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Posts posted by EC2151

  1. The whole point of the plot was that the characters in FFXII were just players in a history bound to repeat itself over and over. One of the Occurians saw the endless cycle, got bored and helped the Arcadians, for which he was branded a heretic by the other Occurians who then essentially sent Ashe and crew on a "hit". The party then decides that it's bullshit that a group of "gods" determines the balance of power in the world and wants to give that power to man.

    For a Matsuno-developed title, it's still very Final Fantasy.

    And that totally would have been fine if that was its own world, and NOT IVALICE, which already has its own history, religions, and conflicts that were way more interesting to look at before they just fucking shoehorned shit like the Occurians into there.

    I mean really, what's the whole fucking point of Tactics etc. if it turned out that St. Ajora, the corrupt church, the military powers, and all those weren't the REAL bad-guys, it was actually a bunch of weirdo alien things pulling the strings the whole time.

    It's... stupid.

  2. I have, and I'm about halfway through it right now, once the party FINALLY joins back together. Beaten a few major demon baddies, and hoo boy are they tough.

    Darkesword, I'd say "do yourself a favor, and level up Jusqua to a Level 3 thief." It comes in handy after the half-point as a way of getting some very important items.

    Namely, ribbons. Every boss after Spelvia inflicts status effects out the fucking ass (fucking Asmodeus), but there's an unbeatable enemy in the Animal Burrow (Ogre Bear) that never kills Jus in the 4th party slot (if he doesn't use his area attack). So you use pillage, and boom, you get a ribbon. Or you can make him a level 1 merchant and grind diamonds off of him (just make sure someone in the party is a freelancer).

    But those ribbons are key to surviving later in the game. Because the bosses level up with you, so you really can't grind after the half-way point.

    I think it's the best FF since FFX. And I think that Heroes of Light was more deserving of a numeric title than, say, FFXIV is. It's fun, has great music, the gameplay is varied and interesting, and there's plenty to do.

    It's like the devs remembered everything fun about Final Fantasy games (the adventuring, the dungeon-crawling, the big bad boss fights, and the equipment/ability grind), and put it all into a game.

    And changing the MP system into an all-purpose AP system? Damn genius. You finally don't have to worry about holding on to a shitton of ethers or running out of crucial magic during a boss fight or a long dungeon.

  3. Well I won Legend of Oasis for 20 bucks. This brings my list of stuff I've gotten to:


    Shining the Holy Ark

    Dragon Force

    Darius Gaiden

    Panzer Dragoon Zwei


    Command and Conquer (only comes with the NOD disc. Man...)

    Galactic Attack (OH GOD ANOTHER SHOOTER WHY)

    NiGHTS into Dreams with 3D controller

    Virtua Racing (I bought this with the other two games at the actual used store. So bad it's funny)

    Daytona CCE

    That brings the "want" list to Panzer Dragoon, Albert Odyssey, and Street Fighter Alpha 2 (the one I won turned out to not be in stock. So.... I got a refund. I GUESS that's ok.).

    Like I said, I hope Legend of Oasis is good. The gameplay vids make me feel the perspective is awkward.

  4. Revenant Wings was decent game, and it actually made Vaan and Penelo, you know, characters with importance, instead of what they were in XII. Which was jack shit.

    It was decent like I said, and while it had a good story, too often the game-play kinda devolved into "Rush the motherfuckers and have Penelo spam Curaga". Which in a strategy game, got a little dull.

    Loved the amount of sidequests though (even though the last few are impossible), and I think the final boss is WAY too cheap. He hits you like twice before you even get close to taking out his fists, and already that means your party has 2/3 of its health gone. Plus, the little mage kid is the only one who can actually hurt the bastard from a safe distance, spamming flare, which takes off like 1/200th of his health each pop.

    Great to see some more esper action, though. Some good stuff to be had.

    And I know people give VII shit because it's so popular, and its mega-fanbase is retarded, but Cloud is a good hero and VII is a great game. He's not emo (emos don't say "Let's mosey" right before taking on the big bad), and he's pretty y'know integral to the plot.

  5. n64 wrestling games are the only good thing to come out of professional wrestling

    Dude, how can you even say that when the classic wrestling songs are so damned great?

    I mean, it's like the best video-game soundtrack... but for real life.

    I mean,


    Are you trying to say that watching these guys come in to kick-ass music was NOT worth it?

    You're fucking crazy dude.

  6. Those are rather funny.

    The translation on FFVA was enough to push what was already a high-rated entry in my eyes to my favorite entry in the series.

    Exdeath is really damn hilarious, as is Gilgamesh.





  7. I still think the funniest moments in the entire series are in the GBA edition of FFV.


    Well, I sure haven't spent the last 300 years sitting around munching on pizza!



    Stop right there, Exdeath!


    Um, er, no...

