drives for a particular artist or movie company. At the rate technology is going, it won't be long before we see 10 gig drives for $20.
  6. THAT would be cool Honestly, this is neat. But I already went through the trouble of organizing all the songs into Game Albums and searched for album art for each game. Now how do I incorporate these...?
  7. I think it's been said, but I and other people enjoy having the physical videos, too. It's kinda cool to look at your rows of videos as you decide which one to watch, or flip through those pearly white Wii games. The Virtual console games, while cool, are disappointing in this area: there is no physical reassurance that I bought the game, instead only a little picture on the screen. I think the same applies for videos: in most people's minds, a "hard copy" is never a bad thing to own. I can think of several times I've lost tons of stuff on my computer (Like movies in iTunes), but owning the physical copies made it easy to copy again.
  8. Wow. That was truly impressive. It's almost scary to think that if third parties dropped off, the PS3 and 360 would die nearly instantly. I entirely agree. Fun is what's important in video games, and people just don't seem to get that anymore. The gamer market is being flooded with gramers (Check out 'Nametags') who only play halo and madden, and care more about being cool with powerful hardware than having fun. Like you said, that's why Nintendo is constant. You guys should check out Game Overthinker. Run a search for his videos; they deal a lot with these kinds of issues. In one episode, he explains why Nintendo fans are so crazy over the success of the Wii and he points out the flaws with the 'hardcore' audience's opinion that games like mario and zelda are 'gaaaaay'.
  9. Blu-ray doth bringeth the end of the world in 2012. lol.
  10. No kidding. I remember, maybe about 6 or 7 years ago, when Monsters Inc. was still new, we didn't get a DVD player until my mom won a monsters inc. DVD from a radio show. Then we went all out on a nice, 27" tube TV (It was great at the time) and a surround sound system, and we've been satisfied since. Just having to pay over $500 for a new player and over $1500 for a TV to enjoy the new movies on just doesn't seem worth it. Besides, I can think of few movies where I am perfectly satisfied NOT being able to see every nuance of the guy's face.
  11. What's the problem with the hammer ons? GHIII was the first one I played, and I got used to the hammer ons in it, now you're telling me they were off? I thought the hammer ons in Rock band were weird, not the other way around.
  12. So vocals are in, though. cool. But imagine how hard it would be to get vocal recording done right. First, you'd have to sing on tune all the way through, then the game would need to figure out what pitches you're singing and translate them into more general pitches. That doesn't sound easy, and if you can upload your songs online (You can, can't you?) just imagine what could go wrong.
  13. I'd love to see some concept art, could you post some?
  14. I don't know about you guys, but from what little I've heard, it sounds amazing. Being able to create your own songs? Wow, just wow. This looks WAY better than rock band. I've played rock band, and I own Guitar Hero III and I prefer GHIII because of the higher difficulty, and just overall better built guitar. The rock band ones seem a little, unresponsive? Plus I still can't figure out how to do hammer ons in rock band. So the drum kit also looks great, 2 raised cymbals and three drum pads. Any word yet on a microphone? Discuss, post pics, links or anything relevant.
  15. Is EB Games a subsidiary of Gamstop? Because I've never seen a gamstop in canada, but there are certain items in EB games that say gamestop... 0.o
  16. That's very true. After all, I can't say I would've been too joyous over pkmn firered except for the fact that I played the crap out of red and yellow, and now, even after I've finished the elite 4, every time I pop in firered it's like a total nostalgia explosion. FF4 DS also looks great in that respect.
  17. Actually, if you mean remove and re-install ranch, it's probably closer to...a week? every time you fill the ranch to max capacity, it takes a day before the ranch is rebuilt to sustain even more pkmn.
  18. Lol, I guess I'll pick up the original too, even if I want to get TS sometime in the future ;p I kinda like the 'gritty' style lower quality graphics have; the PS1 and DS have that style, and it definitely sets a mood. I didn't realize they overhauled the game THAT much: Redoing music and cutscenes? That seems a little, what's the word, disrespectful to the original? I'll grab MGS for PS1 next time I see it, then. It would feel good to boot up the old box, anyways. BTW, MGS3 is for PS2, right?
  19. Sweet, thanks. I guess twin snakes is the best place to start then, considering I don't even have a PS2 I'll get a PS2 someday; hopefully then I can play the rest of the story, then get a PS3 sometime and play MGS4.
  20. A while back I found the PS1 version of MGS at my EB games for $10 bucks, but I didn't get it because I wondered if it was worth looking for the GC version instead. They're the same game but the GC has more 'stuff' and better graphics, so do you think I should get the GC version instead? I've become very interested in the MGS games, and I'd like to try them but I want to start from the beginning and get the whole experience. P.S. Is it true that the GC version includes the original MG for NES?
  21. Has anyone here got My Pokemon Ranch? I got it, and I have to say, I like it A LOT. First of all, I was ecstatic at the prospect of a storage system for my 350+ pkmn, so that was pretty cool. Second, I love the way they look! Like little origami pokemon! But most of all, I love the interactions between pokemon and the miis. I made my personal mii the caretaker of the pkmn I imported, so my 6 main pkmn always stick with me. Also, they all act exactly like they should! For example, my gardevoir rarely leaves my side and she often just floats around my head or smiles with the other pokemon. My Primeape, on the other hand, constantly runs from one end of the ranch to the other, attacking any pokemon that get in its way. Pretty much how they act in the show and games. Also, every pkmn responds in similar ways, not just special ones like your party. I watched as a dewgong was chased by a turtwig (Who don't like each other, due to the type matchup) until it was cornered, where it spun around, froze the turtwig in a block on ice and ran off as fast as it could. I think it's the fact that the game can support 1000 pkmn, plus 20 miis plus toys all interacting this way ON SCREEN at the SAME TIME that caused a drop in the graphics. After all, trying to account for every single pkmn's personality would have to take a toll somewhere. Another cool thing: the pictures you take on the ranch and save to your SD card can actually be uploaded to your computer. I've got a picture of my mii surrounded by my team as my desktop right now. All in all, I think it's a great little program if you have way too much pokemon and can't bear to get rid of all those bidoofs. (The $10 price range is a little steep, though, for a fancy screensaver.)
  22. I'm also in the 10-26 range, and I guess Wii is my only system (Unless you count all the other nintendo systems, which I own, a ps1 and colecovision), But when I play it's usually only for about an hour to two hours every other day. That is, of course, unless it's a new, AAA game like galaxy or corruption, but I finished those and now I'm just going for 100% in galaxy and a second run through of metroid and zelda. The reason I only play every other day is because on the other days I play my DS. I know it sounds weird, but I've rationed myself to either DS or Wii each day, so I don't just jump in between them and waste my entire day. I don't really see that being any different if I had any other systems, I would probably play with the Wii more than with a PS3 or XBOX360, but that's only because none of the games really appeal to me. I'd love to own the systems, but not for their titles
  23. "THE NED" -worthless plug n' play game "Conglaturation!!! You have completed a great game. You have prooved the justice of our culture. Now go rest our heroes!" -end screen in NES Ghostbusters. Go watch the Angry Video Game Nerd react to this screen on screwattack.com XD
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