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Everything posted by SephAguraki

  1. I don't care if the game is groundbreaking or not. It has fast-paced battles and Motoi Sakuraba's music. I'll play it.
  2. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...when it comes out for PC. :\ I think Dawn of the New World might be decent...until Hearts makes its way here...
  3. Guys, I'm getting in a really Tales-y mood. Is this dangerous?
  4. Well damn, I wish I had an eVGA video card...strangely, though, my 8500GT's box says it has 256MB video ram, where my computer reads it at 512MB... in during derailment?
  5. I expect to hear it soon. o: Although, if Sakuraba had done a more Baten Kaitos style or Eternal Sonata style, the soundtrack might have been better. EDIT: I'm a sucker for rehash-esque music... :c
  6. Awww, Tales of Innocence's battle music isn't on there. I kind of liked that one... :c Wait a minute...they put Tempest's battle music...IT'S A FREAKING ESCORT TITLE, EVERYTHING ELSE IS MOTHERSHIP! D< Bad Namco and Sakuraba. Bad. Although, he didn't compose the music to it, either...
  7. There's probably a good explanation for Fighting of the Spirit, such as the spirits have all been fought and still have a pact with Sheena? (Only speculation. Song also plays in Phantasia the same way as in Symphonia) Now a lack of Fatalize is a fuck up. :/
  8. LOL FINALLY IT COMES! I've been waiting forever and 3 months... :c
  9. Fix'd. In all seriousness though...SEVEN TERRABYTES?! Jesus! How the heck do you guys have space for that stuff? Online hosting? Also, inb4 "lol sarcasm."
  10. Not even...a TERRABYTE? 'Cause Fry's Electronics has 1TB SATA hard drives for cheap, last I knew. Delicious space I cannot have...
  11. I'd probably need a bigger hard drive for this...
  12. I had a giggle fit when I saw this. But at least I'm not on dial-up anymore.
  13. This is how fans are made.
  14. Doesn't it getting released on OCR mean it's getting released, period? Or do the judges review the project first?
  15. Where can I get cool-looking (inexpensive, say...under $100) headphones that will cause a full body rupture instead of just solo body parts and/or organs to explode?
  16. Hehe...I just noticed...Kyle said that the Doom 2 project is supposed to come out first...but from the number of replies and forum views...this project appears more popular...
  17. If this project gets released around the same time as Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World...that would be pretty awesome.
  18. Some Sixto on that For Achieve.
  19. I said Star Ocean, not Star Ocean: Second Story.
  20. I'm not 100% certain...but I think they've had it done all along, pretended there were massive delays...and it's actually a Star Ocean remix project.
  21. Wait any longer and I'll be of legal age to drink.
  22. I realized that much, but I still feel like I'm waiting for a game system to be released. A...specific game system that only plays music, and remixed music at that, from two games.
  23. It's...been a week since the deadline was extended a week, hasn't it? I kind of feel like I'm waiting for a game system to be released...
  24. That makes no sense...
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