  8. Phew, I think I spent enough money (I put away roughly 120 dollars for building up my library with the intention of not going over).

    This is what I managed:

    Dragon Force

    Shining the Holy Ark

    Daytona Racing CCE

    Street Fighter Alpha 2


    Memory battery

    Action Replay 4 in 1

    My "to buy when I have more money" list looks something like:

    Silhouette Mirage (JPN, the PS version I hear is fucked over in comparison)

    Panzer Dragoon


    NiGHTS into Dreams + Controller

    Mega Man 8

    Saturn Bomberman

    Albert Odyssey

    Those last two are super rare though, so I'm not holding my breath. Hell, Mega Man 8 is pretty darn expensive if you want the Saturn version (don't get me started about X4, but there's really no reason to get the Saturn version over the Playstation one).

    The only thing is that these games go fucking fast online. I found a copy of Astal for 17 dollars complete, and I slept on it, thinking "well I'll buy it tomorrow." The very next day, it was fucking gone, so I decided to get the second cheapest, at $24.

    There is an ebay auction for NiGHTS, plus a 3D controller, PLUS Night Warriors: Darkstalker's Revenge, but the whole package is like $40, something I don't want to spend, even though I'd love to have the big plastic case version of NiGHTS.

    But since I'm not that big into shoot-em-ups (aside from Gaiares and maybe Thunder Force), Darius Gaiden is pretty much plenty for me in that regard (unless I find a cheap import of TFV). That entire list is probably just about all I need in terms of games for the Saturn (because there's a lot of playtime in that little list right there).

    And The Coop, is Legend of Oasis really worth it? I heard it was pretty much just an update from the Genesis game.

  9. See, Tactics, and Tactics Advance are great games, in my book. Tactics Advanced 2 was pretty mediocre. It just felt like a chore to play. And hey, I put 40 hours into it before I gave up. At least the first had an interesting story.

    But, Vagrant Story notwithstanding, all the other games set in Ivalice have made the world pretty damn boring. FFXII is pretty amazing in that it took a really interesting and complex world like Ivalice... and sucked everything interesting out of it. Occurians? What?

  10. Well now that the key is out there, it's not like stopping the original people are going to do anything other than send a tepid message.

    I mean, yeah, that'd scare your average Joe Internet-Surfer who's still huddling in fear of the evils of Kazaa and all those mean internet viruses (and trust me there are still a lot of those people out there), but the hacking community is not really going to be deterred by anything- just look to the ol' XBOX and Wii mod communities.

    Then again, I'll say that the people who hack the PS3 and other consoles are VASTLY outnumbered by the people who don't, so it's not like they can be costing Sony THAT much money. But then again I'm a bumpkin in terms of these economic matters.

  11. Maybe they can make a sequel that actually explains what the fuck was going on during FFXIII

    Because they sure as hell didn't do that.

    Whatever, I'm pretty happy with my Heroes of Light game. Fav FF since FFX. Probably more deserving of a numeric title than Square gave it credit for, considering how fun and great it is.

  12. Man, finally playing it, I find out that I need a new battery for saving, since the one it came with is shot (it asks me to reset the clock every time i start it up, and it doesn't save anything, which is making playing Panzer Dragoon II a pain).

    A new battery is cheap, but I kinda wish the action replay didn't cost 25 buckaroos.

    And thanks for the link Digi.

  13. It's a shame Saturn Bomberman is so darned expensive- I was looking at some videos and it looks really sweet.

    Well, I spent about 90 bucks at this used shop, and I picked up

    -A Saturn + cords + controller

    -An extra regular controller

    -Panzer Dragoon Zwei

    -Virtua Racing

    -Darius Gaiden (pretty much their whole selection of Sega Saturn games... the two other things didn't look that good).

    This same store has a nice selection of Dreamcast games, like Soul Caliber and Daytona racing.

    But that's what I got and am looking forward to purchasing some more come this weekend.

    I'm kinda pissed because my sister shooed me into her car when there was twenty minutes left on my ebay bid of Mega Man 8 for the Saturn. I was so close to paying 13.00 for it... and some a-hole bid .50 cents higher than me and snagged. Fuck man. :x

    Also, quick question:

    2 controller ports seems like slim pickens. Is there a way to have more than that? I heard Saturn Bomberman allows up to 10 people at once, but I don't know what thing you'd need for that.

  14. FFVI is kinda like FFVII. It doesn't really NEED to be remade- It's pretty much perfect as is.

    The Advance port was actually pretty good, as opposed to the IV Advance port which was honestly pretty shitty. I was very pleased (aside from them changing some cherished lines) with VIA.

    A FFV remake would only work if they kept the Advance translation. Honestly, there's no other way you can present a game with a bad-guy named Ex-Death fighting a turtle- too much of a serious tone would ruin the atmosphere.

    I don't know what jobs they could add to justify a remake either. But V DOES need more love.

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