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Posts posted by EC2151

  1. I'm detecting a shitload of sarcasm here, but I will say that if you guys want to find a good soundfont/vst/whatever for genesis sounds, what I use is a good start, but its very limiting due to the fact they are sampled, and not the literal synthesis the Genesis uses.

    Which is why I suggest an alternative set of sounds to use to widen the library.

    Why not use both? They both are impressive in their own right.

    Also, if you want to get into some FM emulation, I recommend the program TFM Music Maker, a free tracker-program made by Russian programmer Shiru. It's pretty good, and although it takes some doing to learn how to use, it is free after all, and some of the results can be pretty good if you know what you're doing. Listen to the examples and see if that's the direction you wanna go in.


    Something I made in TFM MM (lul self-plug)

    One of the most awesome things your ears will ever hear (aka the Robocop III theme from the Commodore 64... IMPROVED WITH BLAST PROCESSING)


    Of course, a downside is that the drums lack that meaty super-punch that GeckoYamori et all's stuff contains with their work, but it is a highly affordable alternative and it's pretty fun to use, to boot. It does offer the possibility of making your own FM synths, but that's hard to do (but not impossible- I've done it with lots of experimentation). The presets it DOES come with are pretty sweet though, and can be tweaked themselves. Of course, since it's a Genesis tracker, it only allows up to 6 tracks at once, but that's not too much a problem.


    Here's one that no one mentions, but is JUST as awesome:


    After listening to a few tracks the guy uploaded, I sub'd right away. Yes, I DO know they're midi replacements- he says as much on each upload. But damn are they good.

    Second one has the download link on megaupload, and Ken's Theme also contains a fileplanet download link. The Regression-FM soundfont has a unique sound that is pretty darn fun to listen to.

  3. There should be a remix of the death fanfare because it's the most listened-to song in the game, and it should just be that guy that says TICKETS OOOONLY. NEEEEEEEEEXXXT at ear-crushingly high volumes for 3 minutes straight.

    Come on OCR. I DARE you. Pussies.

  4. 2.5d remakee of a 2d remake of a game that never needed a remake because it is retro on purpose. I absolutely love cave story i played and loved it before it was a fad to like it, but i think this is a bit much. Im glad he's getting to live his dream but uh another game using this 2.5d engine or a sequel would be perfered.

    And i hope they aren't going to add voices and yelps when they jump




    Power shot!


  5. I hated that movie so much I never even watched it all, pretty much as soon as they met master roshi I said "yep that's about enough of you". Then took the dvd out that I borrow from my friend and then smashed it and left it in the hallway of my college dorms. my friend was kinda mad at me, but honestly I felt bad I was friends with someone that liked that movie.



    yeah i would sure hate to be your friend if that means my movie collection is going to end up in pieces.

  6. I'll just say that as a history major, the plot to Valkyrie Profile: CotP really annoyed the hell out of me, especially when I played it coming off of taking a semester of a class on the Vikings, but that's just me.

    For some reason, the whole "I MUST GET REVENGE ON THE GODS FOR KILLING -x- !!!!!" wears thin on me super quick.

    But that's just this guy's opinion.

  7. i mean, yeah, fighting Kabula and Masked DeDeDe is cool, and fighting Galactic Knight is cool, but to me, that's "Garage sale buy" cool, not "pay 20-something bucks" cool.

    And I never really worry too much about the "style" of Kirby I'm getting myself into. I usually play to put a big stupid grin on my face and "d'awwwww"/ :3 every other minute.

    Hell my friend ALSO has Amazing Mirror, and I played that, I realized that 1) I want this game back and 2) how adorable everything was.

  8. Well you can make the argument that the world was in fact the expression of a malevolent entity's evil will and that was actually really dangerous and needed to be checked, but the problem is, like Marche or any of the others never really knew that till far far into the end.

    It didn't help that most of the characters in FFTA were written so blandly (and in FFTA2 everyone is double-bland). I think good writing could have made it into quite the worthy successor to the FFT name. I still think it's great.

  9. I actually love Disgaea BECAUSE it's so over the top and wacky, but it IS, much like Golden Sun and Dragon Quest, everything prophetik does NOT want in an RPG.

    And he means Luso from FFTA2. His stupidity is what made me give up on FFTA2 40 hours in, when I finally had the epiphany that in all that time, absolutely nothing had happened.

    Marche at least had an interesting conflict set up with him and his friends. Luso was just like WELL I'M IN THIS FANTASY WORLD AWAY FROM ALL MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY WHATEVER LOL I'LL JUST HAVE A GOOD TIME WOOO

    Plus the fact that he accepts at face value fighting a giant chicken without surprise at the beginning of the game annoyed the hell out of me.

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