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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. homebrew programmers have had a fix for that for two weeks
  2. if you're getting sniped or stabbed while wrangling you're not wrangling right
  3. well that and the wrangler kind of broke the game
  4. this should be renamed halo: your squad is retarded
  5. the only fps worth playing on a console is Halo and that's because it's only on consoles
  6. have have you ever played super metroid
  7. I am imagining this and it is hilarious this has nothing to do with anything
  8. bayonetta is one of few games that is pretty much flawless if you just don't like action games than that's cool but if you're telling me you liked DMC but didn't like Bayonetta there is probably something wrong with your brain
  9. nobody had this idea in fact the past two pages were centered on my dissatisfaction with the fact that Super Metroid didn't really have a plot, because if that was Sakamoto's plan all along, there is no reason that he could not have executed it right then and there instead of waiting until now this is stuff you would have known had you maybe read the posts Exactly.
  10. ... how can you even argue about good story when you can't even read
  11. I'm not talking a lack of emotion here - I'm saying it's entirely possible to show development and feeling without a god damn monologue. Anyone who plays video games or reads comic books or watches movies should be able to understand that what makes all three pieces of media great is the ability to tell a story and develop a character without having to painstakingly walk through their tedious explanation. "You can't just have your characters announce how they feel! That makes me feel angry!" - Professor Farnsworth My point here isn't that I don't think Samus should show any character development (although I do think that the particular chain of development that she goes on now is nonsensical) - it's that the method in which they've chosen to portray this development is hamfisted and painful. Do you think that the way I described how it was possible in Super Metroid had any sort of flaw? It would have taken a total of fifteen seconds at most, instead of a two minute cutscene, and it would have been a better way of pulling it off... and it would have actually made sense, chronologically. There's just no reason at all for long, long cutscenes in a Metroid game, especially if they're going to be awfully written and nonsensical. edit: when there is a total of two hours of cutscenes in a video game that takes eight hours to beat, it is really, really dumb to say that it's built entirely around gameplay
  12. there has been no confirmation that the letters were real - which is most telling of all, since Nintendo's lawyers would have responded immediately if there was any doubt you don't send a cease and desist letter and then let them wonder for a week if it's real
  13. Yes! If they had done the character development when they did Super Metroid, it would have been fine, because Samus had no characterization in the first two titles. But then we had Metroid Fusion, and all of the Primes, and various comics, and through all of those titles Samus' personality was shaped into a finalized image in the minds of all Metroid fans. You can't justify taking twenty years to actually define somethi- No, I've got it. You know what this is like? It's George Lucas. It doesn't matter how long he had the stories stewing in his head - it doesn't make any of the prequel movies worth watching more than once. It doesn't make the dialogue any better, it doesn't make the characterization any better and it doesn't make the plot make any more sense. Other M, luckily, has a solid game behind all of the cutscenes. But for the most part, this cutscene bullshit is inexcusable to me. You not only take a shit on what all of your fans believe, but do it in a really, really poor and annoying way? It's astonishing that there are people defending this kind of bullshit.
  14. no actually that's my point entirely picture this super metroid you walk into the room the game displays a still image of ridley appearing followed by a still image of samus' visor another still image of her eyes still image of samus as a child, ridley standing over her threateningly still image of samus' angry eyes still image of battle ready samus and then you fight ridley not only was that FULLY POSSIBLE on the SNES, it would have portrayed THE EXACT SAME THING as the stupid cutscenes in Other M and in a much less intrusive, irritating manner my argument is that yes, there was little previous character in the previous games - and looking back, if that is always what he's wanted to do, there is little to no excuse to not have done it back then
  15. no it doesn't if you step on a bug but then it doesn't die and you step on it six more times and then it looks like it's dead and some time later it pops up again all impudent the only natural human response to this INTENSE IRRITATION and maybe if it was the second time or even the third that ridley came back then MAYBE I would have understood the whole OH NO IT'S RIDLEY I THOUGHT HE WAS DEAD BAWWW nonsense but at that point in timeline there was no reason for samus - assuming she is a relatively rational person - to think OH HE MUST BE DEAD FOR SURE FOR GOOD THIS TIME every previous death had him either exploding into phazon or MELTING IN GOD DAMN LAVA and he always fucking comes back this is seriously just a really, really poor attempt to shoehorn in some character development that should have been put in a game that came out fifteen years ago bullshit nobody in their right mind is going to sit there and tell me that snes games don't have the capacity to deliver a good story
  16. I don't really think that this is a problem it's more that he spent twenty years cultivating what was apparently the wrong character and then decided to delve into it all willy nilly if you want to write a thing about how samus is in actuality an emotional little girl who never got over her fear of ridley and spends a lot of time whining about things to herself than MAYBE you should have done it as soon as possible instead of waiting until you could do it via two hours of UNSKIPPABLE FUCKING CUTSCENES
  17. I will start this post by pointing out that Valve has still not made HL2:E3, and how much that saddens me. If you agree, mark the beginning of any subsequent posts with an asterisk (*). That way, we can silently mark that we all share this opinion without derailing the thread. --- I am so excited for this game but it looks so good I am not even sure if my computer will be able to handle it
  18. in a business dominated by bobby kotick 260k people isn't really that big a number
  19. they've been saying it won't for a while now
  20. dmc3 dante is over three hundred years old
  21. shyamalan hasn't directed a good film in a little over ten years
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