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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. this is a cool idea but 'highlander' is a really queer name for it I get the joke but still
  2. neko how is that even possible did you turn everything to SUPER LOWEST
  3. yeah basically basically imagine somebody says that they want a hamburger and michael bay gives them one, except the hamburger bun is made out of poop if the person eats it anyway because they just wanted the meat, ignoring the idea that there are plenty of other people who could given them a hamburger just as tasty except with actual buns they are an idiot
  4. it is kind of hard to hear people complaining when you CANNOT HEAR WHAT THEY ARE SAYING
  5. what are you trying to say that I am a troll because trust me you won't have been the first OCR member to accuse anybody of that
  6. sudden death is pretty bad but it is a necessary thing taking it out is dumb dumb dumb
  7. I thought Soundwave as a satellite was actually a cool idea. The terrible part was keeping him as a satellite for the entire fucking movie. A bunch of nameless, faceless Decepticons descend from space to fight instead of fucking Soundwave? That's just terrible. Also they got the original voice actor and still managed to get his voice wrong.
  8. you are probably an idiot in other ways since you are 16 but you're taste in movies is unhindered I am calling people who liked the movie retarded because it was a terrible movie the fact that they do not agree with me is just a coincidence
  9. anybody who actually likes any of those spoof films probably also thinks that the phrase 'git r done' is kneeslappin hilarious and as such they should be removed from the population in the quickest and cleanest way possible ASAP
  10. congratulations you are an idiot dj mighty should change his name to dj mightydumb
  11. the post is pretty self explanatory you might want to try reading it again and my point was that the idea of opinions being invincible pillars of infallibility is one that usually sprouts out of ridiculously simple minds in order to defend their pathetic viewpoints instead of actually putting forth the effort to prove why they are incorrect transformers 2 was a bad movie, and if you liked it you are an idiot you are welcome to try and prove me wrong, but pulling the 'opinions opinions opinions' card isn't going to do anything but prove that you're somewhere between 12 and 16
  12. shut the fuck up and get your high school 'opinions are great' inane bunch of wishy washy refuckingtarded bullshit out of here I am so not in the mood for any of that moronic crap
  13. this movie was really really really bad what all the retards going 'hur it's just a popcorn flick just enjoy the robots' is that almost every transformers show before this not only had giant robots fighting BUT WAS ALSO ACTUALLY FUCKING GOOD beast wars was one of the greatest show of all time and guess what - they didn't have to pad the plot every five fucking seconds with jokes about SOMETHING HUMPING ANOTHER SOMETHING I can understand if you're grade A retarded and are entertained by the lowest of lowbrow bullshit but don't think any lower of me when I denounce both this movie and your taste in movies
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