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Everything posted by bjkmenu

  1. this is using MaliceX's midi. Thank you MaliceX. this is early, rough, no mastering. what you think peeps? http://download.yousendit.com/D8B41E3B59356037
  2. psychodog13, that's pretty sweet what you did. those videos are hilarious too. anyways, i'm gonna attempt something gunstar soon and i'll post it here (exclusively). then you can tell me if it sucks. be back soon hopefully.
  3. http://dod.vgmix.com/past/apr08/ Danimal Cannon, Snappleman, Scaredsim, Dhsu and more........ you can also listen to my boring crapfest! vengence will be mine.
  4. Kadmium and Jim Grey won.
  5. Agreed. The music is very, very challenging. Let me check to see if my levels are high enough. OK. Inconclusive. Did you ever beat Gunstar Heroes with only the double-star guns? I did. Then, I learned later that using different combinations of power-up capsules worked alot better. I loved the dice game stage. The music is so classic and needs some serious remixage. Those drum patterns are insanity though. Let's get some A-listers on this one, what do you think?
  6. Pizza Sauce. Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Marie. ShinerCCC is a pianist who makes metal. I heard that there are cool metal guitar patches for keyboard/synth nowadays. I like the way it sounds, I just don't think it should be overdone. What's up with this Pro53 malarchy? Keyboard solos kick more ass than guitar solos most of the time. Shnabubula once made a song with a metal guitar patch that sounded really great until my ears and ass fell out of their respective socket sausages. ansgaros rules.
  7. yes, you always enter and you are consistently great. swimming monkey, ultimate weapon, and of course red burst (fire v. ice month) are my favorites. ultimate weapon, that shoulda won. i thought that was house the first time i heard it, for real. speaking of house, where is he lurking? you know he's cookin up something. musically speaking, of course.
  8. this month's theme is FREE, songs due April 26 at 7pm. send songs to dodsongs@gmail.com think you can make a song in 8 days? here's your chance. my crystal ball says that this month will kick ass. i predict good alternate entries as well. nostalgia metal.
  9. swordbreaker, i listened to your DK month song. I have to say that it takes balls to enter a voice-only track. the lyrics were pretty interesting, though. next time get some sort of backing track at least. i think more vgmixes need vocals. i currently have been playing lots of zyko. know what i'm saying? speaking of zyko, what up? sixto sounds: you know you need to enter. think of the gold cyber-trophy accolades. you could easily win one. wait, if remember correctly, i think you have entered before. anyways....go forth and start learning sega genesis sountracks for SNES vs.GENESIS month! yeah. i wish.
  10. Hey! Cool, cool. I guess the point of this topic is to encourage the people of this community to enter and participate in DoD. I realize it can be kind of a pain in the ass to register on the shizz and read all the rules and stuff. I know that there are some great musicians here that have never entered, including Liontamer himself. (?) I heard that Snappleman 'recruited' a few people from OCR to participate recently. Some names that come to mind are SuprMelO, JigginJonT, and Prince of Darkness. Some of my favorite OCR people are AmIEvil, Estradasphere....I think it would be cool to see them participate too. Really, this post is to get more Genesis remixes!:-PJ/K. It's time for OCR to represent, and also, I'm getting into keyboard more and more each day...hah. see ya.
  11. http://dod.vgmix.com um, I participate there alot. It has produced amazing music. Is it ok to post about this here? I guess the admin of this board will let me know soon. I'd like to say that this competition has improved me as a musician over the last couple of years. I enjoy the relaxed 'atmosphere' of the competition. I would recommend to any amateur vgmixer: check this site out and enter something, even if it's only a short alternate entry. There is decent-sized community there that will help you with reviews or short texts. I sometimes wish that something like this existed here at OCR. Maybe it does, and I'm overlooking it, but I have to say that I am still a bit intimidated by the judging process here. Maybe I'll submit something soon and get over it. The point is, without DoD, I don't think I would have ever come this far musically. If you disagree or agree with anything I've written, please post! Ben
  12. yep, i love the GF/DM series. i've been working on a remix for a long time. maybe i'll post my progress here. see you.
  13. underrated soundtrack.
  14. I would just like to say that I love this soundtrack. and, i've tried to complete a remix, but, i ran out of steam. writing drums is a pain. maybe one day. also, the existing wild arms remixes here are all very good....but, there's so much more to do, eh? i recently got wild arms on my ps3....nostalgia city.
  15. wow, i would love to participate in something like this. virt's song is great, but i always wanted more....more! in the virt song, the best part is the end where it speeds up....the torch going out music, if you will. just awesome.
  16. i've been studying banjo kazooie music for a while now. i've attempted treasure trove cove with electric guitars and it never sounded right. i'm trying to learn piano now, so maybe one day i'll be able to finish my idea for a kazooie mix. i love the music, so it will be a priority. also, if someone wants to play piano, i could probably do drums and guitar for treasure trove cove and few others. unfortunately, i have not attempted the gruntilda song. whatcha think, anyone up for it?
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