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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. Does this mean that I can screw with gravity whenever we go to Cyberpunk? Because that would be AWESOME.
  2. Yeah it's pretty much the best song on that game
  3. VOTES ARE IN, FIRST POST EDITED see you next mission
  4. I have never considered Grand Theft Auto a sandbox game. While you always have been able to simply walk around and blow stuff up (which, when you think about it, isn't really sandbox-y at all), the point of the games has always been the story. I still think that Vice City had one of the most entertaining stories of any video game.
  5. I like GTA4 better because I like my games to have a plot
  6. Vista always has and always will work perfectly fine for me. Until I get Windows 7, that is.
  7. This'll be the last bump for this month. Any voting stragglers, hurry it up.
  8. That's not a Super Nintendo. What kind of creepy mirror world is this.
  9. Let me just say that I heavily advise changing the server to 24/7 LowGrav CYBERPUNK
  10. it's not that rock band is harder it's that the guitar is much much shittier
  11. Just letting everyone know, I'm no longer banned. You can PM me the votes instead of e-mailing them. Either way is fine, though.
  12. I was just going to make every single Muse song, but apparently you're not allowed to make copyrighted music.
  13. March is going to be the best just because of Watchmen.
  14. Screw the haters, I think Pyramid Head's appearance in this game was as good as it could have been without having to make the protagonist James Sunderland.
  15. I think Dhsu is a pretty cool guy eh is kinda of a big deal and doesn't afraid of anything
  16. I thought I had done that but apparently I hadn't and I was much too lazy to change it
  17. NO DON'T DO THAT The reason I didn't put names was that there would be no bias in the voting!
  18. [07:38] <yubee> i still know the rules dog [07:38] <yubee> first thing you gotta do [07:38] <yubee> is make someone your bitch
  19. First post update. Votes due by Friday the 31st.
  20. When you submit music to Newgrounds, you automatically agree to let it be used in Flash games. If you're making a Flash game, it's a good place to start.
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