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Posts posted by Bleck

  1. I do agree, but would you rather have a fender guitar in game or some made up one?

    Doesn't really matter if you're playing GH4.

    But yeah, I'm going to go ahead and say that advertisements don't bother me anywhere, anytime, because only silly people fall for advertisements.

  2. He didn't get banned because he posted a picture of the Joker. He got banned because he posted a picture of the Joker eating popcorn, which says "Oh boy oh boy I can't wait to see where this thread is going I'm gonna sit back and watch the ensuing flame-war." It's a post that contributes nothing to the discussion. If there's anything that OCR needs, it's less of a peanut gallery.

    ocr mods: the psychoanalytics experts of the internet

  3. Downloading games is how companies that make good games go out of business.

    no actually most of the companies that make awesome games and go out of business are because nobody buys the games at all because people are too busy playing fucking halo and pokemon


  4. [15:31] <@atmuh> i didnt expect a ban

    [15:31] <@atmuh> i dont think anyone did

    [15:31] <@atmuh> and i got a ton of ims from people

    [15:32] <@atmuh> telling me that they thought it was retarded

    [15:32] <@atmuh> heck radical dreamer wanted to fight for me

    [15:32] <@atmuh> i said dont

    [15:32] <@Bleck> yeah it was pretty much the worst ban I've seen yet

    [15:32] <@atmuh> i mean COME ON


  5. It's interesting how hot you are to get rid of them, considering a short time ago you were in the sig request thread asking for someone to add your name to your Dark Knight sig. Change of heart?

    I needed a sig because everyone else had one and it's very important to not be different

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