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Everything posted by SephAguraki

  1. That and so I can, you know, find out what happens after Tales of Symphonia. Although, I seriously doubt it won't be as awesome a game as the other Tales for the lack of an overworld...I like overworld music...
  2. Awesome. Now I just need to get money by November 11th...
  3. I remember talk of people doing Ratatosk tracks "if they felt like it", but it'd only be like, another 10 tracks or something. As a kind of bonus.
  4. Hoooooly crap, I remember this. Lol, he wanted to watch his soaps...I think...gawd, I was like...6.
  5. I listened to your Chrono Trigger remix and instantly thought the Great Silver Temple song from Skies of Arcadia...if that helps...?
  6. An ozone grenade launcher? This idea is technically scientifically possible...little cartridges of oxygen sent through a chamber where they're electrified turning the oxygen inside into ozone via a nuclear power source, and explodes on contact. Lol science.
  7. YEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSS!! I cannot wait for this...but it'll be two years at least...probably... >8
  8. It's supposedly not supposed to "replace" the DS Lite. It's a third tier. HAY, REMEMBER WHAT NINTENDO ORIGINALLY SAID ABOUT THE DS? AND THEN THEY KILLED GAME BOY.
  9. I don't have a PS2 yet and I want Abyss and Legendia. Dunno if that's going to happen any time soon... EDIT: So...I was going over the track list for the project...and I saw this: Reuben Kee - Forest of the Treant (My Secret Forest) *COMPRETE* "COMPRETE"...lol engrish
  10. Remix it, OCR process I don't know about how it works, ????, profit?
  11. I JUST looked at the website for this project... I feel sad and stupid now... >: EDIT: Haha, AWESOME WIPs for Iselia, Usa. I really can't wait for the final product now... /emo
  12. Summoning of Spirits beats this by about a month and a few days. And actually, these projects have about three years work into them? I'm only going off the date on the first post of both project threads though...
  13. This "retardation" shall never affec--- huuuuuuuuuuur
  14. We have a winner.
  15. Mint x Abyssion. ;o
  16. So if I glanced over that correctly...the project is done (Or mostly done), but there's no website...?
  17. Oh, right...Presea would be charged with being a pedo... D8< FOR THAT MATTER SO WOULD KRATOS X GENIS OR REGAL X GENIS! /CRUISE CONTROL
  18. Mmm...delicious chain reaction is delicious... Why can't we have some hetero Genis x Presea though...? D8
  19. Wait, you guys were working on a remix project? I thought this was a fanfic.
  20. LOL~ An SMB 1-3 project might be neat though. You forgot to mention Super Mario World...that game has fun music. Anyway, I really anticipate this particular project as well as a few others. Dire Dire Docks~
  21. Well that's a neat fact...the actors don't really have scripts. Bah...I don't know how to embed video...
  22. D8 Aww...Ary isn't on the list of remixed songs...I liked that one...
  23. Okay, I remember a few pages back Kyle was talking about how Fatalize and Fighting of the Spirit weren't on the Tales of Series Battle Arrange Tracks album, and he was hoping they were on the Piano Arrange album. The track list says they're not... /emo EDIT: My bad, he was just saying Fighting of the Spirit wasn't on there.
  24. Don't remix Fatalize or Fighting of the Spirit. No one likes those songs.
  25. Well I heard that these guys like Mudkips.
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