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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. Everyone PM Rambo your top three votes, in order. The entries are in the first post. Can't get any clearer than that.
  2. This is happening to my cousin in New Jersey as well.
  3. I like Hydro. If we're getting rid of maps that random pubbies don't want to play, why not just kill of every map except Dustbowl.
  4. MP3 didn't freak me out as much as MP2, especially MP2's dark world. There was just something unsettling about being in a place where the air hurts you - add onto that the fact that you've also got horrible mutated creatures attacking you from places that, a lot of the time, you can't even see and yeah. It gets pretty frantic.
  5. we can't play gimmick servers because there is always some faggot who doesn't understand that getting flamed/rocket'd/grenade'd while I am a scout just trying to figure out how the fucking level works is PRETTY GOD DAMN RETARDED
  6. I'm only getting this once the Proto Man pack comes out
  7. I'm going to stick to my guns and still say permaban simply because he's been told numerous times by people to stop and it's been part of the rules basically forever. Just because an admin/mod hasn't done anything about it until now doesn't mean he should get off scot free.
  8. rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrghghghhgghhg basically there are people who are very good at mega man due to loads of practice but to say that they are not initially difficult is ludicrous
  9. yeah anyone who thinks that the old mega mans are not needlessly difficult either has spent a pretty long time playing them or is looking through nostalgia goggles
  10. actually if anything halo is basically unimaginative people trying to smoosh together half-life and doom granted the story eventually did become interesting but gameplay wise yeah it's pretty much subpar
  11. stop paying attention to jack thompson god damn
  12. Mega Man Legends is seriously the best Mega Man series. It's not the best in single areas like graphics or music, but it's overall better than most.
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