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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. eat a cake make some beats all in all have a good time
  2. is this going to turn into another thread where meteo xavier wanks off about japan endlessly
  3. This is the first ReMix in a long time that I've actually given a damn about - it's a mix that stands out from most of the others, and not because of the production values or the technical ability that seems to be all that matters nowadays - but rather because of the sheer amount of emotion that flows through both the lyrics and the sound of the voice singing them. I can't even begin to express how perfect this mix is, or how inexcusable it is that more people can't produce stuff this fantastic.
  4. taking out hydro because everyone is bad at it is ludicrous
  5. yeah I'm not really sure why brushfire isn't an admin he was one of the best ones
  6. another soundscape is the only good remixer
  7. yeah but see the thing is that cashworks is a terrible terrible map
  8. finally got a hat it's the soldier's stash is this some kind of fucking joke valve
  9. in Pokemon Red I didn't even catch any other pokemon until I caught Zapdos also the damned stop taking pokemon so seriously
  10. <3 also yeah rambo don't ever leave I may not like you trying to ubersaw people but you are still the best guy us canadiennes have to stick together we do
  11. basically I frown upon clicking anything that isn't the 'join random team' button
  12. this basically also I don't care when medics stick to one person (it's what I do with sensai) but it does kind of bug me when they stick to another medic who is trying to ubersaw people I haven't seen anyone do that in a while but I'm just putting that out there
  13. so I just joined the server it was on Fastlane my team had six snipers I didn't even stay for a minute
  14. I once saw Elaserena threaten to ban somebody for shooting grenades over the middle wall during the beginning of pipeline I don't really think that's against any of the rules
  15. you know what I think we were both pretty pissed at that time and as such dwelling on that is worthless - let's just put that behind us all also I don't like being slayed and I think map changes should rarely, if ever, be used edit: I am pretty sure he wasn't talking about canada when he was banned for it but whatever
  16. my compulsion to resist doing shit like this would be how much I fucking hate it when they do it to me - the day I sink down to that level is that day I stop playing the game entirely again, not getting punished for doing something wrong because it's your last day is uh kind of dumb no offense to neko he is a pretty cool guy I think he is leaving to army edit: that's because you're still at fault??? yeah, whatever dumb teleporter shit he was doing turned out to be not so dumb (but still pretty dumb) but the fact that he has been unbanned in the first place after being banned for bloody racism is still basically rofl good jorb admins
  17. hahahaha anyways rambo the point I have contention with is that baha claims to only give admin to people who use it responsibly - and all I see is anything to the contrary (whether it be people abusing admin to 'playfully' kick people or just not using it at all) I may get really angry at the game all the time but if I ever actually had admin I would have the common sense to know when to actually use it i.e to ask if I should force mutes on people who have terrible mics/are yelling/are micspamming or to kick people who are clearly just trolling or hacking basically the best admins are the ones who only ever actually use admin when it is absolutely necessary and my argument is that we don't have any of those at all
  18. see rambo I think you're misconstruing 'thinks that the admins don't deserve to have it' with 'is jealous of the admins' I wouldn't even need to have admins if the ones we have you know actually did stuff other than kickban people who are dominating them or continuously light beacons on each other or do whatever rofl bullshit neko was apparently doing earlier
  19. what are you talking about ducky baha only gives admin to people who won't abuse it obviously
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