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Everything posted by SephAguraki

  1. Hahahahahaha! That is correct! And is exactly why I have told all of my friends about this project!
  2. Now we won't see it until 8th generation systems come out... I did notice the name of the thread change, haha. And pfft, prophet, most of my posts are here because I really want to see this project released...
  3. That's what she said because she didn't have the heart to tell you the truth. ;D
  4. You guys have it all wrong, it took six years divided by two.
  5. Shhh, someone messed up the present by going into the past, it took 5.
  6. You are amazing and deserve cookies. If I wasn't lazy, I would bake those cookies myself. And they would be good cookies.
  7. At least Dhaos got warranted a cameo in Tales of Eternia as Sekundes. 8[
  8. This project has now been invaded by Derris-Kharlan and shall be renamed the Democratic Republic of Derris-Kharlan under authority of Dhaos.
  9. Completely unrelated and aimed at those living in the US... HAPPY THANKSGIVING, GUYS! (This is the part where we clink glasses together, and the project is magically released)
  10. Awww...they added ToS2 songs to Summoning of Spirits as a sort of bonus...
  11. What has science done? D8 Also, I love Afternoon Tea with Snappleman's Mom. Terranigma is awesome.
  12. But if if WERE to actually taste like tea, how would one take the music data and make it drinkable?
  13. Awww, that's mean. But I DO love me some Big Blue...good luck with any future projects, then.
  14. Next step: Golden Sun~~? Pretty please with a lemon gel on top? D8
  15. True to the more recent Tales soundtracks.
  16. How much to buy that hard drive off of you?
  17. For that matter, there could be music from Tales of the World: Summoner's Lineage. lol obscure tales games no one (in America) has heard of
  18. Well, I DID recognize Sheena's theme... But I guess I need to go and listen to ToS's and ToP's soundtracks again...
  19. Watching/listening to that only made me realize that I still need to buy the Tales of Phantasia Animation... I couldn't even recognize any of the songs except for Fighting of the Spirit... 8[
  20. Done, and I wish to cry that the project hasn't been released yet.
  21. After playing Kirby Super Star Ultra, I have to agree with this. Add the Heavy Lobster theme to this project, please~? 83
  22. That can be the version that takes place 100 years in the past. Hahaha~
  23. I don't play enough creepy games. D8 Creepiest games I've played are the Half-Life 2 games.
  24. If that game is for PC, I will take you up on that offer.
  25. Every time I do, I get to Dhaos's castle in the future and something happens to a) My data, or my cartridge. Always makes me mad. D8
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