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Posts posted by Obtuse

  1. I just backed a project that my old professor built the hardware for. The device is a midi shield that will fit on an Arduino board.

    For 100 bucks(Arduino sold seperately) you can get a device that is like having a drum machine right next to you that sends midi signals.


    This will be a welcomed part of my workflow when it arrives as it is sometimes a drag to sequence drums in software.

    Arduino's are only 30 bucks and are a great tool if you ever want to learn micro controller programming. You can find them here...


  2. Honestly, PRC needs a couple things...

    1. More promotion. As I am typing this Irish asked "what's PRC?"

    in ThaSauce irc channel.

    2. People need to choose sources that other's will enjoy remixing.

    There was a period where people would choose random stuff and I just wasn't interested.

    Since I became uninterested, moved on to other things, and forgot about PRC.

    JH has had great success with JHCompo because of how much promotion he gives it. JH creates a facebook event for JHCompo, announces it on facebook, and even bugs me on IRC when its about to start.

  3. I say get the $159 room. I could reserve if you want. Also, if money is an issue for anyone I can cover the extra if you're hard on money. I'm in a position where i'm not rich, but i can def help others out.

    Also, in terms of games, don't go too insane. Usually at these meet-ups people have so much to talk about that gaming isn't important.

  4. Depending on how expensive the hotel is going to be and how many people are going to be pitching in, I might just drive drive back that night for the sake of cost. It looks like Obtuse is the only who has expressed interest in staying, but we will see!

    It would be way to lame to have a meet-up and just go to a concert together and head back home. I'm sure others planned on staying somewhere but we haven't discussed options of where we are staying yet.

    A night at the Hilton is $150. Split that 5 ways and you have $30 bucks a person. However, i can understand if we don't want to have just 1 room. If you want to sleep you may want your own room. Something tells me that this is one wild group of people. :)

    Even if only 2 people shared a room, it would be $75 per person.

  5. Hey Andrew that works for me with the tickets. If you don't want to do it for whatever reason, I don't mind doing it. I tentatively put in a request for five, $32 tickets and it seated them on the Main Floor, Sec. D, Row X, just to put things in perspective.

    I'd love it if you would take care of the tickets. I'll send you money to your paypal. Just tell me what it is.

  6. Hey Neko, how does the seating work? For instance, do we need to specifically purchase tickets next to each other so we can sit together? Would be cool to see you there this time as well 8-)

    The way normal concerts have worked in the past is that you have to buy all the tickets together if you want common seats. Which means 1 person would have to do a group buy. If everyone were willing to paypal me, I could buy them all or any of us could do the same.

    Otherwise we'd all be buying tickets for one section and just end up wherever we end up.

    Ticket prices range from 32 to 70 dollars. 32 is like the upper seats. This theater looks fairly small so i don't think a $32 seat would be that bad.

  7. I will attend. I'm up in Grand Rapids, MI so it won't be too hard to get there. it's like 3 hours from my house. It'll be later when the concert gets over and i probably won't want to drive home. Shall we stay at a moderately priced hotel? We could find some stuff to do around Ft. Wayne possibly on Saturday, the 5th.

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