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Posts posted by Obtuse

  1. Maybe I should just take the plunge "purchase Reason" and struggle through learning how it works for a couple weeks.

    I use reason and the best thing about it is that you don't learn exactly how it works in a couple weeks. You will easily figure out how to sequence , make beats, and choose instruments pretty quickly. However, the time that can be spent in reason learning tricks, unique ways of routing signal paths, and learning the new SSL mixer is a wonderful experience. It also has only crashed on me once since 2008.

  2. We all want to be posted on OCR. However, don't forget the real reason you're here, to make good music. It takes time to develop good skills. Your music right now is rough, but you have enough creativity to keep going and eventually reach a high level of musicianship to get on OCR. My music is still rough but I am confident that I will get better as I seem to progress every year.

    On to the mix. The biggest problem for me is that everything kind of steps on each other. Think of a mix like a building. On the foundation you have a bass. These are the lowest frequencies.

    On the next level you have your drums, keys, synths (all of these may be in the bass range too).

    On the third level you have cymbals and different harmonics that poke their head out and may make the mix muddy or stand out the way you want them too.

    Apply an EQ to each track you have with the idea of where these sit together.

    Another good trick to use to keep things from stepping on each other is panning. Take this track and pan things to the left or right until you don't feel like. Throw the big pad to the left for example. Throw any melodies to the right.

    It kind of feels like every sound here has the same volume. play with your volume on each track.

    I dig the dub step towards the end. One thing I'm not a fan of is how it is all in both ears. try panning it and EQing a bit of the top end off.

    One thing I am trying right now is putting a low pass filter on everything at around 10 kHz(same as using an eq and using a corner frequency of 10 kHz). It seems to stop unnecessary harmonics from floating all over the place. I then adjust the filters if it sounds like i'm cutting off any high end sounds (Cymbals, a gorgeous synth, vocals).

  3. Deleted post. I didn't see a rule about using the wip forum in the competition. Under reaction from other members of the competition I am taking this down until next sunday. It appears i can't delete a thread.I apologize for the misunderstanding.

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