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Posts posted by Obtuse

  1. This is a decent arrangement. I feel like you have thought about the notes you want to be played, but you haven't made them stand out.

    Keep in mind some of these elements of music

    Dynamics : This whole piece is pretty much the same volume. Often you can catch the ear of a listener by changing the volume of the notes.

    Space : Everything is legato in this and that can get a bit tiring. Perhaps have a few moments when there is space within the music. Space can make you wonder what is coming next and make you contemplate what just happend.

    Articulation : Try changing up the articulation a bit. Especially at the beginning. I feel like a bit of staccato notes mixed with a quieter dynamic could really allow the peice to breath. When you do 8th notes in the bass, give staccato notes a try.

    I've never written piano music before that was worth a damn so bravo to you for working on it.

  2. Ok here I go. This is a list of some of my favorites ( I have a lot)

    RainbowDragonEyes (



    Bit Shifter

    Danimal Cannon







    Not sure if you'll find these on spotify. Nearly all of them can be found on bandcamp. Also throw the names into youtube and see what you can find. Sometimes live shows pop up as many of them are getting recorded these days.

    There's multiple chiptune net labels that I recommend.



    Pause Music


    This could take forever If I kept going. The world of chiptune is growing rapidly.

    Also Radioshows dedicated to chiptunes:

    I do the 8 bit Power Hour on Mondays at 9PM on www.areciboradio.com .

    Kristina Kaufman has a show called Noise Channel at on Thursday at 10 PM on www.areciboradio.com

    Between the 2 of us you can hear a portion of what is happening in the chiptune show.

  3. if you have a suggestion, please link to it so we don't have to go and search for it.

    Galloping Ghost - Cool Arcade

    Seems far away from downtown Chicago. We could take the train there probably.

    Club Quarters seems like more a place for buisnuess types. At 167 for a room with a single queen size bed, I'm not willing to call that reasonable. We may need to just find a different part of the city to stay in and take the train downtown.

    Also, keep an eye out on this VGL date for St, Charles (a bit outside of Chicago)


  4. So on a quick listen through, here are my comments on the album...

    Some pretty sick 303 action going on in Unrelenting Hate.

    Lots of good head bobing action going on in this album.

    Loving Chasing Sunrays. One of the best on the album.

    New Beginning just made me smile. Love that male vocal sample.

    That groove on Unloved is tight.

    In Your Eyes is really sweet. I love that vocalish synth. The whole track is tits.

    This is big improvement to your older stuff. Keep it up JH. Never stop making music.

  5. This is the first post for the Chicago meetup in 2012!

    When : I'd like to do this in June when its nice and warm

    Things people would like to do :

    Eat at Giordono's is a must.

    Hang out in the park

    See a show?

    Where to Stay?: Last year's Ft. Wayne meetup felt like it was over before it began. Lets grab a hotel for Friday and Saturday night and have some fun. Chicago residents, do you have any suggestions on where to stay. I'm assuming downtown chicago would be the most fun. I'm sure that hotel rates aren't cheap though.

    Who's Going? :


    Drew Gourley

    Black Panther


    Ectogemia (Probably)

    CC Ricers (?)

    Wildfire (?)


    KieranCarden (?)

    (Please post that you are planning on going and i'll ad you to the list)

    This thread was created due to the response of this thread:


  6. Thanks for all of the responses guys.

    I propose 2 meetups. 1 in Chicago. 1 in Indianapolis.

    I've never been too crazy for amusement parks. If you want a Cedar Point meetup to happen, please organize it. Any of us has the ability to organize an awesome meetup.

    Chicago :

    Giordonos is a must. Best Pizza Ever.

    If you don't like driving in the city, I suggest parking outside

    of the city and taking the train in.

    I suggest doing this one in May or June.


    GENCON seems like an obvious choice. If you're in Indianapolis and don't want to go to GENCON, we could even venture out into the city for a big meetup event.

    GENCON INFO : http://gencon.com/

    GENCON is AUG 16-19

    What do you guys think of this proposal?

  7. Flik, you are welcome to drive down and have an improv'd party with me and OA whenever you like. :P

    If you guys were ever to plan something in Minnesota area, I'd love to fly out. Last time I was in Minneapolis I did the funnest thing... Cart Racing.

  8. Chicago or somewhere near is the ideal point for a midwest meetup but strangely there was never enough interest expressed in a meetup there :( .

    I do love Chicago. One of my favorite places is the Chicago Art Museum. I have still never been to the Shed Aquarium. Any other big attractions in Chicago Bahamut?

  9. Too bad this doesn't say Upper Midwest meetup. Then it'd be right in my neck of the woods!

    Not to say it couldn't happen. if booked ahead of time you can get some pretty cheap flights within the midwest. I'm not knocking it out as an option Flik if other people are interested. Especially if there's a big event that should not be missed.

    I am also open to more than 1 meetup over the summer.

  10. So last year's Midwest Meetup in Ft Wayne was awesome. We need to do it again. Wildfire has expressed interest also. Last year we only spent one day and it was a little too short. We had a great time at Video Games Live, eating at a random Gyro place, drinking and chilling at the hotel, IHOP the next day, and a trip to Sweetwater Music.

    In attendance last year:




    Sam (friend of Wildfire)


    Pictures from last year are here ...


    Questions for the Midwestern people:

    Would you like to attend?

    When do you think we should do this?

    Where would you like to go this year?

    Are there any events in the Midwest that we just can't miss?

    Any activities in the area that you think would be a blast to experience together?

    Suggestions offered so far :

    Modus - Cedar Point

    Bahamut,Souliarc - Hangout in Chicago

    Obtuse - Art museum and Shed Aquarium in Chicago or other possible

    Souliarc - Hangout in Chicago, preferebly warm

    Ectogemia - Indianapolis, Laser Tag

    OutSpoken - Hangout in Chicago

    Ben Briggs - Kings Island

    People who have expressed Interest in attending:







    OutSpoken (If in Chicago)



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