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Posts posted by Bleck

  1. Yea, I read that, but you still have chance in the game that you will get a crit or not. If you wanted to boil the game down to pure skill crits are an unwanted factor.

    Not really. I agree with the concept of crits, but the way that system is implemented (i.e. doing more damage and living longer gets you more crits), it really does tend to simply aid the more skillful players.

    Unfortunately, Bahamut doesn't just kill you a lot because he gets a lot of crits - he gets a lot of crits because he kills you a lot.

  2. the new zelda needs a twist where ganondorf is born a good guy who quests to find the triforce so he can wish for a better home for the gerudo but he has to go through the fanatical religious knights of hyrule who believe that the gerudo people are less than human and are not allowed to touch the triforce and also the leader of the knights is link

    I am not joking that would be awesome

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