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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. no actually it's because Bee Guy sounds fucking hilarious waspinator likes being cool biker bot
  2. been playing this and since I've not a history of playing Mega Man titles it's been quite a challenge Plug Man's stage almost made me kill myself but I finally beat it now trying Bee Guy's stage (his name is Bee Guy, not Hornet Man)
  3. I've personally found Brawl Falco to be very similar to Melee Falco - but then again, I played Melee Falco a lot differently than most players do.
  4. If a particular person has a signature that annoys you, use AdBlock. It's a plug-in for FireFox that let's you block specific pieces of media from loading, be it advertisements or images.
  5. Anyone who's played ICO knows that the answer is yes.
  6. Well right now we're skyping. COME SKYPE
  7. I just played against arek and did better than I thought I would Also changed my name to Bleck once I figured out how
  8. I've only been banned once and it was for something that I was asking for unlike atmuh a lot of the time so yeah
  9. I was going to do it when he tried to quit the internet so I guess I'll again say I'll do it unless there are any objections
  10. do I even have arek added I don't know just in case VinPS 0903-2433-7101
  11. I just want Wii Fencing already
  12. Doesn't really matter if you're playing GH4. But yeah, I'm going to go ahead and say that advertisements don't bother me anywhere, anytime, because only silly people fall for advertisements.
  13. stopped caring about this game years ago
  14. ocr mods: the psychoanalytics experts of the internet
  15. no actually most of the companies that make awesome games and go out of business are because nobody buys the games at all because people are too busy playing fucking halo and pokemon WHY DIDN'T ANYBODY BUY PSYCHONAUTS GOD DAMN
  16. um I am pretty sure if anyone is going to expect a ban for posting images of the joker than something silly is going on with the mods
  17. My new goal is to defeat Arek, Atmuh (already done a few times) and Jam. COME ON
  18. I needed a sig because everyone else had one and it's very important to not be different
  19. yeah he got banned for posting a picture of the joker eating popcorn
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