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Everything posted by Bleck

  1. do you think that personally muting somebody is going to magically make everyone else on the server incapable of saying anything about it because that's seriously the only possible reason that idea is justifiable
  2. Actually, I responded as such because his argument is essentially "you just hate creep denial because you're bad at the game." It's probably hard to read posts from all the way on your high horse. Maybe it's just that difficult for MOBA players to not be elitist about things even if they try, but not once did anyone say that creep denial was really difficult. zircon said it was irritating, and I agreed, which I guess can be interpreted as difficult if you're consistently trying to make yourself seem better at the game than everyone else?
  3. sure is getting assholish in here already
  4. if anyone tells you your music is too loud make it quieter don't bitch about people hating fun - chances are they like music but they just hate how loud it is
  5. This is the problem, basically. The mechanic you suggested to replace last hitting sounds like a much better alternative - but even with that, I don't believe that creep denial is something that should be in place in any MOBA.
  6. Creep denial is a thing that rose out of the WarCraft 3 engine being incapable of removing it without significant alterations to the game. It is in the game and you have to work with it, so the strategy is there - but to argue that games aren't better off without it is just pandering to nostalgia. It's the same reason that this thread even exists - people who play MOBAs are too pedantic to maybe admit that some things need to actually be changed from what they know.
  7. I played a chunk of Sonic 4 today and despite being mostly neutral on my interpretations, it isn't really good at all. It feels like a fangame made in Game Maker. Also the music is just terrible.
  8. I realize that, but seeing as though DotA seems to specifically attract worthless immature assholes, I believe it's fathomable that Icefrog is King Of All Assholes. Also LoL is better than HoN because creep denial is a really dumb "mechanic".
  9. actually once my friend and I (both level 15) made an arranged team with the two of us and went into matchmaking all of our teammates were level 6ish and all of our opponents were level 25+
  10. LoL is better anyways. But yeah, I generally tend to not even play very much because I only play with my friends - the thing about MOBA players is that they all think that they are professionals, and they expect you to be as well.
  11. So everything is exactly the same, except in a different, better looking engine. Sounds more like a remake than a sequel.
  12. Chao Garden is actually a pretty good reason to play SA2B
  13. No, they aren't. Sonic 3 and Sonic & Knuckles were developed as the same game. When the developers realized that they were going to go over the deadline, they cut out half of the then-incomplete levels and split them into Sonic & Knuckles. The data entries for the levels and music for Sonic & Knuckles are still in the level select/sound test of Sonic 3. Also, the idea of them both being separate games raises the question - why, then, do all of the Sonic 3 levels already have Knuckles' pathways built into them? Knuckles was planned to be playable in Sonic 3 from the start; they removed him and built him into the lock on feature in Sonic & Knuckles. In essence, you actually had to pay for two games because the developers were too slow to finish it in time. It wasn't 'innovative', it was a last minute solution to solve the problem of "we spent way too much money making this game, we need to make it back somehow". It's especially shitty that the games didn't turn out so great anyways.
  14. Imagine a level in Super Mario Galaxy. From the beginning, you can take one way, which leads into a platforming stage that eventually ends in you getting a star. It is fun and challenging. The other way is a long, straight, featureless path that goes over the other way. There are no enemies, no obstacles, and you get an extra life for taking that way. It leads to the same star. That is what it is like to play as Tails and Knuckles. (I have never played Sonic CD and I think the reason people rarely mention it is because few actually did.)
  15. Tails was Sonic except he could fly over obstacles. Knuckles was Sonic but with a lower jump and the ability to climb over obstacles. Either of those characters were essentially just ways in which you don't actually have to play the game. The Fire Shield was good for sending yourself flying into hazards/enemies/pits. The Water Shield was good because it made drowning impossible. The Lightning Shield's double jump would have been useful if there was ever any walls that you couldn't just run up normally. A lot of these levels are just holding down right on the d-pad. This is only a good thing retroactively in comparison to more recent Sonic games. It was not actually a plus in any platformers of the era, because this problem never actually existed - and wouldn't have if it wasn't for fucking Sonic games. You could only get this by having both S3 and SK, which meant you had to buy two halves of essentially one game. That's bullshit. I'm colourblind. That game can suck all of the dicks. These... don't really mean anything. You do them and you get rings, which is something I could also do by just walking forward through the level. It didn't really need the save system. What is and isn't fun is entirely subjective, as fans of World of Warcraft will painstakingly explain to you. Yeah, if it weren't for Sega, we would never have companies that sell you half of the game and then make you pay for the rest of it. Let's throw them a fucking party.
  16. and let's be honest here you probably only think that because you first played them when you were five
  17. I don't think he had the B/W music up on his account, but I could be wrong.
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