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Everything posted by SephAguraki

  1. Will we see this in the project's release?! EDIT: I hate you Kyle. =/ /wrist
  2. Awwww, but Zelos is awesome. Hehehe..."philanderer"... "Is it something you can eat?"
  3. And you also beat Tales of Symphonia in the process, if I'm not mistaken?
  4. Ahahahaha! Ouuuch...if I had known about this project then...I would've been pissed...
  5. All this talk of the project being cancelled...impossible to believe. Would've made a GREAT April Fool's joke though.
  6. When people stop writing to Nintendo Power about games such as Golden Sun needing to be made into a movie and giving a list of actors and actresses to use. Third game first, and then an anime if anything.
  7. OOOOH! Right right. I see what you did there. I've just gotten into the whole Tales fan-made fighting game scene...got a bit confused there.
  8. May I further inquire about this "Summoning of Spirits Forever" you speak of? Or is it say...a play on the name of the project as if it were to be a game? And I was thinking more along the lines of Mother 3...but that's a really low blow, since this will actually be released...IN AMERICA!
  9. So...we can think of it like a game that's been in development for several years, then all of a sudden went off the radar?
  10. Ooooh, that would be awesome.
  11. In the case of this, I'd rather wait until it's done. On another note, what do you think Motoi Sakuraba would think if he ever heard the project??
  12. But where are the other three tracks?! (I know where they are/aren't, just being silly...)
  13. I think it's actually in the prologue screen of the game...I haven't beaten it either, though. Just got REALLY far, and then something happened with the game (I.E. ROM was deleted by people cleaning the computer, never got GBA cart. from ex-girlfriend, ect.).
  14. Tales of the Hopeful? Since people (Me) have hope it will be released very soon?
  15. Even if there's a nuclear war, I'll still wait for it. 'Cause I'm just that hardcore of a Tales fan.
  16. These right here just made me want the project to be released even more.
  17. When I was at Ikkicon 2 in Austin, TX (I live very close to Austin, heh) in Feburary, I wore my hoodie a few times and someone came up to me and went, "OVERCLOCKED REMIX!" I told him that The OneUps were there and he almost freaked out. I also got to meet Mustin, and even purchased The OneUps Vol. 1 and Piano Sqall's album GAME. That was pretty fun. On a different note, when I went with a friend to the locally owned game store he works at, I noticed that the font used for the OCR logo is the same as an SNES game's logo...but I've forgotten which game unfortunately. =(
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