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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. The update is delayed until the 21st now, so there'll probably be more stuff for the Spy.
  2. if people went in to a movie about giant truck robots fighting each other and expected something different than giant truck robots fighting each other than they deserve to not only be disappointed but probably also beaten
  3. I'm going to go on record here and say that a spy probably has more important targets than the sniper anyways
  4. any good sniper will just turn and headshot a spy trying to revolver them
  5. don't see how that has to do with what I said but uh okay
  6. what is with ocr and its tendency to babble on and on about things or people that they apparently do not like
  7. 'hey if I just call you a troll it should automatically invalidate everything you say!!' gentlemen I present to you the Gaia Online defense
  8. the best thing about when somebody denounces a film as 'Micheal Bay'-esque is how quickly you can assume that they don't know anything about film this reminds me of all those attention seekers who said The Dark Knight was bad just because they wanted to be different
  9. itt Lotd2242 couldn't recognize a good movie if it was a giant cock in his throat
  10. yeah because blaxploitation isn't real acting I heard they passed a law a while back that black people aren't allowed to be real actors
  11. also uh sniper rifle unlock has been confirmed to be something other than a sniper rifle
  12. but if he just wnated a pokemon so he could be a pokemon trainer then why didn't he just ask professor elm for one I mean he was pretty much handing them out
  13. or would just take something more valuable then something that can also be found just walking around outside
  14. yeah guys tyler perry I mean who does he think he is all being an actor and playing a minor role in a film
  15. I have never seen or watched an episode of any star trek publication and I thought this movie was phenomenal
  16. I wouldn't decline an invite from the fightatron because of atmuh I would decline an invite from the fightatron because of all the fags from FA
  17. duke nukem was a mediocre game anyways
  18. oh good somebody already mentioned mischief makers my faith in gamers is restored
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