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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. I told you about this movie like three weeks ago and I already told you it totally does even though the remnants of sephiroth thing was never really difficult to understand in the first place but whatever
  2. okay no no time travel no parallel universes
  3. yeah there definitely needs to be more sylux
  4. hour long cutscene explaining dracula's origins
  5. guys oh my god guys I should get this game for free because valve would be nothing without me buying their games
  6. actually pretty much all of that stuff was confirmed before molyneux took the stage molyneux only hyped Mylo
  7. other m m other mother mother brain
  8. seriously I almost cried
  9. anything that isn't a platforming game is gimmicky to be quite honest
  10. in other words I may have been wrong for dumb reasons but at least I'm not retarded like the rest of you
  11. you guys are rejecting sixto that's it everybody we're starting an insurrection
  12. I only remember one alternate passage, and it's so cramped that one pyro or soldier effectively nullify any conceivable threat
  13. pretty sure I said it was parts 2 and 3 of hoodoo that were bad
  14. I am pretty sure that the idea of a chokepoint is that there is only one way to a place in badwater there are three ways of going to point a - if you're being blocked on the cart path, you go over the hill either left or right in hoodoo, if you're being blocked you just... watch your teammates run into sentries and snipers over and over whilst the heavy medic charges an uber one of these is good design, the other is not
  15. anybody who does not know why hoodoo is bad has not played past the first stage of it either that or nobody played engineer or sniper on red during stage 2 or 3 basically it's bad because unlike the good payload maps (like badwater) where they were designed to utilize as little chokepoints as possible, hoodoo is comprised almost entirely of chokepoints and sniper nests which is not a good thing
  16. because it was the most popular which obviously does not necessarily mean that it was the best
  17. all signs pointed to it not being raiden just because kojima is fond of retconning everything a billion times doesn't mean you all ignoring evidence was anything less than outright stupidity
  18. 'guys I didn't like these games so therefore they are flawed'
  19. this was actually not that bad until somebody started singing
  20. the damned goes to excessive lengths to prove that every idiot on ocr thinks they can win an argument by calling someone a troll oh wait but several grammar mistakes must mean he was pretty eager to get that post off - I must have pissed him off more than he thinks you know this only really happened with fable, right everyone else assuming that it happened for every other lionhead game is a perfect example of how people will believe anything they read on the internet
  21. the damned is bitter because he knows that it being microsoft means he won't actually be able to pet his pikachu
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