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Everything posted by Mirby

  1. What pressure? I'm just havin' fun usin' those screencaps! XD also I'd rather you did that too. well thanks :3 but i'd still like someone to look over the tracks aside from me. i love everything, i need someone else to look these over also, i just realized... if we look at the FF 25th as Capcom treated SF's and is treating MM's (the year following the anniversary date) then this still falls within the 25th year of FF. yay
  2. -Get my life even more together -Save up enough to get to MAG XII with enough spending money set aside to be comfortable ($20 didn't cut it) -Not buy as many video games -Submit a song to the judges (and get it YES'd?) That's all I can think of right now.
  3. don't worry, there's still time afterwards; you two need it... but the fact remains that the final deadline is soon. in fact...
  4. and i saw all that go down why did i watch that? still wondering why you're so strange
  5. normal/fire normal/electric normal/ice normal/poison normal/ground normal/bug normal/rock normal/ghost normal/dragon normal/dark normal/steel fire/water fire/grass fire/ice fire/poison electric/fighting electric/poison electric/psychic electric/rock electric/dark grass/ghost grass/dragon ice/fighting ice/poison ice/bug ice/rock ice/steel fighting/ground fighting/flying fighting/ghost fighting/dragon poison/psychic poison/rock poison/dragon poison/dark poison/steel psychic/bug psychic/rock psychic/ghost psychic/dark bug/dragon bug/dark rock/ghost rock/dragon ghost/steel these are the combos we lack (reverse them and it still works) wonder which of these will be removed from the list in X/Y?
  6. hey it's that guy!!

  7. And now I'm sad. stupid evil forest at least ff6's big forest didn't petrify people it just had a train that you can suplex also i hope that gets referenced somehow on this album
  8. Customizable window borders including the ORIGINAL border from the ORIGINAL games.
  9. Full 3D, no more sprites, worldwide simultaneous release October 2013. Thoughts?
  10. Getting a shout-out from A_Rival at this set was definitely a highlight of MAG for me.
  11. there were more. this is a lot but there were more hey i had to give props to that, man!
  12. we're replacing the colossus roar with the woooOOOOOOOOOOOP woooOOOOOOOOOOOP
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