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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. well yeah exactly I don't really need to frame you as a false altruist - the strange absence of the voices of the many who apparently support your ideas essentially proves my point since objectivism kind of supports the idea that all of society is retarded I don't really think that it's strange at all
  2. I'm kind of torn here because on one hand, I love anything by bLiNd but on the other hand, I Gotta Feeling is literally the worst song I have ever heard
  3. if I recall correctly essentially you have no right to force somebody to not have fun under the pretense that you're doing it in a heroic fashion
  5. it's not really your desire to win that is wrong as much as it is your desire to force other people to play a game they paid for a certain way if you want to win, that's cool if somebody wants to play sniper, that's cool expecting somebody to not play sniper when they want to because you want to win is ridiculous
  6. hello I don't think that 'rambo really wants to win' is a good enough reason to force people to play a game a certain way
  7. class limits more like nobody is playing the way I want them to make them be a good team right now!!! *tantrum*
  8. class limits more like hey cool the other team has a good sniper and nobody can counter snipe because our sniper is using the hunstman
  9. yeah I count Werewolf Sonic as a separate character sorry
  10. the damned is just jealous that Kanto is so much cooler than he is
  11. class limits are dumb if you don't like the players find a different server
  12. 2d old school sonic now featuring vampire sonic
  13. basically I've come to associate the sentence 'lol just a troll' with the sentence 'bleck is right I must be retarded but I can't admit defeat on the internet I'll just call him a troll instead'
  14. that's because you're an idiot which I think has been pretty heavily established already
  15. you haven't actually tried to dispute this fact which naturally leads me to believe that you can't
  16. no actually this thread is about FFXIV, not MMOs FFXIV, like all unreleased games, has the potential to actually be good I could discuss what they would have to do to make an MMO that doesn't suck but frankly making people look stupid by pointing out how bad WoW is and getting them all in a tizzy is just too funny
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