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Posts posted by EC2151

  1. Usually what would happen would be my brother and I would both start playing different files at the same time, and the one of us who was most interested in the particular game would go on to finish it while the other got bored, stopped playing his own file, and just watched.

    This happened with me a lot, too.

    But for the most part, I'm like Conan the Barbarian- I must win the game by my own hand and hear the lamentations of the women.

  2. I don't know, I don't really think the "you should be grateful for anything you're given you vicious little twerp!" approach is exactly the right approach to answer the OP, Mirby.

    It's kinda like Funimation or something releasing a dvd of a series with 4 episodes for 40 bucks, and then saying "You should be thanking us for even DOING this for you! Don't complain!!!"

    It's also like saying to some forum's administrator "Yo, this forum is really fucked up and lags like hell in Internet Explorer and Chrome" and getting the answer "WELL I USE FIREFOX AND EVERYTHING IS FINE FOR ME YOU SHOULD JUST STOP USING SHITTY BROWSERS HUH HUH HUH" (speaking from indirect experience). Though that point is also sort of a response to neblix's first post. In general those type of answers really rub me the wrong way.

  3. are flacs and .wavs really a "courtesy" when after a year or so some MP3s sound so horribly mangled in quality that there is no point in listening to them?

    Or am I alone in that some MP3s I have had after a long time have this weird screeching noise in them.

  4. I put MM along with Link's Awakening and Wind Waker as my absolute favorite Zeldas. There is just really nothing I hate at all about MM- I think as a game it's pretty much perfect, and pulls off pathos and atmosphere without being pretentiously artsy.

    Good stuff.

    I hope the villain (?) that is shown in that new trailer doesn't wind up like Zant.

    You know, looks awesome for most of the game, then revealed to be a total fucking pussy.

    I mean, Agahnim, for as minor as he was, maintained a badass vibe all throughout. And you could FEEL Majora's influence with every single perverted and wrong thing in Termina, and all the suffering it caused, so even seeing Majora's true form as a shrieking schizo child was somewhat fitting. And hell, other villains like Onox, or Vaati maintained some force of intimidation.

    Zant, he just fucking lost it all when he revealed his loser-looking face, danced around like a fool (and not in the cool batshit crazy Majora way), and died the death of a bitch. NOT cool, man.

  5. I see Heavy Rain mentioned here, so I must instinctively plug a game that is similar yet at the same time... so much more. : )

    Of course, i'm talking about Deadly Premonition. It's 20 bucks new. Get it.

    Simple, and elegant. And used very effectively, too.

    A really sad yet sweet song.

    To really talk about what scenes these songs are in would spoil the bizarre and amazing story this game has to tell, so I'll leave that up to you.

    The music in this game is a lot better than what you'd expect for a game with sometimes broken controls and bizarre/boring combat. In fact, the entire game is worthy of praise, because you have never played anything quite like Deadly Premonition, despite the obvious borrowing it does from so many other games. It consistently entertains even in its bewilderingly broken parts (where you can't help but laugh how your car mysteriously veers to the right every couple of seconds, or how you can infinitely collect "The Pickles" brand pickles by walking a few feet away from it and coming back). It's a great game and one that I highly recommend.

  6. I'm sure we all enjoy playing handhelds late at night or something or whenever, on the road or not- I've done more of my old Gameboy playing at home than in a car, I'll tell you that much.

    But those AR card games are looking pretty cool. They alone might be worth getting a 3DS now.

    But those AR card games

    AR card games



    Can't wait to see all the inevitably dirty pictures these cards produce.

  7. Spirit Tracks and Phantom Hourglass are just ok. The problem is that for a large part of both the games it is just incredibly and terribly mediocre. I don't have a real desire to play them again, though I liked Phantom Hourglass a little bit more- mainly because the train travel was pretty slow and boring, and I think that the world in PH was a little more interesting to explore.

    But both games did a pretty good job of sucking out all of the wonder and mythos that the Wind Waker world established. Not so much PH, really, but ST has no excuse for just ending the incredibly engaging world of the Great Sea with some boring-ass "New Hyrule" along with its monster-of-the-week bad-guy.

    While there were definitely parts of ST I liked (some of the bosses, and some of the dungeons were pretty good, and a much more engaging town experience), it on the whole was just kinda meh.

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